Brian Thomas Littrell

Brian Thomas Littrell was born on February 20, 1975 in Lexington, Kentucky to Harold Sr. and Jackie Littrell. He is the youngest in the family, following his brother Harold Jr. Besides a slight heart murmur that he was supposed to outgrow, he was born an apparently healthy baby.

Brian lived a fairly normal life until the time he was five-years-old. While playing with his brother and cousins (probably Kevin *winkwink*) at his grandmothers house, Brian fell and scraped his knee. Upset, he ran to his mother, crying, who lovingly made him feel better, and he went back to playing. A couple of days later, he fell again and hit his head pretty hard. Worried that there may be a concussion or something, his parents took him to the doctor. It was there that they found out he had a Staff Infection. It didn’t help any that his heart murmur hadn’t closed up much.

Over the next few months, Brian and his family struggled to keep sane. Brian was in the hospital for a great deal of time with temperatures sometimes as high as one hundred and seven degrees. His heart stopped several times and the doctors had to place him in ice baths to cool his temperature and shock his heart back to pumping. Things weren’t looking good and the doctors were positive Brian was going to die. Eventually, however, the infection slowly left his body and his temperature went down. He was released from the hospital several months after he had entered it.

Because of the extent of the hospital stay, Brian was forced to re-start the first grade. He was one of the oldest in his class.

Brian has an incredible love for sports. He would have loved to play soccer and/or football, but Jackie was too worried about his heart problem to allow him to play those sports. However, she okayed basketball when he showed an interest. Brian played basketball in high school and was a school star.

On April 19, 1993, during his American History class, Brian was called down the office. Hoping he wasn’t in trouble, he went down to find out that Kevin was calling for him from Orlando. Shocked, he found out that Kevin wanted him to audition for the group he had made. Brian agreed. Later on that night at home, Brian auditioned to Lou over the phone. Lou absolutely loved what he heard, and scheduled a flight for Brian the next day at six AM to fly to Orlando to begin with the group.

Several years later on the set of As Long As You Love Me, Brian met one of the girls appearing in the video. Leighanne Wallace was three years older than he was, but they hit it off. They quickly made a relationship out of the thing and another few years (three to be exact) in 2000 they were married.

Please don’t copy this or any of the biographies on this website as they are my own and I worked hard on them. – Keira