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My Introduction To:

Francis E Warren Air Force Base

Cheyenne, Wyoming


My Air Force Days

That old C47 Air Force cargo plane was seemingly tumbling its way through a very turbulent and troubled sky, as it wended it's way high over the snowy, windswept Bad Lands of Eastern Wyoming. The rather violent wind seemed to enjoy tossing that old plane back and forth and up and down, almost daring it to continue on! But continue it did. Suddenly----or eventually--- a voice comes over the Squawk-Box and announces," Get your holds boys, we're coming in for a landing and it may be a little rough!" A bit of urgency could be heard in the voice! Suddenly, the tires of that trusty old plane touched the ground----and bounced! On second touch down, it held-----whew! At the end of the landing strip, the pilot turned around and taxied back toward the observation tower, which also served as the control tower for the Cheyenne AirPort, which also served as the AirPort for Francis E Warren Air Force Base.

The plane jerked to a dead stand still---a crewmember opened the door---the cold, winter wind and snow rushed in to greet one and all to Cheyenne! That welcome, I shall never forget! It was something less than warm. But, the adventure had just begun..

There were two Airmen on that plane that were just returning from Korea, after a stop off at the U S Army Hospital at Osaka, Japan of almost two months. I was one of those Airmen. Now---it must be said that we didn't expect, nor did we want a brass band and ticker tape welcome! We did our job even though the time had been shortened for both of us, but we really had no idea that both military people and civilians would treat us like trash either--- alike! We shall see!

I looked down the narrow corridor of that plane and in stepped a 2nd Lt. Nurse---kind of a cute little thing---I thought, but that thought would soon vanish. She began immediately to establish law and order----as she saw it! She later became known as Lt. Snippet---thanks to Me!

They loaded us in that meat wagon (ambulance) and toward the Base hospital we go. I was talking to the driver and asked him,"Hey Buddy, let's do this right---open up that siren and turn on the lights!" He said,"You got it Buddy!" Made Lt. Snippet mad as hell!

When we arrived at the Base Hospital, would you believe it-----that part of the admissions office was closed from 12:00 till 1:00! ! We arrived at straight up noon. So, for one solid but very long hour, we had to lay there and listen to Lt. Snippet! Mercy----what did I do to deserve this? Ya know, I think that that dumb broad would wake up in the middle of the night and kick herself out of bed so that she could be mad as hell all the next day---and it worked!

Finally after three long hours we head for the ward---they wheeled us down a long hallway, at the end of that hallway was a door and over the door was a sign that read,"V D Ward"! In a rather loud voice I said,"Whoa, wait just a damn minute! What the hell are we doing here?" Lt. Snippet, in an equally repulsive voice said,"These are the only beds available in this hospital!"

I replied," I'd rather be out in the yard in a damn tent than I would in there!" Lt. Snippet then snipped back,"Keep it up and you will be!" "Well," says I,"Where's the tent?" On the way through the ward I asked Lt. Snippet if there was any way that I could be sent back to Japan. Ya know what she said----"Don't I wish!" By now, me thinks Lt. Snippet don't like me. But that's all right, cause I think she's The Wicked Witch of Wyoming!

Thankfully another Nurse came over (a 1st Lt.) and told the wicked witch that she'd take over, and she did. Then, along comes a Captain, he's masquerading as a doctor. I think he was Snippets brother and she is the devils sister. This guy is establishing procedure of this wing of the hospital----all patients will come to attention when he comes in----I think---is this the hospital or the barracks? Not only that but all patients on this ward will pull KP! Oh yeah? ---Not me! And I did neither!

I couldn't help but think of the treatment to patients here as compared to that of the Army Hospital in Osaka, Japan. Those people were a very dedicated staff of Medical Personal; they did what Medical People are supposed to do. Not here! That MASH Unit in Korea was far above this place!

Now, after being here for about 10 days, my young wife arrived from Virginia---she goes to the Admissions Office to find where I was at----can't you just see it ---"Oh yeah, well, he's up there on the VD Ward." I still get mad as hell when I think about it! Thankfully, after about 3 weeks, that bonehead Captain had me discharged from that place-----still on crutches! Yep--That's F E Warren all right. So with gratitude in my heart, I was assigned to Wing Headquarters Squadron. Needless to say, I was totally unprepared for the total lack of military courtesy and discipline on this base.

At this time, getting reestablished in my new assignment, I was to get my first experience with one of the civilians of Cheyenne. I had to have liability insurance on my car to get it registered on the Base, so off to town I go, whistling and humming. I chose the largest insurance firm in town----bad idea! Wearing my Class A uniform and a smile, I walked into this very impressive office. As I approached the nearest desk to the door, a guy that looked a lot like a little weasel looked up and said in a rather cynical tone,"Whata ya want?" I thought,"This sure is a friendly sort." I told him what I needed and he just shook his head and said,"Nope!" I asked him,"Why---what's wrong?" He rather sneered and said, "We don't insure GIs, they're considered a poor risk!" Then looked back down at his desk. "Well," say I, "Uncle Sam thinks we're a pretty good risk---ya know!" Then he looks up and says,"Look, I'm busy, can't you see!" "Yep," says I,"I can see that alright, ---just one more question---when you get your paycheck---is it signed Joe or Josef Stalin?" Well, now I have his full attention! He spun in his chair and even with horror in his eyes he said the bravest thing that I'm sure he'd ever said in his entire life! Be just blurted out,"You get the hell out of this office before I throw you out!" Yep----I had his attention okay; he was talking out of his head! So---with a rather sly little grin on my face, I took my finger, kinda tipped my hat to the back of my head and very calmly replied," You little son of a bitch, I don't think you can do it, but I'd sure like for you to try!" By now, he'd realized what he'd said, he heard my reply, his face was a raging beet red, his face was puffed up like a toad, then, he reached and picked up his phone and screamed,"I'll call the cops on you!" I gently reached across his desk and ripped the phone from his hand, yanked the cord out and told him," I have no doubt that the cops can take me out, but you little bastard, you said that you were going to do it!" He didn't utter another word, just sat there and pouted. I looked around at the people at the other desks and to my surprise, they were sitting there with big grins on their faces.

Well, I've thought of that little worm from time to time, and I at first thought that he was a 4F draft dodger, but since, I don't really think that that's the case at all, he would have had a medical deferment----NO GUTS!

Oh but for the most part, I enjoyed my stay in at F E Warren and Cheyenne. I think back on this little experience and smile. If I hadn't been sent here, I would never have met Sgt. Slugg. I would have probably never considered wind at 35 miles per hour as a gentle breeze, I would never learned to always lean forward when going out the door, to keep from getting blown back in. I might have never seen signs that read,"G I's and dogs---Keep off the Grass!".

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