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Ralph, Kat & Me

(A Day in The Life Of Three Best Pals)

An angry looking black cloud was rolling in fast from the West, the skies were getting darker by the minute, the wind was rather strong----suddenly a blinding flash of lightening followed immediately by a tremendous clash of thunder! Then the rain came, a torrential down pour! Although the storm only lasted for a few minutes, it was very vicious and it left copious amounts of water on the ground.

Well, Little Ralphie and I were outside when the storm arrived and with the first flash of lightening, he was headed for the house and under the bed he went! He has always been terrified of thunder storms, Well, the short lived storm had gone and I went into the house to find and try to to console my little Pal.
I finally got him from under the bed, held him in my arms and hugged him, trying to alay his fears. He was trembling so hard, so to the big easy chair we go and we just sat there and talked for awhile. Then I thought, how about a bath Ralphie? Sooo---to the bathroom we go. I put about two inches of water in the tub and in goes My Guy. Well, we were nearly finished when in strolls Kat. Now Kat thinks she can go anywhere Ralph does AND she can DO anything he does. Now when I looked at her, I just knew that she was going to jump over into that tub and sure enough---she did! BUT when her paws were all four on the top of that tub, she knew that she had done wrong----she didn't want to be in that water, but her momentum carried her on over into the water! Well, I doubt that she even touched the bottom of the tub, when she made a vault to get out of there! Well, she did good,--- except for one thing----she landed this time down in the toilet--head first!

Now, if you want to see something get in a hurry, just watch Kat trying to get out of that toilet. When she made her first leap, her shoulder hooked on the seat, pulling her back down! By now, Kat was mad as hell and out of there she came and when she hit the floor, she left scratch marks from her take off. Around the corner she goes, through the living room and up the stairs, the doors were closed, so back she down she comes, through the laundry room, the kitchen, the dining room, through the glass doors then onto the back porch. Now there is a three foot railing around that porch, but she never once hesitated---with one mighty leap, it was up, up, over and away. By now, Kat is about six feet off the ground and when she looks down----much to her dismay and dislike, her landing place is covered with a puddle of nice COLD rain water. Now,---if you want to see something that is REALLY funny, just watch Kat try to UNJUMP! She squirmed, she turned, and she twisted---all to no avail. Now, normally a cat will land on their feet but with all of her gyrations, it was not to be this time and she splattered all over that driveway!  Well, with a loud squall and two more mighty leaps, she was up the tree on the other side of the driveway. Well when he got perched on that limb and looked back--if I never see hate again----I saw it that day in Kats eyes! As she looked down at me, I was laughing uncontrolably, I was bent over even and the tears were running down my face! I just couldn't help myself, but Kat saw no comedy whatever in the whole thing.

Well,----I knew that I should try to console my good little Pal, so across the driveway I strolled, all the time talking to her but I could tell that it wasn't working, she wanted me to beg----not only that but she was going to get even! So----when I turned to go back to the porch, she made her move----out of that tree she came,----just like a huge Mountain Lion! Well,
I was watching her and she was high enough in the tree that all I had to do is side step and Whamo---she splashed all over the driveway Again! Well, she just stood there and looked at me---but not with a look of defeat in her eyes---it was still that "get even" look. Now this should have been enough excitment for one day but it was not to be.

As Kat stood there by my foot looking around---suddenly she saw it---the neighbors cat, leisurely strolling across the neighbors lawn, minding her own business. Well, like a flash, with her ears laying flat against her head and her tail straight back, she went for that cat! There was yowling, howling and fur flying. Then the poor unsuspecting cat escaped that attack and up a tree she went. Now that poor little cat didn't seem to have a defeated look about her, but rather a look of,"What the hell was that all about?" But did Kat care---nope! She just stuck her nose in the air as high as she could and with her tail standing straight up, across the yard she prances and right up to me she comes and rubs against my leg. Well, needless to say, I bent down and petted her and told her what a grand little Pal she was and she seemed to be contented with that.

Now, is that enough excitment for one day? Should be--but the best is yet to come!

As we were there minding our own business, up at the end of the driveway was one of those brindle colored Austrailian cow dogs! Well, when he saw Kat, down the driveway he came at full speed----well, Kat saw him too, so it's back up the tree with her. That dog skidded to a four legged stop and looked up and barking. Ralphie had been laying up on the porch and when he saw this intruder onto his kingdom, down off the porch he came and what a sight was about to unfold! As the ugly dog was looking up at Kat, Ralphie sunk his little teeth into the hind leg of that unsuspecting bully and with tenacity of a Bull Dog he hung on! That big dog would turn one way trying to bite, then he would turn the other way, but Ralphie was smarter than that goon and he just sunk his little teeth in more and with a vice-like grip wouldn't let
go! Suddenly the dog just stopped! That's when Kat made Her move---out of that tree she came and she landed slap dab in the middle of that dogs back!
Then, with a claw digging in on both sides, she used the other two to try to rip that intruder to ribbons. Finally, Ralphie let go his grip and that's when the big dog got a good idea----get the hell out of here. So, up the driveway he speeds, but Kat is still raking her claws over him with every stride that he took. Then surely, there was the end of the driveway and as
he made the turn onto the road, Kat bailed off. She just stood there looking so proud of herself. Now, I have to admit, I had never seen a dog looking back as he is going down the road at full speed----but that dog did!  Not only that but I could almost hear Kat shouting at him, "And that goes fer yer gawl darn cat too!"

Once more, making twice in the same day, here comes Kat, nose held high and her tail straight in the air.

Oh, and Yep, were the Best Of Pals! For always and Forever.

Wayne Hall

Vernal Utah