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Now then I must ask you why you are even possibly looking at this page...?
I know I have it here but thats just for legal mumbojumbo, I didn't really think any one would have the guts to come here.
Well if you must be here at least go to something good...

WZZO 95.1
A local awesome radio station. Has posted some of my stuff, in the art section.

My Brothers Sites
Has everything

Worship the Spuds(The Plant not the Family)
My Brother's site this is just a neat and spiffy site that...OtAtOp DoG!!!!!

Awesome animations
AngryBot and Sadrobot and Robotkoft excellente`...with an accent`!

Mr. T vs. Cats(the guy not the animal)
This sucka site is the best Mr. T vs. site out there. Watch the movie and laugh

the band till recently named LMP

Sofa Kingdom
Punk eh sure just this once On-Line Art Learning
Art Crap that doesnt look like art, looks like photos... it hurts that it is so good.

Robot Frank and Robot Ron
I can't say enough words that discribe this to it's full extent...ok I got two measly Buzz lines AWEsome and Funny like all Heck beans
I swear I can't get enough of flash its nifty here's a bunch of it in use

An Archive of Flash Cartoons
Other amiture cartoonists at work

Macromedia (Creators of Flash)
Creator of Flash and other Flash porducts what else is needed to say?