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This site is under consrtuction

1-03-03> | Foresst

I'm sorry for the lack of updates and also the lack of models flowing in, but i have some bad news. Until we can get a coder, i have halted the contruction of the mod. If you are a coder and you are reading this and want to help us out, email me at thanks.

12-23-02 | Foresst

This is a must download. It will come with the mod, but as a different gametype. This is by far the best map i have EVER done. What is it? Vally. Download it here.


12-15-02 | Foresst

Check out this sweet axe model. I know the lack of models that have been occuring, but Zex should be giving me a whole bunch of models this monday, and also tomarrow i promis 5 new models! Well anyways here's the pic.

Hope you like it!

12-13-02 | Foresst

Ugh, i forgot to hit save on my last update so here are some shots of armor and weapons, the first 3 are done by Zex, who is currently grounded but wont be for long. The second two are mine. Lets get down to buisness.

A long bladed Axe

Basic body armor

A one handed, thick bladed sword

Ok here are mine

Basic Helm

A small, baseless, offcentered-point dagger

Thats it. The helm has been made cheap, therefore, the cost will be cheap, the durability not so decent, and it shouldn't take off too many damage points.

12-12-02 | Foresst

I just took a whole bunch of screenies of the sword models that i have. Some are quite good, some suck big. I have more, but they're at my friends house. I'll get those soon. This site is still under very slow construction. Heres the shots.








All these i did myself, i'll be posting some body armor, another sword, and an axe soon, these done by my friend Zex. L8.
