Kevin Scott Richardson

Kevin Scott Richardson was born on October 3, 1971 (not 1972 as it is often mistaken) in Lexington, Kentucky to Jerald Sr. and Ann Richardson. He is the youngest of three children (Jerald Jr. and Timothy).

Growing up, Kevin’s father worked as a fireman and later ran a Boys Scout summer camp. It was there that Kevin taught himself how to play the piano in the foyer of the food hall. Kevin’s love for music grew steadily from then on, becoming more and more a part of his life.

In high school Kevin was on the Estill County High School football team and as a senior was the captain of that team. He earned himself the nickname Train from his teammates and coach for being very aggressive on the field. Kevin loved to share the music he wrote and sung with his teammates and they enjoyed listening to him and encouraged him to continue with his talent.

After high school Kevin moved down to Orlando, Florida to make attempts at furthering a career in entertainment. He worked as a cast-member at Walt Disney World dressed up as Aladdin, Prince Eric, and a Ninja Turtle. There he met his future wife Kristin Willits.

Not long after starting his work at Disney, Kevin received word that his father had been diagnosed with colon cancer. Kevin immediately moved back home to Lexington to spend time with his dad. Jerald’s condition steadily worsened and only a few months after being diagnosed, he died in September of 1990, shortly before Kevin’s nineteenth birthday.

Devastated and heartbroken, Kevin wanted to stay at home – hoping to find work there --to be with his mother and brothers. His mother Ann insisted, however, that he go back to Orlando and start yet another attempt at a career in the business. Kevin once again moved down to Florida at his mothers request – something he would never regret doing.

While living in Florida, Kevin heard about a singing contest at a local karaoke bar with the first place prize of one thousand dollars. Kevin easily scooped first place and met yet another person who would change his life. Howie Dorough, who had also been in the contest, told Kevin about a musical group he was in that was in desperate need of a replacement singer. He asked Kevin to try out and Kevin agreed.

After making the group, Lou Pearlman suggested they try out for a fifth member. He held more auditions but no one was good enough to catch his eye. Kevin told him about his cousin Brian Littrell up in Lexington, who had an amazing voice. Lou listened to Brian and immediately signed him. Thus the Backstreet Boys were complete.

Please don’t copy this or any of the biographies on this website as they are my own and I worked hard on them. – Keira