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Who in the blazin' am I?

Name: Just call me Denver like everyone else at my old high school , kay?

Hobbies: (given I have any free time) drawing/sketchin' stuff, watch a hell of alotta movies,shootin' pool, and other corni uncool stuff (uncool stuff are determined by today's people who some how rule the world of social conduct, AKA today's kids! Which means I read a hell of a lotta books and don't like video games all that much!)

Favorite actors and actresses: Nicolas Cage and Monica Potter. Seen Conair anyone?

Favorite hero: Fictional: Rouge of the X-men (though the movie was a big dissapointment for the character Rouge) Non-Fictional: The people who made me who I am, who guided me and encouraged me.

Favorite food: Who in their right mind would put this kind of stuff down?

Date of birth: Trust me, I'm old enough!

Lastly, Yeah I'm a guy.


...I pray to the sun and the sky up above, to the night that cradles me. Cradles me with its own heart...-Unknown