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Aren't these guys adorable? Thanks to Toon Queen for the marvy sprities! Her site is up in the links section You should check it out! Yay! I got two more! I love these things! This one I got from _Behind_Blue_Eyes_.  Ain't he the most adorable thing you've ever seen?! Aww...It's Carrot and Angua! And Cheery! Sybil! Sammy!  Er...Commander Vimes. Your friendly neighborhood reaper of souls

September 1, 2009:
And our first bit of Post-(College)-Crisis material is a shiney new Pondering.

August 29, 2009:
It's the Obsession's 10th anniversary, and I've got an announcement to make. (Update 10/24: No, actually, I don't. Instead, I have a life that is bloody unrelenting, dagnabit. I'll try to update occasionally...)

May 7, 2008:
As soon as I finish addressing all of the things I've neglected this past semester (emails and whatnot...), I'll be starting in on my first set of Classic Who Sculpey figures. But, see, I've got a few decisions to make between now and then, and I thought I'd open it up to suggestions from others. Anyone can participate in this little poll thingie - knowing the characters helps, and having seen the particular episodes mentioned probably helps even more, but I have provided illustration, so you don't have to know anything at all about The Doctor to opine. So, y'know, take it if you want; ignore it if you don't.
Sculpey!Who Questionare
Many thanks.
I've also added quite a lot of quotes to the collection and a few new pieces of Candy (though I will no doubt be adding more to that soon). Hopefully I'll have a bit more to report here over the course of the next few months.

November 4, 2007:
No pondering or anything (though I really should get around to doing one some time soon, shouldn't I?), but instead something even more miraculous - I've posted a piece of fanfiction! So...if you care to read quasi-emo Doctor Who fanfic, you should head on over to the Fan Stuff page and scroll on down to the very bottom to find "A Different Morality."
Also, if you like quirky, quasi-Tim Burton-esque fantasy, you should definitely watch Pushing Daisies. 8 PM on Tuesdays on ABC. It's good times.

October 1, 2007:
I disappear for two months, only to come back just to yell about how horrible a place the world is...
For those of you who don't know, the Sci-Fi Channel aired a CENSORED version of the Doctor Who episode "The Sound of Drums" this past Friday night. The episode was not censored because there was anything inappropriate in it (it's a family show, for goodness' sake... It always has been, and I don't think there's anyone in the current production team who is interested in changing that), but instead because Captain Jack Harkness, a "pansexual"* character, vocalized his feelings for another male character.
I have so incredibly much to be doing right now, and I am completely and utterly _spent_ from the Y2H Debacle (as dear, dear Draca has dubbed it), but, as I am still UTTERLY FURIOUS at what happened Friday night, I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to see Draca Darkwingette's Open Letter to the Good Captain.
Go. Look. Be outraged.
* Which is to say, he would never consider gender or, in the expanded SF universe of Doctor Who, species a boundary when choosing a partner...presumably with the caveat that the partner is sentient and, of course, that the relationship is consensual.

August 7, 2007:
I'm really terrible about this updating thing, aren't I? And I'm even worse about actually announcing updates... ::sigh:: I've been busy elsewhere.
Anyhow, I've done ponderings in January, July, and August, so you should check those out if you haven't. Also, I've recently updated the Eye/Ear Candy pages as well as the harem (though the latter will be further updated just as soon as I've decided exactly what to do with a couple of particularly complicated characters), and, though I haven't been keping the fanart/fic section up to date, I have been posting some of my stuff over at my DeviantArt gallery, so you can check that out if you wish. And finally, I will have a Doctor Who fanfic (::gasp!:: Robin's writing again!) for your viewing play-sure in the somewhat nearish future.

December 21, 2006:
No new pages, no new additions to the DMC review, and I still haven't even gotten any more Daria fiction posted. BUT, I did just get up a brand new Battlestar-related pondering. I thought it would be kind of sad if there were only one entry in the 2006 pondering archive, so I bumped it to the top of my priorities. So, go enjoy the rambling discussion of the relative merits of freaky Cylon mating rituals versus dispassionate enlisted couples.

December 5, 2006:
So, did you run out and buy it? Didjadidjadidja?
I didn't, but only because my mom made me agree to let her buy it for me for Hogswatch. Twenty more days for me. But it's okay, because I should really be concentrating on finals. And hey, maybe I can even rope the padres into watching it with me...they watched the first one and seemed to enjoy it at least somewhat.
In any case, even if I have to wait (and I hope for the rest of the family's sake that it's the last gift I unwrap, because I have a feeling gift opening is going to get put on hold until I have fully appreciated that one...), we can still celebrate. So, all my loyal readers, here's the beginning of what will eventually become a multi-page tribute to one of the most exciting things to happen to movies EVER:
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; An Exhaustive (or perhaps just exhaust_ing_) Discussion
One of these days when I've passed my finals and all that funness, I'll be adding further rhuminations on the movie from guest pirates Cap'n Savvy and Cap'n Chaotica!!, as well as commentaries from anyone else who wants to get in on the fun...and there will probably be a third Fit as soon as I've gotten my gruby hands on a copy. And you can rest assured that there will be a screenshot gallery some day soon.
Oh, yeah. Just in case you haven't died of excitement yet, lookit! Eeeeeeeheeheehee!
Erm... I think it's time for me meds...

November 28, 2006: Oops... It’s been nearly a year since I last reported my activities. Sorry about that. Between lab reports, term papers, and moving, there hasn’t been a lot of time to update, but I have at least been keeping the harem, Candy pages, and quote file somewhat up-to-date. There are a few pages in the works and I know at least one person is planning to submit artwork soon (and if there’s anyone here who is interested in Daria fanfic, I have a ton of it to get posted over at the Shrine sometime... I promise I will get to it eventually), and there might even be a pondering update at some point. Stranger things have happened...
For now, I’ve figured out a handy (and, more importantly, _quick_) way to endorse a few animation/entertainment-related things: lists!

Things That Happened in 2006 That I Heartily Endorse:
~Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
~Kelsey Grammer’s Hank McCoy
~Barenaked Ladies Are Me
~the acoustic version of “Maybe You’re Right”
~Darkwing Duck on DVD
~Studio 60
~Karen Scarfolli—erm, Karen Filippelli—on The Office
~Christian Bale everywhere but the tabloids! (even though I still haven’t managed to see either of his movies)
~No more Eisner!
~Rooster Teeth comics
~Dean Stockwell’s return to science fiction
~Mr. Turtle
~Kim Possible being back in production
~South Park season 10
~Thud! in paperback
~Hogfather in live action
~Nobody’s Watching sneaking into everything
~UF’s production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Things That Are Not So Cool:
~Most of the events in X3
~Keith Urban’s alcoholism
~Tony Jay’s death
~Homophobia and using derogatory terms about your coworkers
~The 14 thousand gimmicky CG films
~Pixar going back to Disney
~Sci-Fi pretending like they’re going to play Threshold, then bouncing it around their schedule
~Continued lack of Gargoyles season 2 volume 2
~Continued lack of Nobody’s Watching on TV
~More reality TV/What Not to Wear type garbage
~Utter lack of interesting new animation

Awesomeness I Discovered This Year:
~Everybody Loves Raymond
~Arsenic and Old Lace
~X-Men: Evolution
~X-Men: The Animated Series
~Common Rotation: The Big Fear
~West Wing
~Harold Lloyd films
~Simon the Sorcerer, Secret of Monkey Island, and Le Chuck’s Revenge
~Alan Moore

January 1, 2006:
Happy New Year!
And to celebrate, I've updated! I have added Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Victor Von Dort, and Leonard Church to my harem, several actors to the candy pages, and a Batman Begins gallery! Enjoy!

December 28, 2005:
Happy birthday, Marty Roe!
Happy birthday, Denzel Washington!

December 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jason!

December 26, 2005:
RIP Sir Nigel Hawthorne ('01)

December 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Steve Wariner!
Happy birthday, Candi Candido

December 23, 2005:
Happy birthday, Harry Shearer!
Jess Harnell

December 21, 2005:
Happy birthday, Paul Winchell!

December 11, 2005:
Happy birthday, Hal Smith!

December 9, 2005:
Happy birthday, Paddi Edwards!

December 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Dom Monaghan!

December 4, 2005:
Happy birthday, Brian Prout!

December 1, 2005:
Happy birthday, David Doyle!
Happy birthday, Paul Chaplin!

November 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Colin Mochrie!
Happy birthday, Mark Wing-Davey!

November 28, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jon Stewart!

November 24, 2005:
Happy birthday, Brad Sherwood!
Happy birthday, Kat!

November 22, 2005:
RIP Scatman Crothers ('86)
RIP Sterling Holloway ('92)
RIP Parley Baer ('02)
Happy birthday, Terry Gilliam!

November 19, 2005:
Happy birthday, Alan Young!

November 18, 2005:
RIP James Coburn ('02)

November 16, 2005:
Happy birthday, Dawes Butler!

November 14, 2005:
Happy birthday, David Moscow!

November 13, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ashley!

November 11, 2005:
RIP, Mary Kay Bergman ('99)

November 8, 2005:
Happy 32nd aniversary, Robin Hood!

November 6, 2005:
Happy birthday, Trace Beaulieu!
Happy birthday, Jonathan Harris!

November 5, 2005:
Happy birthday, Masked Homie!

November 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Kevin Murphy!
RIP Jonathan Harris ('02)

November 2, 2005:
Happy birthday, Danny Cooksey!
Happy birthday, Paul Frees!

October 31, 2005:
Happy birthday, David Ogden Stiers!

October 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Hamilton Camp!
Happy birthday, Maggie!

October 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy birthday, Simon LeBon!

October 26, 2005:
Happy birthday, Keith Urban!

October 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ed Robertson!
RIP, Vincent Price ('93)
RIP, Roger Miller ('92)

October 24, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jack Angel!
Happy birthday, Kevin Kline!
RIP, Don Messik ('97)

October 18, 2005:
RIP, Paddi Edwards ('99)

October 15, 2005:
Happy birthday, Toran Caudell!
Happy birthday, Captain Chaotica!!

October 11, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mike Nelson!
Happy birthday, Jean Vander Pyl!

October 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Nick Bakay!
Happy birthday, Ardal O'Hanlon!

October 6, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ioan Gruffudd!

October 4, 2005:
RIP, Graham Chapman ('89)

October 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Greg Proops!
Happy birthday, Christian Coulson!
RIP, Roddy McDowall ('98)

September 29, 2005:
Happy birthday, Angela!

September 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mark Hamill!
Happy birthday, Tate Donovan!

September 24, 2005:
Happy birthday, Phil Hartman!
Happy birthday, Bridget Jones! (the MST3K one)

September 21, 2005:
Happy birthday, Chuck Jones!
Happy birthday, Tyler Stewart!

September 18, 2005:
Happy birthday, James Marsden!
Happy birthday, June Foray!

September 17, 2005:
Happy birthday, Roddy McDowall!

September 13, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mae Questel!

September 10, 2005:
Happy birthday, Colin Firth!

September 9, 2005:
Happy birthday, Chip Esten!
Happy birthday, Marshall!

September 7, 2005:
Happy birthday, Don Messick!
Happy 14th aniversary, DWD!

September 6, 2005:
RIP Harry Goz ('03)

September 3, 2005:
Sorry... It's been a long while... I've been doing a lot, though. Between the two (awesome) concerts and five (great) movies, I've managed to write pages for Sarah Vowell, Battlestar Galactica, Hobbits, and Duran Duran, as well as a new pondering, three new livie harem members, a new piece of Ear Candy (and I found a picture of Geoffrey McGivern! Ha!). There's also a new member of the Looney Bin (go see The Masked Homie - she's awesome!), and I have added two new artish project.
And if that's not enough, there are a number of new pieces of fiction and art over at the Daria Shrine. Oh, yeah. There are also about a million quotes now. Or maybe just under 3000. Whatever. It's a lot. Go check them out.

September 2, 2005:
Happy birthday, Chuck McCann!

August 31, 2005:
Happy birthday, Buddy Hackett!
Happy birthday, James Coburn!

August 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Frank Conniff!

August 29, 2005:
Happy birthday, Dan Truman!

August 28, 2005:
Happy birthday, Billy Boyd!

August 26, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jimmy Olander!

August 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Kat!

August 22, 2005:
Happy birthday, Collin Raye!

August 20, 2005:
Happy birthday, Alan Reed!

August 19, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jonathan Frakes!

August 11, 2005:
Happy birthday, Will Friedle!

August 10, 2005:
Happy birthday, Gene Johnson!

August 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Terence Corrigan!
RIP, MST3K (1999)

August 7, 2005:
Happy birthday, Stan Freeburg!

August 5, 2005:
RIP Lorenzo Music (2001)
Happy birthday, Parley Baer!
Happy birthday, Kenny!

July 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Martin Starr!

July 28, 2005:
Happy birthday, Phil Proctor!

July 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, Simon Jones!

July 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Duckie!

July 21, 2005:
Happy birthday, Robin Williams!

July 20, 2005:
Happy birthday, John Francis Daley!

July 15, 2005:
RIP Dana Hill (1992)

July 10, 2005:
RIP Mel Blanc (1989)

July 7, 2005:
Happy birthday, Cree Summer!

July 4, 2005:
Happy birthday, Andy Creeggan!
(Born on the Forth of July, freedom ring. Well something on the surface, it stings...)

July 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Kevin Hearn!
Happy birthday, Dave Barry!
Happy birthday, Yeardley Smith!

July 2, 2005:
Happy 19th Anniversary, GMD!

June 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Linda Cardellini!
Happy birthday, Busy Phillips!

June 22, 2005:
Happy birthday, Steven Page!

June 21, 2005:
Happy birthday, Joe Flaherty!

June 20, 2005:
Happy birthday, John Taylor!

June 15, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jim Varney!
Happy fourth anniversary, Atlantis!

June 14, 2005:
RIP Alan Reed ('77)

June 13, 2005:
RIP Danny Dark ('04)

June 12, 2005:
Happy birthday, Peter Jones!

June 10, 2005:
So, no dice on getting the pages done before taking off for Texas (Real Life sucks that way sometimes). But I do hope to get them at least written while I'm gone. Here's hoping...

June 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Nick Rhodes!

June 3, 2005:
Happy 6th, AL!
I don't have any new pages for you yet (though there are now three that I plan to get working on some time really soon), but I just had to let off a little excitement. I was in WalMart this afternoon, adn I saw not one, not two, not even _three_, but FOUR of the guys on the Eye Candy page as action figures. Considering pop culture is generally anathema for me, that is shocking. In any case, I ran into Frodo, Boromir, Bruce Wayne, and Mr. Fantastic in miniature. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately, as far as my wallet is concerned), not a one of them did the actor justice. The worst by far was the Mr. Fantastic figure, which made dear Ioan look like his nose is as big as his face is long.
::sigh:: Ah, well. I'll get back to you soon on those pages.

June 2, 2005:
Happy birthday, Wayne Brady!
Okay, so there's clearly a problem when the Daria Shrine gets updated three times before the Obsession does... Here's what's been going down: my second semester of college was a bit on the crazy side, so I didn't get a lot of opportunities to work on the site. I _have_ been making some additions and tweaks and such with out reporting the updates, though. See, I felt sort of embarrassed admitting that I had done work around here when I was four months behind on the Pondering. But, I did finally get a new Pondering up last night, so I suppose I can now tell everyone what's been up.
New pages: Kim Possible (Shows), Monkey Fist (Characters), and Red vs. Blue (Misc. section of Steps. I'm still not sure why I didn't count it as a cartoon...), and the Eyebrow page has been updated
Other things and whatnot: The quote total is up to 2715, a new Art-ish Project in the Looney Bin, a page of Actors who Could Have Been Ford (written before I saw the movie, but I've only slightly rescinded), new galleries for Dogma and The Notebook, a handful of fresh Candy (of both kinds), and a new personality quiz thingummie in Conventional Website Funness.
And finally, I have put up a small handful of icons and such in the Photoshop Funness section as a preemptive strike against pop-culture. If I know anything about Americans, there's about to be an explosion of interest in Christian Bale. I kind of hate to get possessive and petty like this, but you know what? I'm going to anyway. So, my friends, we have 13 more days before Bale goes from an underground heartthrob to paparazzi fodder. Get your Pre-Batman Balehead badges while there's still time.

May 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mel Blanc!
Happy birthday, Colm Meanie!
Happy birthday, Trey McKay Parker!

May 29, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ed Gilbert!

May 28, 2005:
RIP Phil Hartman (’98)

May 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, Vincent Price!

May 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Frank Oz!
Happy birthday, Mike Myers!
Happy birhday, Roaming Tigress!

May 23, 2005:
Happy birthday, Scatman Crothers!

May 19, 2005:
RIP Candy Candido ('99)

May 18, 2005:
RIP Daws Butler ('88)
Happy fourth anniversary, Shrek!

May 16, 2005:
Happy birthday, Meghan!

May 11, 2005:
Happy birthday, Terry McGovern!
RIP Douglas Adams ('01)

May 8, 2005:
RIP Ed Gilbert ('99)

May 6, 2005:
Happy birthday, Dana Hill!

May 5, 2005:
Happy birthday, Michael Palin!
Happy birthday, Pat Caroll!

May 4, 2005:
Happy That One Superhero Team Day!

May 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Monica!

May 2, 2005:
Happy birthday, Lorenzo Music!

April 28, 2005:
Happy birthday, Terry Pratchett!

April 26, 2005:
Happy birthday, Roger Taylor!

April 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Hank Azaria!
Happy birthday, Cindy!

April 23, 2005:
Happy birthday, William Shakespeare!
RIP William Shakespeare (1616)

April 22, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ryan Stiles!

April 20, 2005:
Happy birthday, Betty Lou Gerson!

April 19, 2005:
Happy birthday, Tim Curry!
Happy birthday, James Franco!

April 18, 2005:
Happy birthday, Draca!

April 17, 2005:
Happy birthday, Sean Bean!

April 15, 2005:
Happy birthday, Seth Rogen!
Happy birthday, Don Adams!

April 14, 2005:
Happy birthday, Ethel the Mouse Queen!

April 10, 2005:
RIP Peter Jones ('00)
RIP Jean Vander Pyl ('99)

April 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Fay!

April 6, 2005:
Happy birthday, Danielle!

April 5, 2005:
Happy birthday, Susan Tolsky!
Happy birthday, Sir Nigel Hawthorne!

April 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jamie Bamber!

March 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Maurice La Marche!
Happy birthday, Bill Corbett!

March 29, 2005:
Happy birthday, Eric Idle!

March 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, Killjoy!

March 23, 2005:
RIP William Hanna ('01)

March 19, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jim Mallon!

March 17, 2005:
RIP Norma Macmillan (’01)

March 15, 2005:
Beware the Ides of March!

March 14, 2005:
Happy Pi Day!

March 12, 2005:
Happy birthday, Samm Levine!

March 11, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mom!
Happy birthday, Rob Paulsen!
Happy birthday, Douglas Adams!

March 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Dermot Morgan!

February 28, 2005:
RIP Dermot Morgan (’98)

February 27, 2005:
Happy birthday, Mary Jo Pehl!

February 26, 2005:
RIP David Doyle ('97)

February 25, 2005:
Happy birthday, Sean Astin!
Happy birthday, Anamania!
Happy birthday, Mainecoon!

February 20, 2005:
Happy birthday, Charlie Adler!
Happy birthday, Joel Hodgson!
Happy birthday, French Stewart!

February 17, 2005:
Happy birthday, Becky Ann Baker!
Happy birthday, Auburn Red!

February 16, 2005:
Happy birthday, Frank Welker!
Happy birthday, Harry Goz!

February 12, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jim Creeggan!

February 11, 2005:
Happy Towel Day!

February 10, 2005:
RIP, Jim Varney ('00)

February 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Nathan Lane!

February 1, 2005:
Happy birthday, Terry Jones!

January 30, 2005:
Happy birthday, Christian Bale!

January 28, 2005:
RIP Hal Smith (’94)
Happy birthday, Elijah Wood!

January 18, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jason Segel!

January 17, 2005:
Happy birthday, James Earl Jones!

January 12, 2005:
RIP Betty Lou Gerson (’99)
Happy birthday, Dad!

January 10, 2005:
RIP Bob McFadden ('00)

January 8, 2005:
Happy birthday, Graham Chapman!

January 6, 2005:
Happy Topsy Turvy Day!

January 4, 2005:
Happy birthday, Sterling Holloway!
RIP Mae Questel ('98)
I've updated the quotes and gotten up a pondering.
Hope everyone had a Pippin Christmahannukwanzaka and a Dopey New Year.
Feel free to substitute your own Hobbit and Dwarf.

January 3, 2005:
Happy birthday, Jason Marsden!

December 28, 2004:
Happy birthday, Denzel Washington!

December 26, 2004:
RIP Sir Nigel Hawthorne ('01)

December 25, 2004:
Happy birthday, Candi Candido!
Happy birthday, Steve Wariner!

December 23, 2004:
Happy birthday, Harry Shearer!
Happy birthday, Jess Harnell!

December 22, 2004:
And it’s been a while since I actually updated this page... I’ve got several new harem additions, a few more pieces of candy, many, many more quotes (and they’re all organized all nice and stuff), a new page over in the steps section, and some excellent new fanfiction by The Angst Guy over at the Daria Shrine.
Happy Hogswatch, everyone.

December 21, 2004:
Happy birthday, Paul Winchell!

December 11, 2004:
Happy birthday, Hal Smith!

December 9, 2004:
Happy birthday, Paddi Edwards!

December 8, 2004:
Happy birthday, Dominic Monaghan!

December 1, 2004:
Happy birthday, David Doyle!
Happy birthday, Paul Chaplin!

November 30, 2004:
Happy birthday, Colin Mochrie!
Happy birthday, Mark Wing-Davey!

November 24, 2004:
Happy birthday, Brad Sherwood!
Happy birthday, Kat!

November 22, 2004:
RIP Scatman Crothers ('86)
RIP Sterling Holloway ('92)
RIP Parley Baer ('02)
Happy birthday, Terry Gilliam!

November 10, 2004:
Happy birthday, Alan Young!

November 18, 2004:
RIP James Coburn ('02)

November 16, 2004:
Happy birthday, Daws Butler!

November 14, 2004:
Happy birthday, David Moscow!

November 13, 2004:
Happy birthday, Ashley!

November 11, 2004:
RIP, Mary Kay Bergman (’99)

November 8, 2004:
Happy 31st Anniversary, Robin Hood!

November 6, 2004:
Happy birthday, Trace Beaulieu!
Happy birthday, Jonathan Harris!

November 3, 2004:
Happy birthday, Kevin Murphy!
RIP Richard Harris (’02)

November 2, 2004:
Happy birthday, Danny Cooksey!
Happy birthday, Paul Frees!

October 31, 2004:
Happy birthday, David Ogden Stiers!

October 30, 2004:
Happy birthday, Lily!
Happy birthday, Hamilton Camp!

October 27, 2004:
Happy birthday, John Cleese!

October 26, 2004:
Happy birthday, Keith Urban!
And we have a page for Will Friedle in our midst. So go give him some love.

October 25, 2004:
RIP, Vincent Price ('93)
RIP, Roger Miller ('92)

October 24, 2004:
RIP, Don Messik ('97)
Happy birthday, Jack Angel!
Happy birthday, Kevin Kline!
Lots of moving and shaking here. Lesse if I can remember all of it.
New pages for Grey DeLisle and Carlos Alazraqui. Some new fanart and fanfic from yours truly. And a new article about the genius that is Craig McCracken and...something special from Jason Marsden in the interview section. I think that was it. Yeah.

October 18, 2004:
RIP, Paddi Edwards ('99)

October 15, 2004:
Happy birthday, Toran Caudell!
Happy birthday, Captain Chaotica!!
Finally got the pondering up. And about a hundred quotes. And I'll have some fiction for you in a few. Yup. Fiction. From me. Yeah for the Drabblers.

October 11, 2004:
Happy birthday, Mike Nelson!
Happy birthday, Jean Vander Pyl!

October 8, 2004:
Happy birthday, Nick Bakay!
Happy birthday, Ardal O'Hanlon!

October 6, 2004:
Happy birthday, Ioan Gruffudd!

October 5, 2004:
Happy sixth, Catdog!

October 3, 2004:
RIP Roddy McDowall ('98)
Happy birthday, Greg Proops!
Happy birthday, Christian Coulson!

September 29, 2004:
Happy birthday, Liz!
Happy birthday, Angela!

September 25, 2004:
Happy birthday, Mark Hamill!
Happy birthday, Tate Donnovan!

September 24, 2004:
Happy birthday, Phil Hartman!
Happy birthday, Bridget Jones (the one from MST)!

September 21, 2004:
Happy birthday, Chuck Jones!

September 19, 2004:
New pages for Ron Stoppable and stand up comedy. Which is really just a list of my favourite comics. Or something. And then I got up another picture in the photo manipulations section. It's fun times.

September 18, 2004:
Happy birthday, June Foray!
Happy birthday, James Marsden!

September 17, 2004:
Happy birthday, Roddy McDowall!

September 13, 2004:
Happy birthday, Mae Questel!
BNL is now in the Steps section. Smell that new page scent...

September 9, 2004:
Happy birthday, Chip Esten!
Happy birthday, Marshall!

September 7, 2004:
Happy birthday, Don Messick!
Happy 13th, Darkwing!

September 6, 2004:
RIP Harry Goz ('03)

September 4, 2004:
New page for Phil LaMarr, a pondering, and some more quotes.

September 2, 2004:
Happy birthday, Chuck McCann!

August 31, 2004:
Happy birthday, Buddy Hackett!
Happy birthday, James Coburn!

August 30, 2004:
Happy birthday, Frank Conniff!

August 25, 2004:
Happy birthday, Kat!

August 22, 2004:
Happy birthday, Collin Raye!

August 20, 2004:
Happy birthday, Alan Reed!

August 19, 2004:
Happy birthday, Jonathan Frakes!

August 8, 2004:
Happy birthday, Terence Corrigan!
RIP, MST3K ('99)

August 7, 2004:
The pondering's up. Have fun.

August 2, 2004:
And it's been 5 years. I finally got around to pitching that horrible intro that was originally meant to be a temp thing until I got actual content up and somehow managed to hang on to it for half a decade. I've also made some major changes to my harem, put up plenty of fan stuff at The Daria Shrine, as well as a link to some great stuff here. I've also gotten up pages for Century City, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Daily Show. And one of these days, I'll come up with a pondering.

July 30, 2004:
Happy birthday, Martin Starr!

July 28, 2004:
Happy birthday, Phil Proctor!

July 27, 2004:
Happy birthday, Simon Jones!

July 25, 2004:
Happy birthday, Kelly!

July 21, 2004:
Happy birthday, Robin Williams!

July 20, 2004:
Happy birthday, John Francis Daley!

July 19, 2004:
Congratulations, Jon Stewart, on your new arrival! ^_^

July 15, 2004:
RIP Dana Hill ('92).

July 10, 2004:
RIP Mel Blanc ('89).

July 7, 2004:
Happy birthday, Cree Summer!

July 3, 2004:
Happy birthday, Yeardley Smith!

July 2, 2004:
Happy 18th anniversary, GMD!
Well, now. Look who's finally gotten up a new pondering! And there's a new collage up in the Artish Projects section of the Looney Bin. And I don't think I ever announced it, but I put up a page for a very talented young voice actor by the name of Jason Marsden quite some time ago. You should definitely swing by and give him a look. And then go to his website and listen to his animation demo. It's much fun.

June 25, 2004:
Happy birthday, Linda Cardellini!
Happy birthday, Busy Phillips!
More candy! One more eye and two ears. It's a cyclops!

June 21, 2004:
Happy birthday, Joe Flaherty!

June 20, 2004:
Happy Fathers' Day!
And, ::gasp!:: Can it be?! Two updates in as many days...?! Yes! There's now a page for Interview with the Vampire! And I don't remember if I said anything, but I added pages for Jason Marsden and Tino Tonitini in the past few weeks. Kinda feels like I've done some other things, but I can't recall what...
Oh, well.

June 19, 2004:
Alright, it's been a couple of months... But I'm all graduated, now, so it's all good.
I got up a page for Kenneth Branagh, btw.

June 15, 2004:
Happy birthday, Jim Varney!
Happy third anniversary, Atlantis!

June 14, 2004:
RIP Alan Reed ('77)

June 13, 2004:
RIP Danny Dark ('04)

June 12, 2004:
Happy birthday, Peter Jones!

June 3, 2004:
Happy 5th, AL!
