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Ashley Valley Wilderness was started February, 2002 in response to an increasing demand for an intensive and short-term option to traditional treatment programs. Ashley Valley Wilderness has an outstanding program that utilizes diagnostic evaluation therapy and face to face learning in an inspiring outdoor setting. Ashley Valley Wilderness Program goals are to provide at-risk and troubled adolescents with experiences that promote the development of self-discipline, confidence, problem solving skills, and a healthy lifestyle.

The details of the program contain the following: a diagnostic (set of symptoms) assessment, a six tiered level system, individual and group therapy, and a school curriculum (currently waiting for accreditation from the Utah State Board of Education), recreational activities that provide life experiences. A caring team of program specialists provide all.

The academic program at Ashley Valley Wilderness Program is designed to work with the therapeutic objectives of the program and provide "hands-on" learning experiences. The outdoor classroom provides a diverse physical setting that allows students to learn geology (study of the earth layers and fossils), astronomy (stars), and biology (local plants and animals). "Hands-on" experiences make learning interesting and fun. It encourages positive, expressive personal growth while it prepares the mode for students to link learning from books to real life experiences.

The curriculum focuses on, General Science Social Studies English, and Physical Education. Students must complete written educational booklets and experience activities in order to receive credit. The Education Director can sign a statement to send to the student's home school for approval on the credit to their educational program.


Ashley Valley Wilderness

80 East, 100 South, Vernal, UT, 84078
|| Direct 435-781-2450 || Toll Free 1-866-781-2450 || Fax 435-781-2442|| || Web Page:http//
Troubled Teens, Family Therapy, At-Risk Students, Early Intervention