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Yamcha Sympathy Page

Poor little Yamcha. He started out cool. I mean, just look at the picture above! *That* is cool. I mean, in Dragonball, he had everything. Good looks...

A cute girl friend...

Nifty fighting skills...

Then came DBZ and it all goes down hill. I mean, right off the bat he dies! I mean, Yamcha is now the guy that bad guys come and kill to show how cool and neat and strong they are.

So, after "Ah ah ah"ing up in heaven for awile with Tien and the satanic Clown Doll, he comes back only to have his girlfriend run off with the leader of the guys who killed him! This guy!

Allright, so thats kinda a mean pic. How 'bout this?

There, better, but still! Does that beat out Yamcha? The answer to this is "no". Appearantly Akira Toriyama saw this too because Yamcha begins to get progresivly uglier through out the seris.

And there is yet another cruel recompense of Bulma running off with Vegeta. Fanfics. Bulma Vegeta fan fics are argueably the biggest pairing of any DBZ fics. (rivalled only by Goku Vegeta fics ::twitch twitch::) and guess who get horribly bashed in 97% of these fics just because Trunks decided to be very vauge when decribing a certain break up. Need a hint? Yamcha! Yamcha gets bashed! Here's what Yamcha thinks of that.

Yeah, I don't blame you, Yamcha. Poor guy.

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