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'Summer Wine'

Sometimes like velvet on my skin,
I long to feel your touch.
And hear you whisper with your voice
The words that mean so much.

Sometimes it is the little things
You send or say or do
That make me ache inside so much
To be a part of you.

Sometimes there is no greater joy,
Just knowing you are there
To touch my heart, my very soul
And show me that you care.

Sometimes so many miles apart
Make the heart grow fonder still.
But there are times it aches so much
And a void you cannot fill.

Sometimes I get those little doubts
That will not go away
Perhaps I read between the lines
What you really meant to say.

In times like that I choose my words
With ever so much care
And pick through them very carefully
Thinking others are not fair.

In time, together, we'll be as one
And know it worth the wait
These feelings that we have right now
No longer we'll debate.

In time, one day will come for us
When we'll embrace as one
Holding close all through the night
Until the morning sun.

Sheila Korz


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