Description: 5 feet 1 1/2 inch,(or somethin' like that) brown hair, brown eyes, glasses. Oh, yeah. I am 16 years old.
My Family Okay, here goes...9 kids, 2 parents. Big family, huh?
Church Activities I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Interests I have been on the internet off and on for about a year, and I enjoy it a lot.
I estimate I started my web page last September, and I have been working on that off and on too.
I like aerobics, bike riding, computers, Star Trek, astronomy, physics, reading, writing short stories and poetry, and Family History.
I have penpals from India, the United States, Korea, and Argentina.
I am always looking for new penpals so email me if you'd like to be penpals.
School I am in the 10th grade and I do not go to public school, I am home taught. I'm taking a corrospondance course at home currently.
I am currently taking Psychology, US History, Careers, Mathematics and English. My favorite subject right now is History, which is very challenging but fascinating.
Miscellaneous Stuff About Me Hmm...I am a vegetarian. Which means I do not eat meat. But I do eat eggs and cheese so I am not a vegan (yet).
Let's see, what else? Guess that's about it! Thanks for reading this, hope it wasn't too boring. ;-)
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Anyway, I have been counselor in Beehives and Miamaids, and president of Beehives and Miamaids.
I am currently in Laurels.
For those of you who aren't sure what that means, let me explain. This church has a program
for Young Woman (called that too) :)...
It's seperated into three different age groups: Beehives are 12 and 13 year olds,
Miamaids are 14 and 15 years olds, and Laurels are 16 and 17 year olds.
We go to activities about once a week, called Mutual, and they are a lot of fun.