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Yesterday I found a box
I haven't seen in years.
Inside were many memories,
That brought a thousand tears.

A white box, tied with gold ribbon
Held all that was left of our past.
Letters and notes to each other,
Assuring our love would last.

It's been such a long time,
More than twenty years passed by.
But, suddenly I was young again,
Remembering a love that wouldn't die.

The words we'd written long ago,
All we'd hoped, felt and dreamed,
Still leaped from the yellowed pages,
And turned back time, it seemed.

Somewhere, somehow it ended,
We went our separate ways,
And left a box of memories
To store our youthful days.

Sometimes I often wonder
What turns his life has made.
Just where he is today,
And what if he had stayed.

I'll put the box back on the shelf,
Tucked away and out of view
But I will think of it sometimes,
Wondering if he remembers, too.

by Sheila Korz
for Terry - I remember.


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