One Rather Than Separation (Genesis 1.4 with John 1.1).

Rather than fear this Sermon, fear God.

The Christ JESUS taught of benefits to offer and then the higher benefits to offer along with mighty things (especially Spiritual) such as proper mercy, love, and grace, and that such distinguishing accomplishments and other Heavenly things ultimately work together as One In The Holy Father (Genesis 3.22).

This Sermon brusquely (Luke 19.22) crosses a threshold for You

that You delight anew in the separation then grafting in Christ JESUS.

This Sermon covers a harsh spiritual circumcision: the shedding of evil,

enabling higher Covenanting in the Tree Of Life with better living.

In the beginning of the End Of Time to repent of the Christ JESUS circa 2,000 years ago was come God in the flesh (and Spirit) of the past; while higher Prophetically in You, in Your Christian Bible in Your Christian Heart, in the end of the End Of Time is the only One Christ JESUS:

Disciples of Christ JESUS were with Heaven On Earth. The Disciples had keys, but they did not give their keys to many other people. The Disciples for instance after the Crucifixion were afraid many days, so were in a place with the doors locked, yet Christ JESUS came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." (John 20.26). And in keeping the peace that You fear not evil, and for higher purpose:

Where did Baptism come from?,

Water Baptism: "I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean;"

You are given power over [Satan and] hell: "I will cleanse you from all your impurities"

(from Ezekiel 36.25).

In the world, if to describe Heaven, often such involves the following:

Christ JESUS explained a key to a Covenant, a threshold, an if-then-statement, a formula, a solution, a Way (One Way only) of solving: that if a person is "for the sake of the kingdom of God" then the person Will "receive many times more at the proper time — and in the age to come, eternal life" (from Luke 18.29 & 30). In actual practice for example a person might want to enter an upstairs room in a Church so they might go to where the keys are kept and grab the key, though if to enter a certain other Church room there is no key available unto them save they ask a pertinent higher Officer for the key to that room.

If to be entrusted with a Covenant, a key, then be of the proper Heavenly worthiness properly steadfastly ready. There is separation and division (see Drawing below) keeping You and/or others from higher Heavenly places, so thank God for this receiving of the Holy Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil from God, a gift for You and for others. As with a given gift as often happens, initially comes the awe and wonder then the more curious inspection and then greater inspection such as with the reading of the manufacturer's specifications including safety criteria, how to assemble and proper usage instructions, and also likely not mentioned enough (John 21.25) are the blessings and joys being received from the spirit and value of the gift added unto Your Spirit and unto any others. Christ JESUS taught to put all things to good purpose (Genesis 50.20) for instance

You are given evil!

Praise the Lord!

Of course it is better for You to be given the gift of evil, rather than it been given to Your enemy to use against You. Your Church is given a drain, excellent! You are given evil and outcasting powers because You of proper Covenanting of proper worthiness have been found worthy to handle such amount of evil properly for the Lord. Each is given evil from the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil according to worthiness / thresholds conquered, "each according to his ability" (from Matthew 25.15) and God Will "not let you be tempted beyond your ability" (1 Corinthians 10.13).

If "not let you be tempted beyond your ability", then properly seek to bear, to be burdened with all evil properly, and that Proper Way In God is the Holy Path Christ JESUS taught and did, He bore all things and so You bear all things too if to be One, and with this Holy Key (of proper perspective in You in Christ JESUS, and not of improper lust to sin) is the seeking less of lower missions, and rather to keep Your Eye on the higher and so do the higher thresholds and enter into the highest available Covenants in the Holy Spirit For God The Father In The Name Of The Christ JESUS The Lord. Seek to do good, and all these things Will be added unto You, even eternal living as Christ JESUS promised You from the Heavenly Father.

People don't want to hear "You are given evil!",

people only want to hear of delicate things

but Christ JESUS said people living delicately are in kings’ palaces [clothing (Matthew 11.8 with Lamentations 4.5) feasting].

Thanks be to Holy God The Father In The One True Living Spirit that Christ JESUS has been guiding ICCDBB in showing this series of Sermons unraveling multitudes of formerly great mysteries is "made known" (3 Nephi 21.2) as the former End Time barriers / thresholds are already overcome

so to "know that the work of the Father hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant" (3 Nephi 21.7).

Christians show signs and wonders unto sinners, therefore Christians As One become the Author of all such (see previous ICCDBB Covenants Sermon on Your High Standard, also on establishing legal precedent).

The Drawing below speaks of [the blessed] separation and division, but You do not want to separate Yourself from God nor from Your children (if any) nor from Your friends, so then as a slave to Christ JESUS You of proper worthiness are free to properly employ other words more refined for their sakes and understandings and for Yours and importantly for higher purpose. For instance rather than to tell a Church Custodian "You are not worthy [such as to be Bishop]" even if true, You might of course at least rather say "You have attained the honorable rank of Church Custodian with all it's benefits and blessings, thank You." And for instance if You have a building with Custodians, then perhaps let them understand more than to pass collection plates, such as where medicine cabinet and mop are, and that they properly handle other types of emergencies such as how to safely get the child off the steeple: do You want a flock of lay people or civilization Leaders?, if proper Leaders As One, then over all things, starting with the most important, therefore properly delegate responsibilities (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). Consider who Will do Your job when God gives You higher things to do, such as running the Known Universe.

Christ JESUS would that You help others to properly ascend precept on precept, though if anything is contrary, then per lower mission per delegation help as much as appropriate according to Your Standard For Your Holy Flock, rather than according to sinner ideas or other lower matters as it is written "For it doesn't go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body. (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)" (from Mark 7.19).

Here are pertinent interpretations of Philippians 3.20 ( "for our commonwealth has its existence in [the] heavens, from which also we await the Lord Jesus Christ [as] Saviour" "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" "But our business is in Heaven and from there we look for The Life Giver, our Lord Yeshua The Messiah" "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ" "We, however, are free citizens of Heaven, and we are waiting with longing expectation for the coming from Heaven of a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ".

Various interpretations have various values, so too of various separations and divisions and drains and knowledges (former logic knowns).

Even unconverted sinners can read the Bible and misinterpret. What then therefore are some of the higher unseen guidance precepts of New Logic?:

"with humility comes wisdom"

"humility that comes from wisdom"

(from Proverbs 11.2 & James 3.13).

Such is like unto how Christ JESUS was in the flesh yet came with the Holy Spirit Of The Heavenly Father and Christ JESUS came from the Heavenly Father. As the Holy Spirit from on high dwells in the Soul Of Your Flesh (anointed / proper Christian Baptism) so that You are One of the Holy Comforters, so too the same Holy Spirit (see water top center in Drawing below, physics in previous ICCDBB Sermons) dwells in One God The Father.

So You are separate and also One. You are with knowledge of evil yet with Good God. You are with flesh yet from above. You are Heavenly yet with the Tree Of Life.

"Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you must stand firm in the Lord, my beloved" (Philippians 4.1).

You are from Heaven.

Christ JESUS came from Heaven so that You also could be from Heaven so that You could have Your Flock be from Heaven.

In the world of former logic it is often unknown when a person might die. Christian Baptism is first required, and greater than sinners repenting is in the proper Pastoring Of Your Flock. Sinners can repent, and what can Your Flock do?, ascend! From Covenant to higher Covenant, this is the proper path; sitting in a pew has great value, yet to ascend (even if while sitting) from Covenant to higher Covenant and then to be steadfastly rising unselfishly in the Holy Path, is the Holy Work of which Christ JESUS spoke and did in example.

Behold, evil was Your enemy, and now it's lost ways are known unto You in the divine Maker God Almighty. If You have a Church Building for example and a child is lost inside Your Church Building, then You know where to find the lost child, because You know the building and all it's rooms and have all the keys and all authority per se. If a sinner is lost in evil, You have evil (see "You are given evil" above) therefore You can find them with authority to unevil them, that is, similar to how You would find a lost child in Your building and perhaps carry them or take them by the hand, so too You know the Way so the sinner has no excuse as You have enlightened them with Your Holy Map Of Knowledge And Wisdom with only One road on the map and Your Road is a One Way Street and otherwise the sinner is undone as the deeds come to Your Light. For instance if the building child is trapped under a bookcase You remove the bookcase, so to of Your Holy Wisdom In Christ JESUS for Christ JESUS You overcome sinner snares as those snares are not worse than evil, and evil is Yours; and those sinner snares are not better than than the soul of that person as that soul is able to be kind to it's Creator the same Creator as the Creator of kindness and plenty of joy, not to mention Yourself Holy One, and to speak their language then in former logic from likewise to counterpoint then to hardly puff up the sinner due to the soul of high worth to then lest they convolute less reason to repent; therefore to keep them from straying some other direction for course speak and do unto them according to the straight and narrow Christ JESUS taught and did.

The light burden is in context to say the things Christ JESUS said, and to do likewise. A big part of excellence in the Lord is in the teaching to others the things You already know, even so, leave not undone the higher ascending. If a Leader, lead the conversation. If a Finder, find the lost (Matthew 10.6).

Christ JESUS said "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (from Matthew 15.24).

Christ JESUS was sent to all people in the world, except the Son of perdition, the Son of Mary And Joseph, and yet the Son Of The One Holy Father In Heaven and therefore Christ JESUS was not sent to save Himself as He was already from Heaven, a realm of the saved; even so Christ JESUS laid down His life and he was counted with the transgressors fulfilling the Prophesying so written about Him (Luke 22.37) that He take His life up again for You:

"This is why the Father loves me – because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again" (John 10.17) with

"just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10.15).

You are given a gift of knowledge over two things (and more): A. in existence is the temporary (at least one pulse), and B. in existence is the Eternal. The Eternal has more fun, and also rather more joy, more delight in the Lord, yet also with higher Heavenly glorifying; as the temporary cannot contain (save if the temporary become Eternal, though then save it become temporary (Revelation 22.19). In other words, if You in Christ JESUS agree there might or might not be more Known Universes.

You are given the gift of: good.

Good is the Holy One Of Israel.

How to create a Universe. Genesis 1:4. Separation and division is of former logic, and rather of New Logic is Oneness unto higher purpose, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS Chose and lifted Christian Leaders (some are shown in above Drawing, lower left pic) that are with the understandings of former logic yet agree to Choose the straight and narrow One Path Of Righteousness (above Drawing symbolic model, shown in to lower right). Such run the Universe when God is away from sins in the world, that is, while God is One In All For Good, often sinners hardly notice. As Hosts direct, entertain, and comfort others, so to Holy Comforters strategically form the Plan, properly prepare, invite, and offer precepts according to the Way Of God.

Christ JESUS moved [(Genesis 3.22) in the Holy One] to offer greater gifts unknown to the then uncreated world, that is living Spiritual Christ JESUS alive in the Holy Word God grew and moved over the face of the deep and such became the beginning of creating the current known creation (above Drawing top center), even prior with the smallest amount of moving to start form the Holy Plan Of Creating included the higher purpose that Christ JESUS would redeem (above Drawing lower yellow box with purple line) the created from sin (above Drawing to the right yellow box with purple line), as the ascending example unto others, that others overcome their cyclical sinful habits for the greater good, and also rather for the higher purposes of the higher precept on precept Covenants.

It is the departing (above Drawing left text) with the Holy Seed and the greater Fruitful Harvest Reuniting With The Holy Sower (above Drawing above right).

Holding seed palm side up is the palm facing Heaven at least symbolically, though if to flip the hand over seed falls to the ground as the palm rightly humbles itself for higher purpose, as to face hell is not the same as to prefer; rather raise all members to face Heaven save if there be another mission for higher purpose.

Christ JESUS offers a Way to rise from evil (Matthew 9.6), also to cast out personal evil (Matthew 16.23), likewise of the God Of Humility And Love to cast out evil from Your Flock (ibid.). While preaching Ernest Angley for instance looked over his huge Flock and said He could see good and bad spirits moving about, some quickly appearing for a moment, some perhaps 20' tall, some hovering above certain people and groups for awhile (, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on spirits in people and in things). What about containing evil, what value is that?, and yet people are paid money of value to contain harmful radioactive and medical waste, people are paid to spread fertilizer, and farmers raise good crops from dust and waste. So You have options in this world and the next. If not a slave to Christ JESUS then to delimit self options and to reduce freedom and joy.

Be wise to understand to not rely on evil as it turns to any direction including up as if to guide to God, so rather rely on good in the name of JESUS the Christ.

In the above Drawing lower right quadrant are wave lines similar to the above center water, and ovals. It is similar to Your Body having moved through the Universe, wavy line as a submarine having left a trail of bubbles, counted as sin, evil, or waste, and with ascending bubbles of Holy Covenants. The trail left behind is hardly waste, for instance a person might want to be young again but that doesn't mean they want to again go through hardships they already endured; likewise a Prophecy of the future wavy line can be true, rather let it also be helpful toward the light burden.

Let Your Spiritual Bubbles ascend, and rather properly and rather the best Way from the perspective of the Holy Father: let His Holiness know You are coming in the name of JESUS (Genesis 3.24).

Let Your approaching Heaven be know of broadcast (for their sakes) and directed for the Holy Father In Heaven, though hardly leave the other left undone, the responsibility over Your Flesh gift from God, in other words agree with being humble and hardly let Your ovals be improperly puffed up in former logic as yet the precision and excellence of God is much greater (Proverbs 16.2).

Turning can be away from the Lord (sinners, rather missions rather One Straight Mission, also Christ JESUS goes to the Father and returns) though should be for turning toward the Lord for the Lord, even in the spirits of people and Angels (Matthew 18.10), and in the spirits of things (Ezekiel 1.12). If there be any turning as You go, let the remission (other temporary mission) task be valued for enlightenment unto Yourself that if it caused delay then seek to learn from it and to hone that there be no more delay. Let Your Single Mission be for Christ JESUS "in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the remission of sins" (Colossians 1.14 Jubilee Bible 2000 & Douay-Rheims Bible):

if a remission, a turning away from sin,

then in Christ JESUS a straight mission,

and in the same quadrant the ovals to the left are that Your former sins were washed away. But the sinner has no washed away sins save if to properly be Baptized. Similarly the Christian has no or not much trail of higher values save of their straight and narrow higher Covenanting.

The works of all witnesses and all witnessing is vested in Christ JESUS, and Christ JESUS goes to the Father to report on anything of good or goodly value(s) a person might have done, then Christ JESUS returns and goes again, hardly as if oval or circular or other trips, rather of the higher and higher straight and narrow, higher precept on higher precept, higher mission on higher mission. As Your mission Covenants are conquered, Christ JESUS has even higher Covenant values in the Holy Father. As each Member Of Your Flock (and the group together) conquers, then onto even higher values along the Path Of Righteousness.

Should a person love their gift?,


Love always yet hardly to cause others to stray, for instance to say You love hell is of normal interpretation by others to sin and miss the point, as to love that hell involves higher opportunity to transform and convert hell into something better is of value. There are other good or goodly reasons to love hell properly for Christ JESUS (yet to rather love Heaven: more), such as to highlight goodness like unto the Way the white background of this website highlights this text and neither the white nor black sinned per se. Rather than tell children to love hell, tell them to love Heaven (and for instance see Philippians 4.8 toward bottom of this page).

In the Old Testament there was a place known as the Holy Of Holies for the High Priest only. There were things not appropriate for others to see nor hear. There were things too awesome (John 16.12) as they might cause from things considered by people as being too good [such as when the Angel rolled away the stone and the guard became as dead (Matthew 28.4)] and/or too bad [such as when Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19.26)] of all that God created for higher good.

Yet with the love of God comes the greater unraveling of the mysteries of the ever outstretching everlasting Kingdom Of God as (such as from You) people become Christian and become wise to grow in faith: Covenant on Covenant, victory for Christ JESUS on victory for Christ JESUS!

Only the High Priest was allowed in the Holy Of Holies, then later other Priests were allowed to enter. Later Elias John The Baptist preached openly committing Holy Baptism out in plain sight for any person or creature to see / witness. Your Christian Leadership today is even more awesome, greater as Christ JESUS promised (see 4 Nephi 1.5 toward bottom of page).

What is hell?,

In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the not Heaven; "not Heaven" is referred to as Earth in Genesis 1.1 with the verses following in Holy Trend from glory to glory with division to division, distinction to distinction, precept to precept (note in ISV the Creating Trend per se is toward starting in Genesis 1.2).

Christ JESUS came down from Heaven [to destroy?, hardly (save to overcome sin) so rather] to save the world, to deliver the world properly precept on precept unto higher Heavenly places. Christ JESUS has a tool, love, and some similar related tools, faith, endurance / longsuffering, mercy, and so on, employing such as when appropriate and all for the Will Of The Heavenly Father.

The death of JESUS Christ

for You.

Death of Christ: Resurrection with Redemption from (another Biblical interpretation of what hell is:) Endless sleep.

The Glory Of God.

There is worldly expression "cold as hell", but it is Heaven to Eskimos and walruses.

There is worldly expression "burn in hell", but for the pure in heart God lives, as recorded in Daniel 3.24 & 25:

The only people to "burn" were those casting the Faithful into the fire.

In pattern Nebuchadnezzar was full of wildly violent rage, fury, and heated anger; against himself, in own mind heart soul and body (Daniel 3.19).

Hardly cast pearls of wisdom of the Holy Of Holies for swine to trample, hardly give ammo to the enemy, hardly let children play with automatic weaponry. Rather let the Wisdom Of Christ JESUS guide You unto all understanding for the proper handling of all situations, as the peace of God transcends all understanding (Philippians 4.7).

Now the sinners that were burnt to ashes can hardly think their ways out of that situation, to go back in time to undo their having been burnt to ashes.

Therefore let the Christian Leaders rightly plan for their Holy Flocks. Let the Holy Flocks become Christian Leaders of greater Holy Flocks, even to plan in the Church(es), and out of the Church(es) such as to plan governance over others for their sakes, such as so the others are not "burnt to ashes". Let the planning be for mutual benefit and especially for higher purposes: this is an important key.

Lower level covenants help few relative to higher level Covenants helping many for generations. The Holy Word is freely given to all, though hardly toward confusing them lest they harm themselves and others. Rather let the Christian Leader offer precept on precept.

Concerning two key trees of Heaven:

first is the Knowledge Threshold,

then with Holy Covenant the Tree Of Life.

Tree Of Life Covenant after the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil conquering for higher cause and for others ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS was raised to know the law, normal legal expectations even if unwritten, and was raised to fulfill such former logic parameters of values, and Christ JESUS did so, yet was about the higher matters, upon reaching adulthood Christ JESUS explained "I must be doing the works of my Father" (from Luke 2.49 New Heart English Bible). As blood flows to and from cells, cells interact with blood.

Christ JESUS found value in discussing the heart, and is the heart, the altar and the gift on the altar (Leviticus 1.5) is as the blood cells like unto JESUS going and coming of the Heart Father, and also like unto Your Church with Your Flock flowing in and out on missions in each direction (Isaiah 52.13). For higher purpose the heart is like unto the Sun and the Moon, a keeper of time: time to repent, and greater: time to ascend: precept over precept, Holy Covenant over Holy Covenant. For higher purpose the heart is Heavenly as it keeps the pace / pulse rate of the blood. Yet the cells also are similarly involved as with blood flow control cells at the beginning of an arteriole capillary, opening and closing according to how much blood is needed, so for instance if to close then to squeeze some of the blood fluid causing blood to flow outward, charitably rather than to pocket excess blood (Luke 12.18) associated with natural physics of God that the idle excess blood would eventually deteriorate.

Thinking has some similarity, in that an expert in a particular field readily solves in that given field, but if asked to solve in a field they learned long ago but have not thought about for a long time, they might not be so readily able to solve.

Therefore Christian Leaders, keep the flow of the Holy Word With Work flowing, the right amount, and not left undone. Therefore if You want others to proclaim to others that they love God too, then You may opt to invite people / benefits, to Your Christian Leadership Positions, to run activities, field trips, and functions, to speak up and to demonstrate in discussion groups, to attend Church classes, and so on. Yet importantly let the focus be on the higher precepts of these, such as to fill top positions first, and then fill new higher positions, here's a fake though symbolic example: of clear benefits a tiny Church was built, then people were put in charge of advertising (many free opportunities exist such as free government airing) casting for television and radio..., then there was international representation / lobbying, and greater. Yours is not a hopeless dream, others have done it (Ecclesiastes 1.9).

The blood flow control cell opening, is as the bread opening, as the Church door opening inviting; and it is as the ear hearing yet greater with the mouth opening though not to eat rather to give the Word Of God.

Brain cells are more as electrical diodes (reference GodMath Testament Chart 1 evolutionary rate), though if without higher principles of God, then disconnected; if without feedback from God (John 4.34) then as a draining battery. Blood with cells especially with the heart, is a feedback system, that interacts with the brain, hence bringing the brain into the feedback system though according to a person's faith, according to as much involvement in the system as they allow, as much as they have conquered thresholds; generally speaking [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the physics of God) in existence and of pertinence not only in science classes].

Medical Doctors have rightly said "listen to your body" (Jeremiah 26.5 with Moroni 8.8). Of a lower covenant a sinner might listen and take a shot of an illegal drug. A Christian Leader of high Covenanting For God and for the benefit of all, would listen such as to preach the Word Of God, and to so do such preaching so to prepare the body in the proper spirit such as to accept Holy Communion and nutrients for the blood and cells: eating and drinking for their sakes. The sinner is the tail in charge of the brain and body, as if disconnected from the Holy Spirit, although God is available. The lower covenant of the sinner is toward the temporary selfish pleasure, toward burdening others. The sinner might shoot weaponry toward randomness, as a child might do, with less higher Covenanting / worthiness. The sinner brain is as a medical problem akin to a brain tumor, brain injury, and lack of health giving blood to the brain.

Let Your Flock be of the higher Covenanting.

Let them know the Heart Of JESUS.

As found in Philippians 4.8:

Such things are thoughts and words (and much more) yet God The Father is One God Of Power With Doing Righteousness in You (yet of some thresholds depending on their faith) as found in 4 Nephi 1.5:

A person has God given talents suitable unto holding Church Positions. Your Flock also has talents as of former logic in consideration of other Churches. With love You might hone these as with the talent and mutual interest to perform Christian Baptisms, Anointings, the Eucharist, feeding the sheep sermons, providing soup kitchens, performing of the laying on of hands and similar for healings, helps toward ascending, and many other talents (see previous ICCDBB Covenants Sermon on Your High Standard, also on establishing legal precedent).

God in the beginning planned in a moment, the Word became the created, and in the planning was the separation from Heaven to accomplish greater than previously as all has been done before, save of the God Of Old Physics makes all things new, of the same God yet not only of separation toward loss (eg. divorce / Moses), rather a new separation for higher proper gathering, harvesting, and meeting Heavenly in New Logic with unselfish love properly, of the same New God Of New Physics and after separation per law fulfillment:

One Holy Comforter With Christ JESUS Wth Father / One Christ JESUS Wth Father / Father / Plan.

One Holy Comforter With Christ JESUS Wth Father (New God) / One Christ JESUS Wth Father / Father (Old God) / Plan.

ICCDBB (of teachings of Christ JESUS) in this series of Sermons has announced especially in Drawings including to meet law(s) of science (of God) that End Time has already started circa 2,000 years ago in Christ JESUS, therefore given the above triadic physics formations post separation this is the time for reaping the harvest of souls for Christ JESUS In One (New God): New God because it (God) includes You: as much as according to You being JESUS the Christ, the author of New Law hardly toward prisons of flesh bodies per former census of Old God, rather of counting One Soul(s) of Heavenly Spirit also pertinent to physics as much as if to be toward Chosen, and then also with pulse of the heart of the New God (with You) of physics that the physics come from the heart of grace, mercy, [and truth (not to leave it undone)].

After the harvest feast is now the New Physics Together As One, and then comes the Way (You, if to choose / light burden) lovingly lead (One Agreement / Agreeing). Consider Your talent over the field and/or Flock, how the more valuable more blessed part of You (Christ JESUS) in Your Talent As One might be able to accomplish Your Idea For all, for God, if allowed, authorized, enabled, and empowered without complications, without contingencies, without evil input from Satan nor hell. In other words consider Your Idea, hence the follow through of the perfect You: the new beginning for One, hence: all talents and all powers and authorities for not only One save if all is already One, hence" Anew.

New Key Timeline

Bible Timeline showing that Jesus Christ died once for all, of His Holy Sacrifice that all would benefit and be saved: for others, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS made no further crucifixions necessary, though a Christian should be ready to stand their ground. See above in Your Flock how there are gaps around One Member?, it is not very significant though does mean You might hone Your Sermons (ancillary to higher Covenant reasoning). Some gaps are more significant such as the 2,000 year gap (see days discussed in Drawing above and text below). More importantly is if any gap toward upward, if the Word is not seeded in fertile soil. Let all Members be Christian (purple), that all be One, yet very importantly let all (Your Sermons) ascend upward into higher Covenanting In Christ JESUS. To the right is mentioned "televise": some Churches might do better functioning together.

Personal Evangelism has great value.

Though things have changed.

Be aware as to why personal Evangelism has, and has had great values. In the past it was good to be a Christian Evangelist to spread the Word and thereof convert and save others. Since both travel around the world, and since radio, Christianity has already been spread, the converting therefore is now toward another fruitful though evidently less value: while in the past multitudes would find the Word Of God a-breath-of-fresh-air, today with many having already heard (Matthew 13.15), Evangelism is often found more toward naysayers (Proverbs 18.2) rather than proactively seeking the longer value light burden of historic fact with proven Biblical principles. Though even former logic overrides such naysayers, as former President Kennedy had stated, "We chose to go to the moon. Not because it is easy but because it is difficult", and rather because it is appropriated and important. In other words, to go from a lower covenant of Earth-bound people, to a higher lower covenant of space travelers, gaining values such as One higher purpose separation value seeing distant stars with two eyes with one on Earth and one on the Moon aiding increased value depth perception distinguishing worthiness, and such as being able to monitor Earth such as to help see if meteors are approaching, and so on.

So if You have wondered why Your Christian Evangelism success rate, and Your Church Membership increase rate might not be as great as anticipated, this awareness might help. Also awareness of Biblical reasoning to ascend through Covenants (Matthew 6.33) is accordingly found of greater value.

As it is written (Biblehub):


Much symbolism in the Bible is allegorical, for instance the theme of Genesis 1.1 is also in John 1.1, Revelation 3.14, and similarly is in the Holy Birth Of JESUS The Christ, and in John Baptizing JESUS The Christ, and so on. Likewise as You become enlightened as to known, giving the light God gave You, You become of "an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future", and here is some of that interpretation that the "kingdom will be broken apart and divided into four parts", and allegorically some have interpreted as "four horns", "four rings of gold, and put the rings in the four corners that are on the four feet" (Ark Of The Covenant), "four faces", "four seasons", "four heads", and particularly "the four winds of heaven" interpreted as the Four Testaments [bias may apply (ICCDBB is affiliated with the Fourth Testament)].

And while this is not the only allegory concerning "four" and while this is only a portion of the story, in a context for instance "he will arouse the whole empire against the realm of Greece" (Daniel 11.2): the fourth would "arouse the whole empire against the realm of Greece" (God bless such a lovely people). So rather than any discussion of wars, the God of peace, mercy, and higher Holy Covenanting for their benefits offers higher value solutions, solving to help all. Of secular education and as attested in these next two statements, the Greeks were highly advanced [(value) though] in former logic, the worldly logic (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on probability, casting lots, and on flip of a coin).

"The Greeks were a highly educated race" (

"Paul’s first visit lasted nearly two years; his converts were mainly Greeks, gifted with a keen sense of the joys of physical existence, a passion for freedom, and a genius for rhetoric and logic, but reared in the midst of the grossest moral corruption, undisciplined and self-conceited (

And so if not to fight against the Greeks as a key Biblical landmark in making history in former logic often of moot value, then what?: love.

As witnessed in the second Drawing above is a part of the evident fact.

As if logic is challenged, rather New Logic from the heart is given freely, as an added value from the Christian Bible.

Former logic offered directions, as if a naysayer might keep choosing paths until the right path was found by accident, by the flip of a coin, or by exhaustive trial and error; but God The Holy Father did not make it that way. God explained there is only One True God of One True Path, with One True Son Christ JESUS. So instead of trying other high risk, exhaustive fails and try-try-again works / attempts; God rather gave His Son JESUS to better reveal the One True Path Of Love, Righteousness, and of Known Things not yet understood by the world of former logic (Daniel 10.20 & 21).

It is better to have Church allies, than to form any enemy requiring Your Church to be on watch and against which to defend Your Church. Blessed be the Name Of The Lord solving for Your Benefit before-the-fact (John 16.33).

There are mid level missions such as to do the above, healing, raising, and so on; and there are high missions as of greater Covenanting with Christ JESUS and the Godhead, and similarly stated with the Holy Covenanting with Your Church Leadership Position Members, and similar outreach.

Not leaving virtuous values undone, the following might be wise usage of Your light burden effort (with contingencies, such as Your talents, interests...).

  • Great effort: highest Covenanting.
  • Some, toward not much effort: mid level Covenanting.
  • Little effort: low covenanting.
  • Exceptions abound, for instance there are some less healthy people that need far more low level covenanting than others of great health / a matter of personal health; and for instance some people are routinely in the midst of low covenanting people while others are routinely in the midst of highest Covenanting people / a matter of human resources.

    To tell an innocent person in need of healing that they might only be in "mid level" and that You have more important things to do at the moment, might be hell to them (interpretation), so be rather toward higher Covenanting though hardly toward causing distress. In hope of this becoming better understood, consider that a person in distress might see You in the street and say they want to be Baptized now, but You explain You have no water with You and they need come to Your Church and properly go through the process.

    "My God, my God,

    why have you forsaken me?,

    (from Psalm 22.1, & see previous ICCDBB Sermons on translations),

    Heaven was wanted,

    why was hell granted?:

    If You and/or a person sins, even a little, the Physics Of God already present and with people, allow the sinner to see small amount of the results of their sins (no more than the sinner can bear). To enter Heaven is not according to sin lest to be found unworthy of Heaven and cast out. If a person cannot go through hell without starting to commit sins, nor without temptation (save to be tempted to do the Will Of Heavenly God), then hardly would a person be able to lead in Heaven as One.

    With the Will Of God, if a person chooses to go to hell to properly convert it into Heaven, rather than the person losing love and respect for God The Heavenly Father, then it is satisfactory worthiness.

    Christ JESUS did not say "commit sin", Christ JESUS did not say "a little bit of sin is OK" (from Matthew 5.18),

    Christ JESUS did say "Blessed are the pure in heart" (Matthew 5.8), Christ JESUS did say "MAKE READY" and "Prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight"(from Matthew 3.3):

    "Prepare" for what?,

    "MAKE READY" for what?,

    Prepare and MAKE READY for anything that You might encounter that You Within Your Christian Flock may properly conquer as One, even if few, even if many: Conquer As One!

    If given and placed in hell would You quit, give up hope, surrender?, of course not Christian Leader. You have already found the Straight And Narrow Holy Path Of Righteousness in Christ JESUS Your Lord And Savior.

    "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me" (from Psalm 23.4).

    Did You in the world of flesh ever notice a multitude of Angels surrounding You at all times?, hardly as they are up there (see "Great effort" above). Though an Angel Of The Lord visited Mother Mary. When You do what Mary did, then You can have Your Angel (Matthew 26.53, Daniel 10.20 & 21).

    When Joseph saw His Angel, He did as instructed.

    Former ways were long ago undone in New Wisdom Of The Heart In Christ JESUS.

    This covering of the threshold work in You for the greater glory of the the Creator of all things, of Heaven and hell, that is of Heaven and Earth and it's creatures, that is Heaven and the understanding in Christ JESUS of the soul and flesh [each end of a person stopped at the bottom at sin (rather the One New Beginning upwardly from above)].

    The wisdom with much in former logic language for ease of understanding was given in this Sermon concerning Your Worthiness overcoming a threshold that a great key come in the next Sermon with Christ JESUS Covenanting [rather than former ideas about hell] that His burden [Newly] given unto You for Your Flock is light.

    August 7, 2016 AD




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