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All of our foals are imprinted at birth

and handled daily.

                                Who's expecting in 2009                                                                    

  All foals will be registered with the ApHC.

A 1/3 deposit is required to hold the foal of your choice. This is a great way to

purchase your "dream Appaloosa."  You will have plenty of time to save money,

prepare a place for the baby, (or find boarding) and by the time the baby is weaned,

you have everything ready!

Please see below for our policy on deposits.






If All Else Fails  JC Thoroughbred (Ally)

Ally is in foal to Ghost and is due June 2009.

This will be Ally's second foal by Ghost. Her first was born in 2006 and was a loud, blanketed blood bay colt.  We expect this foal to also have loud color and be a dark bay, bay or black. This cross has produced tall, leggy foals with good bone and sport horse look. This foal will make an excellent hunter, jumper, dressage prospect. Will mature at 15hh+.

Update 6/02/09: Ally pulled a fast one on me and foaled in the pasture without any warning. The delivery obviously went well and she foaled a gorgeous, dark bay filly with a spotted blanket on her rump.

For sale $2,000. Click on the PayPal button to make a deposit.




Bar Gill Roy L Lace  ApHC (Lacy)

Lacy is in foal to Ghost and is due late March or very early April 2009.

This will be Lacy's second foal by Ghost. And if she produces a foal like her last one by Ghost, this one is going to be awesome! Foal should be black and will have very loud color. The last one was a very loud black & white leopard! This foal will be eligible for foundation registration.  Will mature between 14.1-14.3hh.

Update 4/15/09, 7:30am: Lacy foaled at approximtely 1:10am. She had a black, snowcap filly with lightning marks on all 4 legs, white tipped ears and it looks like her face will have leopard spotting, absolutely gorgeous. Lacy wasn't doing too good after foaling and I had to call out the vet. He gave her a few shots and intubated her with some stuff like GasX and a slight laxative. He gave her a shot of morphine type pain killer to keep her on her feet long enough so the filly could get her first colostrum. Lacy is doing better now, but she isn't out of the woods yet. I will post a pic of the filly later.

RESERVED by Dean Schulte of Coalville, UT.



Roe Dayo Drive Baby  ApHC (Penny)

Penny is in foal to Ghost and is due May 2009.

This will be Penny's second foal by Ghost. Foal should be black, bay or dark bay and will have very loud color. The last one was a dark bay filly with a huge spotted blanket! This foal will be eligible for foundation registration.  Will mature between 14.2-15hh.

Update 5/13/09: Penny foaled at 12:15 am on May 10th. She had a dark bay snowcap colt with socks on both hind legs. He is very flashy and going to be one handsome boy when he grows up!

For sale as a stallion for $3,000 or $2,000 on a gelding contract. Click on the PayPal button to make a deposit.


We do realize that for some, it may seem that we ask for a substantial amount as a deposit 

and the reason for this being, that we want the buyer to make a conscious, well thought 

out decision on purchasing a foal from us.  We don't want someone to decide to

 buy one of our foals on a whim to later come to the conclusion that it really isn't what

 they wanted to do, or they are not going to be capable of adequately providing for the foal or 

really just don't have the money to complete the purchase, and for this reason

please recognize that when you give us a deposit  we take the horse off the 

market, and any other potential buyers are turned away.  If something happens

and you are unable to buy the horse as you've hoped, we sympathize with you, 

because we had already approved you as a buyer for one of our precious horses,

and we are a little picky.

However, any deposit money (and money given to us for board or 

for pre-purchase vet exams or health certificates etc.) is non-refundable

 unless as otherwise specified in your written purchase agreement. 


Thanks for your understanding about this.


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