3/10/04 -- Long time no updates! You can all thank the wonderful Reem (BJ) for pushing me to put up the next chapter of Bridge Over Troubled Water up. It has in fact been in the process and sitting stage for months, because I have been too obsorbed a few other things. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and the next chapter of That's the Way it is should be up before too long :)
7/19/03 -- Woah. Major updates once again. A new chapter of Bridge Over Troubled Water is up. So is the LAST chapter of Crazy Days! and another chapter of That's the Way it is -- a story I haven't updated in a long time, lol. 7/14/03 -- I have REVISED Don't Take... because, well, if you must know, I was very unhappy with it. I didn't like it much at all anymore, because in my opinion it wasn't very realistic. But I've gone through and revised it and now it's more realistic. It's still pretty much the same, but those of you who are big fans of it will notice some big differences. Oh and another thing. I have a feeling (mainly because I was forced to make an extra link for it) that Don't Take might be messed up in one way or another. So if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Please let me know. Thanks.