Give that all benefit:

How to properly help all via proper ascending, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

Sermon for all. You are given a key to the Kingdom Of Heaven, as the Christ JESUS taught. You can change in the world the amount that You can change in the world, the amount given that You might change (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on types of thresholds): You can change the Heavens. Would You open it for all to flood in including sinners?, rather be steadfast doing as Christ JESUS.

It is in You to want to help all, Christ JESUS is in You and in all. Technically to help all is to help the self, even so be unselfish and for mutual benefit for all in Christ JESUS. So since You want to help all, here in this Sermon are given to You keys accordingly:

How to ascend into higher Covenants in order to help all properly in Christ JESUS.

Adam and Eve became with the seed of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, and became from Heaven (Eden, with God), into the outcast area into the world.

The key given You is with option to selfishly go into Eden to gain paradise for the selfish flesh (of value, yet rather) as Christ JESUS taught and did to rather be as the Heavenly Father, accomplishing and conquering many higher Covenants of increasing values together along the One Higher Holy Pathway.

It is of benefit to have the self go into Eden, a value for instance is that an Evangelist can offer Christianity that such Eden value come, and for instance it is not bad to see God, rather good [see God / heart (Matthew 5.8)], even if to become overwhelmed [(Matthew 28.4) rather the Will Of God be done].

Here are some benefits doing it the Christ JESUS Way:

  • Gain a key, not only for the self, therefore as to gain multiple keys!
  • All these things (ancillary) Will be added unto You!
  • Others among people and/or among the Heavens might loudly ask "Who raised these [people and/or spirits]", then find You worthy of the honors, so You may further honor God!
  • As You lift Your Flock with Your Keys they better learn the proper path!
  • As You lift Your Flock with Your Keys the Teacher, You, better learn the proper path!
  • As Your Flock lifts others, They gain Flocks, and You gain values, for instance in the Spiritual Heavenly:
  • You better learn the One Direction yet while accomplishing the going and coming to help Your Flock without turning: on the straight-and-narrow; in the world
  • Your new higher values might help in Church, in the home, community, and workplace such as for managing, for sales, and for instance if interested in multi-level-marketing:
  • You gain better understanding of leverage keys, success rate increases, and accomplishing in others that their victories in Christ and Church increase.
  • With Your Flock in Christ JESUS is the gaining of types of systems the Lord offers such as a level of the Heavens offering certain values for offering benefits to others.

    Here is yet another key from Christ JESUS for Evangelists yet also for Your Sermons. Sometimes an Evangelist does not convince a person to repent, as Christ JESUS spoke and it is written in John 5.43 & 44 NLT:

    So for instance perhaps One Of Your Flock Members has a friend who they do not want to offend, so the Flock Member may try though does not provide the convincing story and/or acts that their friend should choose repentance over sins and to therefore go to Church. Yet of the key if You send another Evangelist, that Evangelist might bring to light new hope to result in repentance [new talents new opportunities (Ecclesiastes 9.11)]. If success, good; if not, then have Your Flock move on rather than be unevenly yoked together, of yet another key: be aware many sinners selfishly thrive on stealing from and abusing others (Acts 13.46 with GodMath Testament in great details) including Your Own Flock Members. So lift Your Flock Members appropriately to Evangelism and to more positions in Your Ministry, according to Biblical criteria and within Your Standard Of Grace, Your Standard Of Your Church, such as with clear benefits to lift all yet of prioritizing rather lift Members properly "steadfast":

    Give yet leverage value giving to steadfast men sufficient to teach others

    (2 Timothy 2):

    hence properly for the Holy Spirit In The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS.

    And the latter is become the greater strength:

    Sermon for One.

    Hardly allow Your Church Members be unevenly yoked together, especially the higher Church Position Holders. In the world a given person in symbolic example has hardly any friends, then they become rich with money and have all the friends their mansions can hold as long as their money holds.

    Either You support Your Church or Your Church supports You, and since many conditions apply more properly stated either Your Church serves Christ JESUS, or other (Matthew 19.24; also Genesis 37.25 if with Matthew 2.11). It is for God or for other interests, Your Church is for the Holy Spirit Of God or not.

    Thanks be to You faithful Church Leaders, and thanks be to for the following three verses:

    The Christ JESUS would that You utilize all of the powers given You from above, that the flesh of Your Head praise God, and even that Your feet bless the dust, and in the spirit only, praise God and if any lower part to Your Spirit let it raise and rise that all be found complete in You.

    The New Beginning Series offers that You leap in faith yet to hardly leave the other left undone. Accomplish for them, and of the giving Grace Of God You may find any others have accomplished for You. So let God be in them; ascertain, though rather make certain the Holy Grace Of Christ JESUS is in them, abundant and overflowing so much as living rivers pour forth from their bellies, and importantly so much so that You need not do extra lower mission tasks to "ascertain" as to whether or not others are rich in and toward Christ JESUS as it becomes all so obvious.

    To give that all benefit, is to give to and for One Christ JESUS (Matthew 25.40). Yet for higher purpose in Christ JESUS specifics apply, precept on precept. For example a person may give You half of a cut in half car or may give You a whale liver, and instead of a gift You may rightly view such as offensive. Give to God to learn how to give better; even so, rather give as Christ JESUS taught (John 10.38), so here is a key:

    a person can ascend in covenants according to goodly works (evolutionary rate) or

    a Christian can ascend in Covenants according to the Will Of Christ JESUS (leaps of faith); also

    according to risk a person unawares can find themselves in leadership positions [transitorily (a less worthy might become advantaged)].

    When electing a Pope for instance, or for instance prior to a Christian Church Leader passing away (gravely) the Leader might be concerned as to who might takeover their position; and likewise a person unawares can find themselves in a Christian Leadership positions [transitorily or greater (there is hope in Christ JESUS)].

    So when seeing and hearing the Word Of God it is good to pay attention, to better know what Will come. If You are with time, then time to prepare. The sinner has time to repent, the non-sinner has time to ascend in Holy Covenants.

    God is love, and the love of God is the gracious condescension of JESUS Christ.

    Therefore rather than be distracted, follow through and properly lead with preparing as much as so talented, of missions become worthy; if Christ JESUS wants You to ascend, ascend, if Christ JESUS wants You to lower Yourself such as to check on things, lower Yourself; if to go lower then be not wrongly tempted, so rather seek to ascend for Christ JESUS in otherwise preparing in proper Holy Leading of faithful grace: select verses from 2 Timothy 2:

    If the lower is temporary, then plan and do for the higher eternal; and for now as many face End Time [such as unawares or such as tired of hearing] the lower missions have values [save Christ JESUS already accomplished] for various reasons to be honed, such as for their sakes and/or such as for Your sake, or perhaps even for the sake of a third party such as a witness so that the witness sees how to be good in such a circumstance.

    The more valuable more toward eternal things are such as to be seen more openly ["No one lights a lamp and puts it in the cellar or under a basket" hidden (Luke 11.33)], Christ JESUS already went lower and even died for Your sake, the ancient is overcome in the New Logic, the past is done as Heaven awaits You.

    So if to lower Yourself to raise a Flock Member to a higher position, do so hardly of condescension and rather for higher purpose in Christ JESUS, for higher Heavenly Realm Level that You be enabled to give such freely unto any other hence in Christ JESUS to therefore do so properly precept on precept / worthiness in You. And that worthiness is a limit, for instance You do not announce improperly that a careless entity is King Of The Moon, because Your worthiness is delimited, that is, Your authority is hardly so worldly such as over nations and/or tribes and/or Moon legalese..., and Christ JESUS is hardly about such giving of the Moon [to a person to randomly change rather for all (Psalm 104.19)], so You only announce as God sees fitting (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Matthew 20.23).

    If to raise a person to be King Of The Moon or other position of value never before witnessed on Earth much or at all, then to perform as a leader, yet with proper honing in Christ JESUS to lead as One Christian Leader (reference similarly previous ICCDBB Sermons on "true [or false] Prophets"). If for instance to be over the Moon, then of pertinence are all ancillary matters such as the reflective light and such as the surrounding gravitational forces.

    In higher Covenants, then per given, such as per a given talent, You can utilize Your leverage key to modify all ancillary matters.

    These ancillary matters bound on Earth can be likewise bound in the Spirit as done of Christ JESUS and others ["like one of us" (Genesis 3.22] with Matthew 18.18):

    "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven".

    "I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he" (Luke 7.28).

    In higher Covenants, You can modify the glory of ancillary Covenants, and Biblically therefore if to give a competent worthy person a higher position appropriately, they You may opt to improve also the value of said position as much as appropriate. A Member can have value that the same Member can augment in the Lord, also a position can have value that You or that same Member or that another might augment: augment x augment = leveraged value(s).

    In lay terms, if to place the wrong person high of Your Church Position(s), then to lose Church value rather than gain (reference Drawing below). Keys not only open, keys can also lock: precept on precept (Daniel 12.9).

    Another key is given concerning the infants and similar, from Moroni 8.11 with the following:

    So a young child is without having heard Your Preaching of laws and greater in Christ JESUS, therefore innocent of law, ignorant of law, of reasonable innocence therefore much more than worthy excuse [(pertinent to infants and the very young and accordingly: precept on precept and not for sin nor crime) reference pardons, mercy of the court...] as excellent visitors unto the Church [(Church criteria is applicable) perhaps concerning crying or smells during Sermons (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on JESUS under Parents & bottom Drawing purple curve symbol)].

    So little children without anything from which to repent [(save if to repent for others / Judges 21.6) "And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother"], and so the little children are pure as Angels in the Heavens. Therefore the key is the following:

    if for instance a parent in a family sins and is mean to youth, then if to add another sinner into the family it would be to not improve the family and of former logic would decrease the collective value of the family; yet if to add a newborn into the family it is to increase the value of the family, hence reason to protect the youth; furthermore accordingly

    many evils and troubles will come (Deuteronomy 31.17) and good overcomes evil (Christian Bible), good comes from good (Matthew 12.35) therefore protect the youth from the self parent and from other dangers in a key to protect the self,

    that is, similarly a person might be thirsty in a desert without water, though if they help a helpless barrel be properly positioned and helped, then the barrel might catch rain; for instance a person might come to visit to see the newborn and provide gifts [(Matthew 2.11) or if the baby received not proper care then the baby might be taken away and the parent sent to court.

    And now another yet higher key is given:

    In other words the "key" is that You leave not undone the important part to pray for Yourself [(example: Matthew 6.9-13) all inclusive including the self]. Public Judges and Officials are over the public laws, yet You Christian Leader are over the Law Of God (as much as is) therefore it is more important to pray that You run such position properly, over the Law Of God, and over the Physics Of The Universe That God Created Of The Grace Of God, and do so in the Holy Spirit Name Of Comforter JESUS The Christ.

    Another point with such, being to hardly operate as the worldly past, event after event, rather on higher over higher, Covenant on Covenant. Of the Heart Of New Logic In Christ JESUS wisely understand the next thing to happen to You is Holy Prophetic and of greater value than the things toward worldliness prior: it is a key.

    Below is a disgusting pic of a dog, friendly or about to bite an infant: You are free to be disgusted if You want though rather than be disgusted view the higher more important Heavenly aspect(s), such as Heavenly Enlightenment. For instance have Heavenly Sermons rather than dwell on ideas of hell and dogs though unselfish as to what You personally want in personal comfort, be rather caring as to what Your Audience needs and wants, so You therefore may rather opt to guide them through the valley of the shadow of death and such; yet hardly toward tempting and rather to properly lift them and with such great value, to become better able to offer higher Sermons that they might newly comprehend.

    There are priorities in the Laws Of Nature Of The God Of Physics (examples are shown below),

    with similar applicability to the Spiritual Realms, of the Grace Of Heaven Of The God Of Grace.

    Do not let pets nor other creatures eat Your Children. How to overcome both per law, and gracefully as God does according to the Bible: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

    Christ JESUS expounded Heavenly precepts, such as precept on precept. So in the above Drawing, bottom to top, is that an animal has value so a human should not lose value that an animal win; likewise concerning inheritance, to love humans is far better than to love animals (there is Holy Judgment), also "there is one flesh of men, and another flesh of beasts" (1 Corinthians 15.39) and animals are more readily convinced in hunger pains, and of non-Christian carelessness; verily an empty high Church Position (see previous ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Sleeping For Us) is better than putting "reckless scoundrels" in charge though if an emergency a temporary and/or limited empowerment might be considered [though reference (Judges 9.4)].

    Christ JESUS would that Your Entire Flock and greater move up into higher Heavenly Covenants though the first part is to properly agree with / overcome the law, the mandatory Law Of God, the Law Of Nature, the Law Of Physics, and with it including the Law Of The Greater Unseen Holy Spiritual Realm (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on spirits in things and in Heaven); and with such as much as reasonable unto Christianity to obey laws of civilizations and in other words it is the proper interpretation of same.

    If given Precept #1 and Precept #2, and if Precept #1 is higher and more valuable than Precept #2, written in this case with higher value to the left:

    Precept #1 / Precept #2;

    then of grace Precept #2 can be placed over Precept #1, though if of law (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on types of thresholds) then Precept #2 is not to be placed over Precept #1.

    How important is Your personal Work in the Lord?, consider that most of what You know about the Lord Christ JESUS is contained in about 24 pages of text (not counting things written in Your Heart, nor things heard in the Spirit). There are works that reveal miracles that help You know what to do (John 4.48), and there are other helps, yet it has been witnessed the "Bible Book Of John" is the "Foundation of Christianity" (example quoted from, and the Book of John is only about 24 pages long depending on the publication. The Way Of Christ JESUS is only about 24 pages, and while Christ needs not help, help Christ.

    There are three other Gospels, though similar to the Book Of John. There is the Book Of Genesis, and yet the Book Of John offers another help of pertinence. JESUS the Christ did not talk much about Genesis, and rather spoke more of Isaiah and the higher precepts and principles: per se, why there was Genesis, rather than that there was an event (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For JESUS on laws toward after-the-fact). It is Your forthcoming design work, planning, positioning the powers that be, and with the proper utilization of spirits and tools for the Lord Christ JESUS that harvest the greater value making hope for all.

    There is a proper foundation of the Holy Spirit found and exemplified in the living Christ JESUS. The Book Of John revealed the Spirit Of John: let Your higher Spirit be revealed.

    Let Your Flock be guided unto all worthiness of the higher positions as much as reasonable and appropriate in the Lord JESUS, that their One True Spirit In The Lord JESUS Christ become known abroad, appropriately loud and clear (rather than as a careless noisy thief in the night, and rather than as a drifter that perchance wandered into Your midst and found a place to backslide).

    The Book Of John, 24 pages, is a key that impacted lives for 3, 4, and even more generations. Let Your key be eternal.

    In the Drawing below top center is a triangle with God and Christ JESUS, and just to the left is a similar pattern yet augmented, uplifted according to You, according to how You raise Members within Your Flock.

    Previously God met with Priests in the Holy Of Holies in the Old Testament, as God had appointed the Levite Tribe to serve as Priests.

    In the New Testament Christ JESUS appointed the twelve Disciples, having fulfilled the lineage requirement(s). So Christ JESUS became free to appoint others, in addition to the Priests Of The Temple Of Jerusalem and ancillary elsewhere (see Menorahs below), as the tradition of men of flesh had been fulfilled as to the blood lineage.

    Like unto the freedom of Christ JESUS, now You as a slave to Christ JESUS, as a slave to the Good Work, as a slave to that same Freedom, in the Holy Work Of God, You find the true, steadfast in love, reliable Members to serve as uplifted Position Holders Of Your Holy Church For Christ JESUS.

    In other words, hardly according to the flesh, even though Christ JESUS came in the flesh including in normal flesh and including after death living flesh; You did not require the Members to die and yet You raised them (Positions), even though they serve in the flesh. They serve in the Spirit Of Your Church In One Christ JESUS, and yet in the flesh from the living to the higher living, responsibility on higher responsibility, precept on higher precept: from flesh to flesh and yet with progress in the One Holy Work Of God.

    Many a person has waited for their own death so that they can enter Heaven, yet look what You have done.

    Nothing to do with death.

    Christ JESUS already died for Your Flock.

    Perhaps You have multiple Churches, two are symbolized on the larger Menorah below, living Christ JESUS is applicable to each and all, it is a key.

    And now another key is given as You may "want" to uplift others, it is written "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 32.1); and yet "Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ" (Philemon 1.20).

    Given that the Lord sufficeth all Member needs, unselfishly consider too that God placed You in Your spot to also Work One Holy Work that Your Work help supply their needs, and You In The Lord sufficeth ( Therefore of this key You responsibly uplift them hardly according to each flesh as the ancients did, the former logic ways of the ancients served certain temporary purposes but those former ancient ways became obsolete in Christ JESUS [(Matthew 5.33-44...Aramaic) of vehicles black, white, big, small, Sun, Moon,...though contingencies apply such as in reference to Your Standard Of Your Church]. So rather be uplifting according to their precept worthiness in the Lord according to their Spirit being properly fitting unto a given Position: that their Soul be in proper agreeing and doing with the Lord JESUS. Ascend properly and the Lord Will grant You an even more excellent Way of pertinence according to the timing of the Lord.

    Civilizations / Leaderships Upgrade Notes:

    In order to help others relate to not only the change from Old Testament to New Testament,

    yet also from New Testament to Mormon Testament the word "vehicles" is utilized / context.

    The ancients were toward hunter-survival (aside from things viewed by them as miraculous),

    so the ancients applied former logic against both animals and the people of contrary ways.

    The Old Testament guided pertinent to their worthiness, such as with the Leaders being the

    Chosen People attacking and killing contrary / backward people in the Promised Land Of God.

    The New Testament distinguished to convert people rather than kill, people are not animals.

    The ancient vehicle was the boat vessel, and Mormon Testament going from land to aerospace.

    Likewise of spirits / Covenanting the Civilized went from deep self to outreaching for them.

    The lower part (GodMath Chart 1) is evolutionary rate, the rate the tail is benefitted, and

    the higher part (see Drawing below) as much as the tail vessel would opt, ascends Heavenly,

    hardly as if interchangeable parts, save as though counted as such on each Covenant level.

    So it is each personal Soul, and with each Holy Position, that sufficeth in Christ JESUS.

    Likewise it is each Civilization parameter, and via each Holy Leading / Christian Churches, that sufficeth in Christ JESUS.

    Likewise it is each Holy Spirit Covenant, and with each inclusive ancillary outpouring of Holy Spirit, that sufficeth in Christ JESUS.

    The Bible explains that if the Christian Churches fail to lead properly, then such may lose even what it seemed to have, and given unto another.

    In pertinence if the Christian Churches do not lead in religion, science, entertainment, and each and all fields and areas, then there is risk. As the previous ICCDBB Sermon detailed "It is better to have Church allies, than to form any enemy requiring Your Church to be on watch and against which to defend".

    In pertinence to the ancients were specific Holy Precept gifts more pertinent to the ancients.

    In pertinence to Your future generations Will be specific Holy Precept gifts more pertinent to the future generations.

    Now here is another key, to unselfishly raise Your Members in the Lord, and this is specific to the rate of increase unto establishing and filling higher positions. Hardly seek to overwhelm a Member with a Position new to them and force them to take and hold that position (save emergency needs that a Member simply do their best), that is, do not improperly put a person to a task too tough for them to handle nor a task that accordingly might cause them to stray (1 Corinthians 10.13).

    While God Will protect them and their household, many situations can come against them (Acts 16.19-31) so reasonably (and within Your Church Plan, Position parameters, and general interests) try to see to it that You and/or Your Position Holders check on ancillary entities and operations from time to time, such as to give helps, receive feedback, check on delight, and/or other. Keep in mind that You have priorities and yet JESUS Christ is comprehensive and went lower for a time.

    In the Drawing below it might help to view top left to bottom left, then toward center then up, and then the matters of the flesh that can be manipulated to assume some of the work of the heart, that the heart and spirit manipulated flesh and the blood function properly together toward Oneness. Similar to this idea is the eating of Old Testament Bible foods, that Your Members have healthy living bodies.

    Measure the lower values, though God places values over You hardly to be measured

    as things above can hardly be comprehended by the less able per se, save miracle glimpse.

    Why and how to overcome the Old Testament to rather follow the path to righteousness, to rather properly lead via applied higher Christianity, to rather serve as the God, the Holy One Of Israel: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS: science, ortho-cellular-physiology, ortho-heart-support medical values

    Christ JESUS offers benefit incentives for each and all. Of typical natural means: since the successful sperm penetrates and then dies in the egg as it releases values, the male hardly continues in the flesh, as of former logic compared to females, so above upper right is that males need to be grafted into Christ JESUS, yet of greater incentive, lower left, females stand to gain even greater value(s) if to be grafted! Continuance in the flesh has value, grafting into Christ JESUS and rather Oneness in Christ JESUS is the greatest value.

    Christ JESUS spoke much of the heart and heart related values such as medically illustrated in the above Drawing. The above arm valves agree with the heart and blood flow though are of another time. They are associated with a different blood flow rate, yet are members of the same body functioning properly together as One In The Christian. Together the do far more than brain gap decision making (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on "gap", and previous Sermons on light switch, coin flip, and Biblical casting of lots).

    The heart and the above valves deliver living entities with living spirits as One. Far more than a decision, a Christian might flex their arms and toes if they are cold, so not only of inert things [dead in worldly logic (though also with living spirits of New Logic)] such as cold carbon dioxide removal, and not only of cold fluid removal, there is also a living blood cell sharing the warmth exchanging heat personally, giving of itself.

    The lower covenants of "gap decision making" is as a person's satan sifting / filtering the person, chopping the person apart in case there might be found any chaff, dross, or unknown value (Luke 22.31): therefore if with a vital high value then to lose it. Rather let any cleaning and sifting be done properly for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

    For instance if a woman have unfertilized egg with pertinent blood (and similar counterpart in man) and it be not utilized for higher purpose it is to be cast out (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS "Holy Spirit" bottom Drawing egg graph), preferably at the appropriate times and places, for the sakes others and all.

    So the lower covenants also often include the living entities including in former logic, including of humanoid characteristics and Your Church may want to further specify and as stated above this Drawing "Measure the lower values, though God places values over You hardly to be measured". In other words, many things today, many ancient people could hardly fathom in such intricate detail systematically for One higher purpose, as You can do today. So now Your Flock can unravel far greater mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven. So what is Heaven?:

    To learn the Higher Mission Path, rather than wavering from high mission to low mission to high mission to low..., is to learn the Holy Constant Of The Universe 100% vested in Christ JESUS. And given time, the lower missions agree, for their sakes.

    Yet the Bible often states there are seasons, so an end of a season that the next may start.

    Christ JESUS often states there is an end of a time that the next higher value purpose may start.

    Moderately low Covenants are to give of the self and do as a proper blood cell [(verily a dog cell or worm cell does as much) so also] and with giving of the self for much higher purpose, for ultimate purpose, for Heavenly purpose, for Constant purpose, for Eternal purpose, for Christ JESUS.

    High Covenanting is of all these things being added for their sakes, rather for One.

    For example with the first airplanes pilots went to tribes that had previously been cut off from advanced civilization. Some pilots were treated as Godly, as the pilots provided tribes with advanced materials and devices and awareness of the technology of flight, and most importantly hopefully they seeded Christianity (John 14.12).

    You now Christian Leader are that pilot.

    Now, for examples a secular scientist nourishes a heart with success and another secular scientist removes a heart and installs another with success; in pattern a company builds a company and profits, another company destroys a company and profits. Such things happen, though not all are for the greater good in Christ JESUS. Much of Your work is already done [(all has been prepared for You in Christ JESUS) yet speaking of the Path To Heaven], there are important specifics to be accomplished in Your Flock now, and Members of Your Flock may find benefits in so lifting such information and values unto Biblical agreeings, such as perhaps furthering Church policies. Yet let the results be Christian Biblically / Christ JESUS rather than bias toward secular values [don't make God angry (John 2.16)].

    In the above Drawing to the right, You might have Members anxious to apply higher Covenanting values to the depicted lower covenant details, for Church policy and/or to properly categorize in the Lord, along the Holy Path, as toward the discerning of spirits that future benefits / actions might ensue.

    In the above Drawing top center is a "Righteous" triangle, and to the left of it are some results, that the Holy Work of Christ JESUS in the Father in the Holy Ghost yielded an uplifted harvest [as of You benefiting others (Your anointing and uplifting Members to positions)].

    Because You can lift others, You are a symbol unto them that they too can lift others properly. Though hardly let any of lower covenants intervene, rather than let new Members splinter Your Church unto secular fads, as noted above the Drawing "as things above can hardly be comprehended by the less able per se"; therefore let the higher benefits and gifts go more toward the more proven as being worthy in Your Holy estimation Biblically in Christ JESUS though hardly toward excessive legalese (Ruth 1.1), also leave not the others undone, benefit all Members and the greater unseen.

    God would that each Member Of Your Flock not only help Your Church Heart as is a vital key of their faith, yet also help all (see muscle in above Drawing) as their eternal key.

    God has therefore given time that sinners repent, yet this key time gift is also for each of Your Church Members that each utilize the gift of time as their Church Position requires, yet that above and beyond (light burden) ascend unto higher Christian Leadership Covenant Positions in Christ JESUS, whether seen now among the Flock or not until such Members are lifted. As it is written "help all":

    August 18, 2016 AD




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