Christians Make Things Grow

Christians Make Things More Valuable

ICCDBB For Jesus Christ Sermon

Christians Make Good Things Grow And More Valuable, as Christ JESUS taught and did and teaches and does, even now at least in One Holy Spirit Of Truth.

Many deny higher values, such as on the pretense so as not to boast on the self, but if to follow through on their unique self plan then they would cut off their own head so as to not offend their feet. There are Christians also that fail to report higher values.

Christ JESUS has a better plan and it agrees with the physics of God. This thing, the physics of God, means if a person sins then it is worse than a person trying to swim against a rip tide current, yet if a person makes an small extra effort at the start it is better than their former self so they are better able to save others from drowning.

More than helping the self for mutual benefit, it is the proper mutual defense and mutual rise and growth in value that is key, from threshold to higher threshold.

More than time and space, it is Your Christian growing that matters.

The sinner cannot travel through the desert 40 years, they cannot haul with them enough food and water, they cannot even lift the containers. So how can the Christian do it?,

The Bible has the answer (Christ JESUS) and The Bible has the specific answers now. For instance if to travel to Orion and the Pleiades (Amos 5.8) a defense against lack of atmosphere is a spaceship for the souls (Mark 8.36). The Bible describes such a spacecraft design to carry a new civilization of people three times the size of Texas making it so big it has it's own powerful gravity, hence at it's core is hot pressure [plasma (multifunctional)] and so the "hot" could supply energy to the surface and the "pressure" could be the means of getting the energy to the surface and moving the vessel through outer space, it is called New Jerusalem (The Prophecy Bible page 1913). Along the route are planets so full of supplies such as fuel it is as a wonder that the planets have not as yet exploded.

But people including great Christian Leaders deny, such as to deny their own ascensions into high positions such as Amos having claimed as if to be no Holy Prophet and yet he "prophesies" (Self-Prounouncing Edition The Holy Bible RSV page 6 of the Summary). Would You deny Christ?, rather be Christ JESUS the sum of the Holy Prophets and mankind and greater.

A defense against outer space and growing in the Spirit Of Christ JESUS along the Way is as a flower that grows unto higher purpose (evolution), yet rather be wise to distinguish the higher gifts of God and so carry-to-deliver. Greater than bank and credit records going to the shredder, hold to things most precious rather than destroy. Guide things properly that barriers become helps along the Way for the sake of Your precious priceless Followers, Your greater unseen future Holy Flock, the Sheep Of One Christ JESUS. If there is travel in the flesh to distant stars, then hardly for now, it is for the future. If for the future, then make such for the better. If to teach the better Way, the teacher also learns and is entered into such betterment, such increase in valuation.

The great Book Of John is less about birth, infancy, Baptism, temptation, transfiguration, and actual deeds of the flesh of Jesus, and rather of who He was 2,000 years ago, what He stood for, and what He would do for those that loved Him and believed in Him (ibid. page 7).

Shown below is Mary Full Of Grace With Husband Joseph And The Christ Child JESUS (The Leader Over The Angels Of Heaven even when interpreted as on a lower mission for their sakes save it be One higher Holy Mission). Similarly below this Drawing is another Drawing, the top Drawing is like unto the first three Gospels and the next Drawing is like unto the fourth, the Book Of John, and in it is shown vertically from the living Word Of God precept on precept with preparing unto conquering threshold over threshold, that the greater Covenant over the greater Covenant be in You With Your Flock, Your Civilization, Your Universe.

All these are found in Mary, found in Joseph, found in Christ JESUS, and found in the physics of the God of faith, growing, caring, loving, blessing, lifting, and greater.

In the previous Sermon, 4 Civilizations, lower Drawing defense in Christ JESUS was explained, that rather than former logic weaponry, higher Covenants provided defense and much more than defense: growing civilization(s) better:

There is a perspective You have. There is a higher perspective God wants You to attain and have and give.

There is a higher Spirit to give, like unto a parent reading the Bible with their child. How else might they learn to build a spaceship?, even so, rather help people learn to do the higher Will Of God. Don't leave it to sinners to teach (this does not mean drop out of secular school), don't leave it to slave drivers, don't lose Your Own Soul.

Guiding unto Holy Grace involves both their pure defense in God and their growing eternally (Genesis 41.52), so these work together as One.

Likewise the spirit and the blood and the water agree.

Christ JESUS at the Last Supper offered a sop, a new beginning arrangement, the new arranging to fear the Lord rather than to fear persecutors shifting blames. The bread and the blood (wine) agreed in the sop: too much bread and too dry a Sermon, hard to stay awake; too much blood and too sloppy and it falls apart: even so Christ JESUS constantly [(Jude 1.20) for Sermons toward maximum, or all (in consideration of the seriousness of the situation)] yet if for their sakes then some toward minimal worldly examples to help the Flock (see ICCDBB on "waves of" enlightenment / levels of understandings for One higher purpose).

In other words, God did not make each person to be born of the flesh to be named Jesus yet God did make each to become the Christ JESUS of their own agreeing to be lifted via Christ JESUS In You. It is that a person properly see that Christ JESUS is in others, and not to confuse it is also that each as One preach to every creature even every living spirit. So these agree, to be born in the flesh (Abraham) and to come beyond the flesh as the flesh is hardly life rather living and growing is of the greater unseen in the Holy Father in the comings and goings of Christ JESUS, and Christ JESUS has already fulfilled the repentance time, and it is Your One turn, even as Mother Mary has fulfilled Her talent in her repentance time.

Growing in bread and wine

yet as is proper and not toward carelessly hindering the to be born nor helpless child (Isaiah 28.7).

Mary and Joseph rear Christ JESUS

Immaculate Conception, blessed Chosen vessel virgin Mother Mary whose Soul doth magnify the Lord with Husband Joseph, Baby JESUS the Christ child through the formative years to age 12 years old, illustrated for the benefit of all via ICCDBB for JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS had the Angel inform Mary and had another One Angel tell Joseph to flee to Egypt with the Family, then later return.

Christ JESUS made many trivia things of earlier times that had been hard, complex, and difficult to comprehend, clarified and with such clarifying the simplifying of the understanding of the Way Of God. The former trivia has continued in people that choose to be selfish, while the New Logic is with the Christian. While each formerly considered trivia item has had value, the higher gathering for the Lord Christ JESUS offers the far greater precept value (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on gathering and on "the sum of it's parts" and on "the Way" of God). In reverse logic in former logic if to try to remove God from secular education and law and other, then to face those results, such as to remove some of the clarifying.

New Logic is for Christ JESUS therefore there is no removal of clarifying as in reverse in New Logic is found God is beyond the created Alpha and Omega.

With New Logic clarifying for others (even with mutual benefit), there is a defensive system (see the above on "grace" and see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on thresholds). In former logic as if alone, a person and likewise people are allowed to choose whether to attack, defend, or do other (Luke 21.20 & 21).

In New Logic rather than crucify (Matthew 25.40) offer greater for all: God is in You according to the Will Of God And With Holy Covenant Purpose. So if former logic is not interested in caring about thresholds toward Holy Covenants with God via the soul of each person via Christ JESUS His Only Begotten Son, then defense became strong delusion unto them as a flip of a coin [a coin of less spirit value than a person (2 Thessalonians 2.11 with Ecclesiastes 9.11)]. Of New Logic You are free to grow from Holy Planning (such as to properly attack) to Holy Preparing (such as to properly encircle a city) to Holy Attacking (such as posting Christian signs announcing Your Christian Church to the city, and such as with messengers with the media) (Ecclesiastes 9.11 with Deuteronomy 2.24). Or of New Logic You might have little with You save the Word Of Christ JESUS and do with almost nothing secular on Your journey as Christ JESUS said to do (Matthew 10.10).

Perhaps You would take gifts?, Joshua 9.11:

So how is this possible that You of Christ JESUS would have almost nothing secular on Your journey as Christ JESUS said, and also that You would carry with You secular things, supposedly to be for future charity?, it is similar to why a person might have a left hand when they already have a right hand even though the left hand without a brain hardly knows what the right hand does yet together they function together of the proper defense of Holy Grace in higher value, and not only proper defense yet more importantly typically the proper Christian doing in leading as One. It is the higher proper threshold that is the Holy Path that the left and right be One, and that the history and future be One.

The Worthiness Mission:

The higher Grace Threshold (with worthiness) with the higher Holy Covenant is proper solving of all those pertinent things of lower values. Christ JESUS offers unto You from God The Holy Father thresholds You With Your Christian Flock may conquer according to worthiness, as on a Church Mission together as One; or a Member of Your Flock, such as Yourself may conquer / worthiness with immediate agreeing / mission, agreeing each step along the Way until mission yields Covenant (hardly by force rather of the Will of God); for instance if Your mission is to trust the God Will provide food for Your child for the next year, it may come to pass, though understanding there are higher Covenants unseen and less toward selfish seen needs of flesh, even so the point is that after a year You better know the Will Of God not only according to the apparent results yet rather You gain the advantage to see a measure of faith, conditions along through the mission including any good and/or any sin(s), and You can make record including pertinent benefits hardly expected: God The Father lost His Only Begotten Son, only to gain His Only Begotten Son and all the world (Luke 15.24 with Luke 15.32).

The Host Mission:

Seek to go on missions for Christ JESUS and rather [(as You see results some missions are of greater value(s) than others, save Oneness, see Bible text Job 11.6 below) "effectual working!"] to go on One Higher Mission For Christ JESUS For The Holy Ghost For God The Father and for the greater good benefit(s) for all. Then in doing so inclusive of "Worthiness" missions stated above, there are also Host mission(s) and Host thresholds, Holy Covenants from above as though independent from Your worthiness to help You overcome selfishness even a more proper more effectual Holy Way, for instance if You can visually see, then You might see a Rainbow Covenant and it's symbol, also Christian Leader You saw the Baptism because You were Chosen Of The Godhead; so to see the Rainbow truly You see yet You look beyond the visualization such as when You ponder God planning to create the Universe plus You see the symbol in the sky, You can hardly help it as it is right there in front of You. So as a Host has bought the feast and made preparations and invites You, so too the Host Mission is of Host according to the worthiness of the Host yet with You agreeing to see, to do, and/or otherwise to participate with the Plan Of The Host; even a child can visit a party with family but hardly all affairs especially the more risky more dangerous situations, so in such cases the child may hardly know the charity of the higher Covenant involvement (left hand, right hand).

As One Host, True Christians Leaders are growing making values more valuable:

Christ JESUS showed even from a lower perspective a little lower than the Angels, that He could see with His two eyes as One, and His Eye (2 eyes, left and right) could agree with the perspective of His Father above in seeing as One (4 eyes), even 7 eyes can symbolize as One [(Zechariah 3.9) such as from One mind], even all the eyes of the Holy People Of Israel could see as One (Isaiah 17.7, see Disciples left and right in bottom Drawing).

You can see that a secret of left hand is that it does things that the right hand does not do: some of the things You can see but the right hand can hardly fathom certain things about the left hand and so they are hidden from the right hand and secret, and the right hand can hardly visualize some secrets since without eyes (generally speaking per se). The left hand would hardly slap the right hand exacting vengeance for being lazily uncooperative [similarly: "But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over [exhaustive lower threshold] details!" (Luke 10.41 NLT)] such as when the left hand scratches a place the right hand cannot reach. The left hand might scratch as work when a person wants such work, or perhaps counted similar to charity the left hand might scratch when according to need while the brain directs subconsciously, leaving the higher part of the brain to consider other matters [a key concerning Ghost interaction with a body (Matthew 27.50) not covered in this Sermon].

Christ JESUS has interacted with the Father on a level 2,000 years ago to show the Way and has on another higher level interacted more in the Name Of The Father. Similarly toward secular terms the left might shake hands with the right hand, or the left hand might rub the head and as if greater such as toward operating on the brain (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on brain implants): people are transforming their own brains today and Your Holy Christian Standard Of Your Church may rightly for Christ JESUS want to lead over such guiding and manipulating (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on chimera).

Many people medically and otherwise search and study the physical heart and the physical brain and mental mind in search of such things as God, love, ideas of happiness, peace, and so on (likewise see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS: Christ Visits Us, on the God Particle). Some properly for Christ JESUS, such as perhaps according to the Standard Of The Church, though other of former logic. Often, of former logic. It is of their free choices.

Many people form former logic habits that resonate (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on repetitious, and on things) so as Christian Leaders have reported many have come against them including spiritually. People have souls, and when people check their minds for higher the souls of the people may be unraveled somewhat unto Christian Leaders, including soul spirits of other tribes, other denominations, other backgrounds, other needs, and so on. So it is higher value to give mutual benefit value(s) unto them, of Your Grace And Peace, including most importantly doing the Will Of God In Christ JESUS, and not leaving undone the care of the self (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on Time Manipulation concerning the Spirit, people, and things) save if God direct otherwise.

Christ JESUS said "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15.13 NLT). And that is what a woman ready to become pregnant does, lay down her life for another [(with husband) though case in point concerning the future person], she lays down her life in "no greater love". She lays down her life for not a friend (per former logic), not a person yet, she risks her own life and the life of the person her husband loves, she lays down her life for a hope, yet also for a love purpose and normally of free choice grace. She lays down her life not to die, rather to live more abundantly even if at the cost of stretch marks, costs / cash, and generally certain other.

It is her (with husband: their) defense. What are they defending?, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness; yet rather for others for mutual benefit, the greater increase of their loving more than animated greater than machines and technologies their life giving celebrating joy for the Lord Christ JESUS, crowning their marriage for Christ JESUS.

Though such greater life is of Christian grace (defense) rather than of law, rather than merely as animals of the God Of Nature, there is an higher Holy Way, pertinent are Clergy, relatives, Luke 14.28, and 1 Timothy 5.8: conditions apply, less when "the land" (as the Bible puts it) is prospering, and more considerations when toward sin (or hardly of higher thresholds). For it is written, "REJOICE, BARREN WOMAN WHO DOES NOT BEAR; BREAK FORTH AND SHOUT, YOU WHO ARE NOT IN LABOR; FOR MORE NUMEROUS ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE DESOLATE THAN OF THE ONE WHO HAS A HUSBAND" made possible via the making with growing of heirs of the Covenant(s), children of the promise if of the One True Spirit (from Galatians 4.27-29).

It is not only of the loving laws of New Logic physics, it is also in part as stated in the next sentence, though in perspective Holy Trend of this ICCDBB Series Of Sermons For Christ JESUS, it also has to do with facts of Christ JESUS And The Godhead For One Holy Will so of facts accordingly is proper Christian Leadership including measuring, including for mutual benefit. So it is not only of New Logic physics, it is also not leaving undone Old Testament valuations that have measured the flesh: as a minimum to be aware of how much the physical Holy Remnant is (toward ease of understanding / edification of the Church), and rather to be aware since the beginning through end and beyond these parameters of the total God created in this Universe and in the Eternal.

So for instance the woman lays down her own life (per child) to bear toward Holy Salvation of another / eventual proper Christian Baptism. Though this is the greatest love and God valued the woman at 30 shekels and the male at 50 shekels of silver (Leviticus 27.1-8): how can this be?, save

Love is greatest, yet God is greater.

God is free to do as God pleases.

God does things, and there is no defense, as God is the source of grace and more abundant living and with a more prosperous land, per se. God does things and people can pray and ask for miracles, and yet rather appreciate what God has already done for the meek and modest doers of the Will Of God, so let Your Flock raise children (see above) and more importantly in the Christian Church (though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the House Of Prayer not being the same thing as a secular daycare center).

Love is greatest, yet there is greater found in the male, with love is leadership.

God made many promises, protections from enemies and disasters, a caring pleasant people, loving family, great higher Leadership, and Heaven on Earth.

God promised a sign when all these things would come to take place,

the sign is already arrived!:

the name of the sign is JESUS

(3 Nephi 21.4).

Hail Mary The Immaculate Chosen Vessel Of The Lord.

Hail Mary Full Of Grace, The Lord Is With Thee, blessed be the Fruit Of Thy Womb JESUS.

Hail Mary Mother Of God.

Hail Joseph Husband Of Holy Mary Mother Of Love.

Hail Jesus the son the Father of all, Son Of God, righteous Heir to the Throne Of God The Father seated at the right Hand Of God in Heaven.

Hail God.

Hail God The Father of creation, and all good that in it is for good higher purpose.

The right leg moves forward as if to leave the left behind, the left does the same to the right and with the right and left together the higher purpose is accomplished for mutual benefit: a nation can rise against a nation, and likewise together can be gained the higher purpose for mutual benefit.

A seed might increase value 1,000 times in a season, 1,000 fold Return-On-Investment, ROI. Christ JESUS taught and fed thousands in a day (see previous ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermons on His feeding multitudes in modern accounting terminology though may have been illegally deleted).

Here is an hard saying concerning startups, expanding, growing, and related, though relative to former logic the burden is light; to grow many fold of a single seed is blessed of the Grace Of God, though if to start Your new Church Ministry independently in Christ JESUS while it can be goodly it may be as a seed that fails to open, or as a seedling burnt of the sun or without fertile ground for root, even a splice into a System Of Christian Churches needs defense against the elements (grace / having properly prepared) and real growth opportunity, and greater planning and doing (reference full repentance, proper Baptism, annointing, and many other sources such as if money is involved perhaps 50 to 95 percent of businesses fail within five years (

So Christ JESUS explained how to overcome, such as just previously of the "ROI" discussion and along with taking "no money" for Your journey (Mark 6.8) yet also Christ JESUS explained provide for Your plans and for Your Flock and Your Church needs according to applicability and leave it hardly left undone (1 Timothy 5.8) save such as a properly unselfish leap in faith for Christ JESUS. Your Ministry according to Christ JESUS needs be specific to Your interpreting of what Christ JESUS wants You to do. For instance Christ JESUS goes away and comes again and goes and comes, all for the Heavenly Father and only in the Will Of The Heavenly Father, so You too go to the Heavenly Father and then to Your Flock and to the Heavenly Father and to Your Flock and whenever appropriate tend to Your sandals, Your Temple, the neighborhood, Your telephone, Your Internet matters, and/or so on (yet seek the higher thresholds).

Success / Grow / Seed. The reason for the word and context and visual symbols and for Christ JESUS is conquering for God the Father of proper grafting with growing.

Seed = Success x Growing.

I will die a little if You fail, if I in the flesh be.

A parent dies a little if their child dies.

Hail Mary Full Of Grace, The Lord Is With Thee, blessed be the Fruit Of Thy Womb JESUS.

Blessed Mary Mother Of God it is blessed to hardly now be at the foot of the cross.

You Blessed One with Your Flock (including any future Flock) might have a Temple or might be entered into maintaining a Temple with others. Christ JESUS lost no one nor nothing given of the Father (John 18.9): manage Your affairs properly for Christ JESUS with grace and with growing.

For You and Your Flock is this right and left, Omega and Alpha new beginning edification: "darkness has passed", You With Your Flock are receiving "a new command, which is true in Him and in you," in a New Context Of New Logic For Christ JESUS, as increasingly of Your ascending beyond higher thresholds it is "because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining ( Others may have freely strayed as they have freely self determined.

Stated another Way, to an extent previous barriers / thresholds You have already overcome, so they are no longer problems unto You, yet You can help others.

Ascend so You can help others.

Ascend so You can better help others, more effectually, more gracefully, more properly growingly.

In former logic concerning money for instance, many people are in the habit of seeking money / having found many solutions per money. So of habit they naturally think of money toward their essence, toward their soul, toward their source of living though God is their source and God is hardly in need of money so people often shunt themselves improperly away from the higher thresholds (Luke 8.10). Unto Christian Leaders such spirits may appear to be interfering, and such may be true, for God to judge (ibid. with 3 Nephi 16.12).

Not only individuals, also a people may focus on former logic divers ways of a plethora of opinions contrary to being united for peace: toward proper defense. Yet God has a stronger opinion. It is an opinion each and all souls and spirits understand, though many continue temporarily to interfere and stray.

Concerning Israel, Asa was so angry at a Prophet, and put the Prophet in jail and oppressed people (2 Chronicles 16.10), rather God has an even more excellent Way. God sees and defends and is just. "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars" (2 Chronicles 16.9).

Of them whose heart is perfect toward God, God not only defends yet also delivers and rewards as stated toward the New Testament: "But sought to the Lord God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not after the doings of Israel" (2 Chronicles 17.4). This shows even a goodly nation can do better in the Lord.

Christ JESUS is in One Holy Spirit In God, yet His Person can be on the right hand of God, so God then (with lifting) is on the left hand of the One Person (Christ JESUS) (One in Holy Spirit), as Christ JESUS goes to the Holy Father in One True Holy Spirit.

God The Father to the left, Christ JESUS to the right.

Like unto the first, the above text, so too is the similar Way as One (Matthew 16.19) as the vertically ascendingly upward Holy Pathway of the Holy Spirit; even as the Holy Spirit is at the top, One, even to be so seated with the Holy Father and the Holy Christ JESUS. This is according to Heavenly care, love, grace, and thresholds / precepts keys such as proclaimed from the Godhead Source Christ JESUS as recorded in Mark 16.19:

Of the Holy Physics of the Holy Grace of the God of nature and natural physics on Heaven and in the Heavens (precept on precept, threshold on threshold, Covenant on Covenant) and in Earth and in the stars and in the Universe, sinners have not been able to so ascend unto the highest values and seats and positions and powers and graces and higher in the Heavens, as it is written of and in the One Work including that Christ JESUS said:

Sinners go to secular schools, do secular works, and often have to repeat things until they get it right (rather more appropriately stated until they give properly for One Christ JESUS, and similar to a student passing or failing a grade, it is hardly connected to money, speaking philanthropically for education, and rather for Christian uplifting).

Similarly Christians go to former logic schools and encounter similar hardships (One might opt to consider such former logic things as lower value missions for their sakes, and for mutual benefit generally speaking, though high value with respect to the Christian student per se). Unlike the non-Christian, the Christian Student (including a Christian Priest / mutual benefit, see previous ICCDBB Sermon: Not Seen By Logic Alone: "Teach God") has greater grace opportunities such as within Your proper Flock Leadership.

The Christian is already with having conquered the Baptism Covenant / threshold. With that [a compulsory requirement (see "Host Mission" above, also reference: 3 Nephi 11.25 & 11.26 / Moses 6.64 & 6.65)] the Christian (and not the non-Christian / ibid.) is able (/ full repentance with Baptism: enabled) to vertically ascend gracefully for all.

Christians are able to vertically ascend gracefully for all.

Such is not available to others, save as written above. That is, non-Christians are not Christians.

Likewise and accordingly a Christian at the lowest value Covenant (having just been properly Baptized) is already started mutual blessings for all.

Such a Christian pleases and blesses higher threshold spirits and higher Covenant agreeing people and even in the highest precept and highest Heavenly realm, such a Christian pleases in the Highest Holy Of Holies (see previous ICCDBB Sermon on vessels and on Temples and on Churches, and their spirits) hence pleasing and having pleased the Holy Spirit in ascended Christ JESUS and the Heavenly Father God and the Godhead.

The Christian is able to work and please all, all such is available unto the Christian. Even to please God The Heavenly Father.

Yet Baptism is not the only thing a Christian can do.

The Christian can please the highest and can please all for mutual benefit, via the Christian ascending vertically through gaining higher and higher Holy Covenants.

In counterpoint, a rowdy student in secular former logic non-Christian class grade school might pass a grade, but how hardly might that teacher be pleased, that is they might even be glad to get rid of that person, even if a bomb was dropped on that trouble maker (though it is hoped there is no such feeling save if of God, and rather love and grace in Christ JESUS). The point is, in former logic without or with hardly any New Logic abounding, passing a grade might not please all. Similarly fellow secular students might compete against each other, perhaps unfairly, even to put Honor Students at grave risk / trickeries. Teachers and students have legal limits of authorities concerning their positions. To properly bless is One Direction, other is not, and other is often covered by many overlapping laws and strictly measured legalese confines (Matthew 5.18). <3h>

Have Holy Faith, Christian Comforter Leader, have Faith that there is no mutual benefit, save it be of a Christian.

If something comes from a Christian, it can be secular, though also and rather it can truly be of mutual benefit for all.

If to be detailed about true "benefit for all" to itemize each Holy Kindness such as to give a sip of water to a stranger and to not have a recordkeeping book at hand, and while there is eternity to so itemize, hardly leave such undone, so to rather properly prioritize the comprehensive (Christian "mutual benefit") and at least for now address the more important matters, the higher thresholds (not only of values, many good actions with benefits are too numerous to be written in a mortal lifetime, rather help others).

Christian case histories include great low level values, so of the multitudes of examples offer some representative examples (see ICCDBB Sermon: Creating Value: for instance of "Mother Teresa").

It is is great value, yet seek these higher things (plural, not just Baptism), seek the higher Covenants Of God, and accordingly these benefits Will be entrusted unto You from above (Luke 12.30 & 31).

Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is significant, rather God keeps everything growing: God matters, One God matters (1 Corinthians 3.7).

Your defense is in the Grace Of God according to the Covenants God established in Christ JESUS: precept on precept, Covenant on Covenant.

With these things, a special thanks goes out to Angelfire, Biblehub, LDS, Internet providers, networking providers, and many others that might be Christian or other, that as Christ JESUS said that One Harvester may enter into their work [of the laborers (John 4.36 / Numbers 8.22)] that all may benefit together, and in pertinent respectful honor of their labors and position values; while it is hoped none be to sin toward making inappropriate hardships.

The Christian is able to work and please all,

Though if Baptism is the only thing a Christian has done, then they have hardly advanced farther (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS: Not Seen By Logic Alone: illustrated "straggler" pattern) and while (likewise see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on time: for repentance) not required by law, preferably of grace a person may offer values of mutual joy / grace to delight as the Host.

The Christian can please the highest and can please all for mutual benefit, via the Christian ascending vertically through gaining higher and higher Holy Covenants.

The Christian is saved, but if the Christian does not properly advance to conquer higher thresholds then "they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone" (2 Timothy 3.9) dear Holy Comforters.

A person can learn to walk, then to ride a bike, then to drive a car, then to drive the Church bus: 4 levels.

A person having learned to walk (level 1) and to ride a bike (level 2) can teach others how to walk and to ride a bike, but can hardly teach car and bus driving.

The parent loves the child, yet it is more pleasing when the child learns to walk and ride properly.

Likewise You can hardly please God if You do not properly ascend

even so fear not little Children for it is Your Father's good pleasure to give You the Kingdom Of Heaven

even so fear God, properly ascend.

The left and right functioning together can accomplish more and greater, the forward and back, the + and -, the good and the overcoming of evil (Tree Of Life with Tree Of Knowledge), the Head and the tail; with each and all properly together for Christ JESUS the greater good is to be accomplished in Christ JESUS including You going to the Father as Christ JESUS if for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS from the start of His teachings and miracles openly showed His Parents and others the greater powers, blessings, results, and gifts associated with His properly ascending for His Holy Heavenly Father.

Since Christ JESUS died once for all, the last enemy, death, was overcome (1 Corinthians 15.26 Douay-Rheims)

for all Christians of such high Covenant / threshold.

God will not let You to be wrongly tempted above Your current Covenant threshold holder status.

Put this into the Standard Of Your Church for Your Flock, for the Flock Of Christ JESUS the Worthy One.

Because of that Covenant Of Holy Grace level criteria against temptations, controlling temptation spirits, people have been given mighty blessings accordingly when so in agreeing with God. But sinners can be unaware of this higher precept of God.

Some people can only bear a little temptation, others can bear more. Who can bear the most?, Christ JESUS, and He did it and it is done and it is accomplished as victory for God The Father.

In other words, since each person is tempted of the devil within their own Covenant status level and as Christ JESUS died for all people

then the worst of the worst, Satan, was in the body of Christ JESUS in that which God created (Mark 1.13)

for purposes hidden in lower Covenants

hence hidden from such lower Covenant holders

and Christ JESUS said "Get behind me, Satan!" (from Matthew 4.10 World English Bible)

as One Christ JESUS is the Head, and if any other then temporary and the tail

(see ICCDBB Sermon "All 4 Good" Distinguishing higher value thresholds Drawing with disconnected tail, and likewise the "Not Seen By Logic Alone" Sermon New Creation Drawing).

The flesh is the devil and Satan part of the former logic, and the temporary portion. Yet the timeless portion the eternal is the Head in The Anointed One The Christ JESUS In The Spirit And Holy,

and yet even so, of grace if a mission would be more valuable with the having of a body of flesh and tools such as garments [such as to not scare Disciples (Matthew 14.26)], then with Baptism and anointing. Only One True Holy Spirit, and yet of mission purposes accordingly with greater than Spirit alone (Genesis 3.22).

As in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS And Christian Leaders, above is written "precept on precept, threshold on threshold, Covenant on Covenant", as Covenants have come from the thresholds and thresholds from the precepts:

Covenant on Covenant / threshold on threshold / precept on precept:

Covenant / threshold / precept:

Precept = Covenant x threshold.

Because God The Father and The Holy Spirit and Christ JESUS are in You Christian Leader, therefore in You is all the created as stated above, and so if to rise above the tail of End Time unto the New Beginning in Christ JESUS then to be ascending according to the precepts as the Bible explained most clearly in the words of the Commands Of God of the Old Testament (example: "And God said" found in Genesis 1.14), and as Christ JESUS said in newer Testaments and in more modern language; so that of Your God given talents You can apply Yourself to the precepts to overcome the established firmaments of precept thresholds leading to higher levels from God via gifts from God in the form of Covenants for mutual benefit as You immediately and always give God the glory.

The Commands Of God are laws of former logic: legalese, taxation, big fish eats small fish, and similar. Yet the Commands Of God are greater and are not limited to former logic toward flip-of-the-coin, and are rather more for the greater unseen of former logic: the more graceful, more abundant living in Christ JESUS. The Commands Of God in New Logic, in the comprehensive mutual benefit with priority giving for Christ JESUS in The Holy Father, are as life itself and living. In New Logic the Commands Of God are equal to the Work Of God for a delightsome ( Chosen people, and much greater in abundant overflowing value(s) unto the talents of any and all creatures.

The Commands Of God in New Logic are words of grace with proper growing with proper best support via the already present physics of the God Of Nature and naturally existing physics already here with You: the Physics Of God are Your delightsome (ibid.) Holy Comforter in addition to the previously stated in ICCDBB Sermons, that is for examples, an infant learns to suck and the physics of God are already present, a student learns to drive and the physics are already in the vehicle, a person sails a boat and the physics are already in the wind, a Christian speaks the Holy Word Of God and the physics are already in the Holy Word and full of grace and comfort even if to say "Do not sin, do not jump off that cliff for selfish craziness such as to be seen on some stupidest stunts video": for to do so to delight sinners is not eternal comfort, so rather in advance properly guide and say "Seek the LORD's favor" (from Zephaniah 2.3 NET Bible) as Mother Mary shown above did.

Christ JESUS of loving grace from the Holy Spirit Of Holy Father The Eternal One agreed with the Physics Of God and yet improved as the Father so gave such Mission: "for the lambs according as his hand shall attain unto" (Ezekiel 46.7), as One, even if physical former logic evidence (Hebrews 11.1, see below) is not seen, heard, otherwise perceived, nor understood by a person, sensor, nor entity (save of talent and Covenant to do so). God made physics, and for instance God makes babies grow and increase in value (such as valuations according to age and sex of each person). God likewise made trees grow and yield greater values, "trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops" (Ezekiel 34.27). In other words, trees already produce fruit, so why should a person change that? (Garden Of Eden), even so, rather Christian Leaders can yield the greater value(s) of higher mission(s), that a person hardly be merely evolutionary as a tree (GodMath Testament, Chart 1 lower line), rather of Holy Grace with proper growing Christian Leaders can guide others unto much more valuable mutual benefit in the Holy One.

Now interpretations can vary, yet in various ways for the greater Holy One missions over interpretations can attain the greater values. This is similar to how one Church can broadcast and another can personally touch to heal, and yet both have certain values for the Holy One (1 Corinthians 12.12).

From one Bible verse for instance can arise (New Logic) two interpretations yet for One Higher Holy Purpose as described here. The first is of great value and the second is of greater. The first is toward "substance" and legal "evidence" people can relate to looking ahead concerning things God made, and the second is toward events to come and "assurance" toward lofty Sermons and rather toward awareness God makes it happen as proper faith is "assurance" from God. Even so, the first interpretation is often more useful for guiding lower levels (1 Corinthians 12.28) and so might be considered more fun even a joy in the Lord, yet also let the Flock ascend.

Shown here are two translations of Hebrews 11.1:

To ascend unto higher values of grace for the Father in the Name Of The Christ, JESUS, then as Christ JESUS taught and did, in faith of same Highest Holy Of Holies. Not only of a decision, not only of an action, as such things can contain self concerns, rather as Christ JESUS taught and did: only of the Will Of God lest to be found at a lower level or intermediate level of Covenants. Even so at the top level Christ JESUS Will show an even more excellent Way, therefore the End of the former state and the beginning of the new low value per se; that is the new beginning of great top value becoming enabled of God the handle;

Higher prioritizing / Greater comprehensively / Higher mission / Covenant worthiness / Covenant available in Holy JESUS Spirit For The Father;

the new realizations of the more enormous matters of the Holy Spirit Of God and new potentials even new higher missions even as unraveled unto the ascending Christian Leader is as if and counted as though the New Plan Of God.

The true Christian is saved already / fully repentant Christian Baptism. Yet the advancing Christian saves others, and also into the greater otherwise unseen.

The true Christian is saved already and since being already in Christ JESUS, the true Christian is advancing, greater than the former evolutionary pace (see Drawing below). Yet of the quickening Spirit there can be a fast pace and a faster pace, even so, toward lay terms Christ JESUS sees any progress and leaves (so without) and goes to the Father, later (immediately) returning to find You did survive when "without" or counted as if "without", and sees any progress and the progress is according to showing Christ JESUS in You Yourself rather You Christ JESUS, and Christ JESUS reports such to the Father (see previous ICCDBB Sermon Not Seen By Logic Alone on "Teach God").

Christ JESUS would that You ascend in Covenants, though now in this Sermon is given You for Your sake that You might be aware more clearly and precisely and it might be a hard thing for You to bear. There are things people love that hold them back from higher Covenants such as pets, money, cars, spaceships, a ring, a pair of shoes, hiding a sinner, or other; yet each and all of these are of values as God created even the sinner (John 6.70). And something that holds back a person, might help another to ascend, such as if a person see criminals and join, or such as if a person see criminals and flee to a Church and join the Church.

Therefore here is a valuable Key:

To not be ascending properly, it may be an indicator of such a problem, therefore:

You are given of God an awareness indicator:

Your Flock or Member(s) hesitating can be an higher sign for You (see "otherwise unseen" above).

"And then there was light" (Genesis 1.3)

Prior to In the beginning...there was the Plan Of God. Illustrated are prior timeless mission symbols along with the creation timeline, and the higher New Logic symbolism for mutual benefit in Christ JESUS, ICCDBB

Christ JESUS (lower left yellow) planning then doing (upper right yellow). Christ JESUS taught doctors as a child [children of Your Flock can do such a thing often (see ICCDBB Sermon: Not Seen By Logic Alone topic "Teach God"), and what are doctors supposed to do?, help people, including defend people such as against ignorance and disease, and to nurture people. Christ JESUS did work as an example unto people, even a child might do as much. Above is discussed the Christ JESUS Child doing business. Also above is shown a greater view of Heavenly matters of the Head, along with a depiction of some of the tail involving the created.

Flowers and mists have functions, though are often known for appearances sakes. Appearance(s) in One Christ JESUS is the enduring appearance.

Christ JESUS sees everything, every route option, every work, every consideration, and more importantly the higher plan of the Holy Father: every working of love, every functioning of grace, every result of faithfully guiding, and greater.

Christ JESUS would that You ascend / Christ JESUS would have You victorious over missions / Christ JESUS would that You have minimal vessel / Christ JESUS would that You not be tempted / Christ JESUS would that You not have wrong barriers.

Ascend / victories in grace / minimum vessel [(Matthew 10.10 & Titus 3.14) minimum maintenance] / Not even tempted / Nothing stopping You from ascending.

"What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I may not abuse my power in the gospel" {(1 Corinthians 9.18 Webster) level of "power" or such as level of higher Covenant grace value].

Don't wrongly trap Yourself, don't hinder Your Church from ascending. Allow Church visitors, allow sinners to come, yet lead the Church properly. Often in Sermons speak of Christ JESUS and high Godly concerns and benefits.

Law did not require the above Drawing to be Drawn, penalties were not impending if the above Drawing was not Drawn, rather good higher things come from Christ JESUS, from the Grace Of God, from the Creator Of The Higher Physics Plan Of God The Father.

Greater than to change Your mind, more than former logic can comprehend to measure, be rather of:

That is, Lead from former logic measurable to immeasurable in the higher realms of Covenants Of God, hence from former logic immeasurable, to New Logic.

is depicted and symbolized above, as Christ JESUS went from the Original Plan Of One God to the One Work, the proper ascending.

As shown the proper ascending is hardly according to time (wavy line left to right) measurable of former logic as that would mean there would be more time for Christ JESUS to repent although Christ JESUS already accomplished pertinent Victory. So further time for Christ JESUS to repent would of error mean God wasted time, though God did not. The extra time is for You, for higher missions in Christ JESUS for the Holy Father.

In former logic things have been measured according to the Sun, and also according to the the time-space-continuum, and according to other lines, curves, pulses, and so forth. Yet if God can change the Sun for You (Joshua 10.13 & Revelation 6.12), and can change the pulse repetition rate, and other measures formerly called reliable, then God can also purpose for You to ascend: that when of Your Proper Grace In Hope In Faith You ascend over thresholds Your New Logic Heart In Your Soul can become more enlightened as to the truly reliable.

Seek, confide, "Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD God is the eternal Rock" (Isaiah 26.4 NLT).

Christ JESUS ascended in the above Drawing, rising from the former logic timeline (left history to right future). Yet notice the above right "The Father" oval is large and extends centuries over the past and future former logic times. How can such be, since Christ JESUS was 2,000 years ago (less than 40 years)?, yet because the Old Testament Prophets pointed to Christ JESUS and Christians today grow from Christ JESUS, these are One (1 Samuel 3.1, Matthew 11.13, Acts 10.43, & 1 Timothy 6.17).

So too is the timeless You growing as You ascend in Covenants.

When You Lead Your Flock properly

it is poetic,

it is functional poetry

it is as

"The God of Israel said,

The Rock of Israel spoke to me,

'He who rules over men righteously,

Who rules in the fear of God,

Is as the light of the morning when the sun rises,

A morning without clouds,

When the tender grass springs out of the earth,

Through sunshine after rain'"

(2 Samuel 23.3 & 4).

When You Lead the former Prophets and the future Christian Leaders, it is a gift as a sign unto others of Christ JESUS in You as You approach even as with and within the timelessness of the Eternal Rock Of Heaven even as can be on Earth and wherever You be.

For example, You might press a key on an electric organ such as a horn sound, and then counted as if per chance a big event happens, it might happen that this is an event explained in Daniel or in Revelation, Angel. Sinners have signs and often wonder about appearances pertaining to hiding things, about hiding their sins. Good Christians are in Christ JESUS able to dwell in high Covenant blessings for mutual benefit, whether the given physics per se are calm or stormy (see ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Sleeping For US). At the start of a high risk Revelation event for instance though a sinner may opt to loot and risk to perish, though a properly prepared Christian of higher Covenant awareness may of grace rather offer advice and guidance to save.

Ascend and maintain the higher Covenants to give values unseen to the world toward converting the world.

If the world is attached to the loot and to their private loot storage cells, how hardly would they be able to flee at the Command Of God (see Drawing below) as the physics applicable unto the higher thresholds approach. The higher physics situations might arrive and then endure a long time or might quickly leave, so for such events the Christian would also do properly for their sakes and for that of the Kingdom Of Heaven to ascend in Covenants not only to be aware and enabled / prepared concerning the onset, yet also concerning the event duration and end, in order to best convert with overcoming each sinner's event horizon.

Christian Leaders doing what You do, visiting this Sermon for Christian Leadership gain multitudes of threshold worthiness values toward higher Covenants. Such One Leadership has the above Drawing with great understanding because of the Christian Leadership having studied and done Bible work.

Christ JESUS likewise gave such gifts and greater, performing miracles (New Logic), one after the other, virtually constantly at least (former logic interpretation), and the signs and wonders of the healing / growing, and feeding unto growing miracles were given freely unto multitudes but not unto certain contrary (Mark 8.12); miracles were done before and after the contrary / event(s), but not toward certain contrary. As Christ JESUS said

If they would gladly persecute and destroy Christian Evangelists, even to make a small attempt to help them (Mark 16.15) have higher Covenants to properly be prepared in case of attack(s) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on not wasting time and effort).

There is a free offering of The Word Of God, and there are Precepts In The Word Of God. People are free to choose to visit Your Church, people are free to visit this Church Internet Site, by law people are not allowed to destroy either [(the Law Of God) note that worldly laws vary (prepare beforehand)], and by higher grace people are not allowed to destroy things Christian including Spiritual matters [example: intentional noise during service (1 Corinthians 14:5)].

Because worldly laws vary prepare beforehand as much as is Your talent, otherwise as shown below have hopeful faith and be of good cheer in Your Soul toward eternal life and expect Your talent is sufficient or expect a miracle.

Angels from Heaven miraculously appeared, first unto Virgin Mary (Chosen To Bear Christ JESUS), and then unto Joseph [to wed (Matthew 1.20)] and ongoingly as appropriate to travel to and from Israel and Egypt.

In the above context, instead of converting the ruler by force, God had the Holy Family flee: for a higher purpose, a great and terrific thing. God does visit through generations, and the people agreed with the government that thereafter slaughtered their children. It is a valuable lesson. Of Holy Grace it is a lesson God gave to help protect You and Your Flock and Your greater Evangelism Spirit.

Christ JESUS leaves the world [(John 16.28) of Relativity: where You and other people live] to go to the Father. What then during that event?, go do as Christ JESUS taught and did. When Lazarus, the friend of Christ JESUS, died [former logic (John 11.14)] it was an opportunity (John 11.39 & see ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Sleeping For US) that others then (also see above Drawing & discussion of time) might have exhibited sufficient (higher Covenant) faith (reference ICCDBB Sermon Not Seen By Logic Alone "straggler" pattern) that rather to do as Christ JESUS did would have been [and/or is (see recent ICCDBB Sermons on precepts)] for You or a Christian to heal Lazarus, and not only in person (as God is everywhere good) yet also even former logic shows remote helps toward living, such as when a patient at home phones a Medical Doctor and the Doctor might explain to the patient to get some sunshine, or other goodly advice.

Martha accused Christ JESUS or revealed faith in Christ JESUS:

and yet the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS was in Disciples and others (Mark 9.38) so Martha and (Matthew 18.20) / or other(s) might have saved Lazarus from the sleep or from the death. While Christ JESUS is away, with the Heavenly Father, You can do great things (see faith and talent above).

Christ JESUS likewise had to physically leave, according to the Angels and His Parents Joseph And Mary, as the babies were about to be killed in Israel. Yet aside from Biblical example purposes of the Will Of God, His Parents and/or others may have overcome the situation of higher Covenants, as much as God agrees.

Chores, yes, yet also do Your more valuable part.

Maps showing the journey of Jesus Christ to and from Egypt with Joseph and Mary. To fulfill the Prophecy the Christ came forth out of Egypt. Illustrated are the routes and reasons for the routes. Discussed is the work Christ JESUS would have You do in the Prophetic future. ICCDBB

Christ JESUS of about 1 or 2 years of age went with the fleeing Joseph and Mary to Egypt. The laws people made to describe things such as situations, is ancillary to the physical law of nature of God (Galatians 3.17) of precept on precept; such as given to Abraham and to His seed rather than to His seeds (plural): "only one--and this is Christ" (Galatians 3.16 Weymouth) depicted above with one work to gather fish.

Christ JESUS had so many people anxious to hear the Word of God that JESUS went into a boat a little way from shore and taught the multitudes (Luke 5.3 NAS 77) and 2,000 years later some Christian Leaders continue to have such multitudes, praise the Lord. The gathering of multitudes, the gathering of nations, the gathering of gatherings unto the higher realms is planned more for the next ICCDBB Sermon (also reference Specific Steps To Heaven Sermon including "sublevel" and bottom Drawing on defense with growing), yet now in this above Drawing is seen to the right the net gathering of the Known Universe via the Christian Leaders; formerly such was shown as being done by Christ JESUS [(Prophetic Directions Sermon illustrating the route from gathering to Holy Of Holies) yet to prepare / edify for proper Oneness] yet now with advanced Biblical unraveling comes greater know-how from Christ JESUS.

Flowers and mists have functions, though are often known for appearances sakes. Appearance(s) in One Christ JESUS is the enduring appearance.

The Grace Of God to offer flowers growing, is of the Law Of Physics Of The God Of Grace.

Former logic scientists have values, and such work hard to explain the laws of physics of their findings of values.

The Law Of Physics do not have do not have to explain,

that is, the God does not have to explain,

the God Of True Physics does not have to explain,

the True Physics do not explain the things of God, nor the physics of anything,

the True Physics do not have to answer to anyone,

save You,

all the physics have to answer and account unto You if You be of the Covenant over the physics,

the physics and creatures and all God created must answer and account for their way(s) and action(s),

all evidence and conditions must account properly to the satisfaction of God.

If You spake the Word Of God unto fish, the fish must accordingly account.

If You blessed the Universe, the Universe needs satisfactorily account, lest it be found to have slighted God, and rather, and more importantly, and of grace, let the Universe speak, for the greater glory of God.

If the Word Of God and the Will Of God be found in the Universe, let it speak and do (Matthew 10.10).

If there be effectual opportunity in Your Temple, let it speak and let it be done accordingly (1 Corinthians 16.9) as Mother Mary did.

ICCDBB Sermon for Leaders in Christ JESUS July 3, 2016 AD.

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