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From Kat

Hi Audrey---
My name is Kat---now I know that we've never met, so I want to tell you a couple things about me and where I live. A way back when I was a little kid cat, I was born down by the sheep barn, in the hay stack. Then when I wasn't very old my mom disappeared and didn't ever come back. Well, one morning, it was very cold, when me and my brother and sisters, there was 5 of us, came crawling out from that hay stack meowing our heads off---we was starved and cold, our eyes were matted over until we could barely see. Well, ya know what---standing right there in front of us was this old guy. The first time I saw him, I knew that this guy was kinda dumb---and not only that, he was ugly too. Well, that guy never said a word --but---he turned right around and left and in just a few minutes here he came back with a card board box. He caught everyone of us, put us in that goofy box and I thought "oh no, where is he taking us?" So we squalled louder---he didn't seem to pay any attention to us, just kept right on going.
Well, he took us up to this house, walked in and said,"Mom, come look what I've found!"
You should have seen that woman, she looked at us with the most pleasant grin on her face and said,"Give them to me !" Well, she took us and cleaned us up right proper, then put some warm milk in a bowl and fed everyone of us---she made darn sure we all ate our fill, then she went and got the cutest little kitty bed and put us in it.
I tell you these things cause these are my first things that I remember of these two. But ya must know too, that they also had a little Black colored Guy that they called Ralphie. Now, he was something else too. When Mom would finish feeding us, that little rascal would wash our faces whether we needed it or not, it was kinda like we were his little kids, but heck, I knew we weren't. Well, anyway---one by one my little brother and sisters would go to other homes until I was the only one left. Now, don't you tell him that I said this but from that time on Ralphie and I have just kinda been boss around here---Ralphie being the Main Boss.
Well, as in Our Heavenly Fathers Plan---things do change----Ralphie has already told you about, first Mom had to leave and then the other day Heavenly Father called Ralphie. So now, Dad and I are the only ones left around here---and I have to tell you, he's a mess to try to tend---he doesn't mind very well---thinks he's smarter than me and he ain't !
Now comes to this part---Audrey, Dad has told me many times of the things you have done for him and how kind and understanding you are. Oh so many times he has shown your work to people that come here to visit--he is so proud of you and often tells of the fact that he isn't worthy of you and your efforts done for him---and believe me Audrey, I know him better than you do and he ain't worth it. You oughta see the way he teases me, then you'd see him for what he really is. BUT====
The other day Audrey, I jumped up in his lap and he told me something of the things you have on your mind and in your life right now, and well---he just ain't quite the same----he thinks he may be losing you as a Friend, he has told me of times when friends need to talk to someone---not just anyone but someone that will understand---and he wants---no needs-- to talk to you Now Audrey. he needs to talk to You, but I think that most of all You need to lean on him ! Let me tell you this My Friend---you can't do better. Really Pal, it'll make you feel better---He won't let you down nor will he forsake you in a time of need.
Audrey----He is Your Very Best Pal !
I won't bother you more Pal---and it'd probably be best if you don't tell him that I wrote you cause he might just tie a knot in my tail---he's just that kind of a guy.

My Very Best Regards Audrey---Oh, and I'll send along (((:---:)))'s

With Hugs 'n Love

From KAT