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Here's the review section these will basically be my opinion. Except the Storyline. Also thank Superknux for some of the Box Art

1: Sonic Adventure

2: Sonic Shuffle 3: Sonic Pocket Adventure 4: Sonic Adventure 2
5: Sonic the Hedgehog

6: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

1: Sonic Adventure

Here is definitely the best Sonic game I have ever played. First of all its the first 3-D game besides Sonic 3-D Blast which wasn't that great. The game was released the same day as the great Dreamcast was (9/9/99). There are six playable people Sonic (of course), Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, and two new characters. Big the Cat and E-102 Gamma who at the beginning is evil and built by Eggman. Also there os a secret character (Super Sonic). The plot starts in South America where Eggman has discovered an evil power only known as Chaos. It grows stronger with every chaos emerald it absorbes. Chaos is released from and shatters the the Master Emerald that powers the floating island that Knuckles lives on and protects. So Sonic and Tails are racing Eggman to the Emeralds while Knuckles is finding the pieces of the Master Emerald. The other three all fit into the plot also. Amy wants to find Sonic and Big just wants to fish with his pal Froggy who has swallowed a Chaos Emerald so E-102 Gamma is programmed to catch him. So all the story lines mix and unfold together.
If having trouble see the Walkthroughs Page!

Players: 1
Cost: Originally $49.99 Reduced $19.99
Style: 3-D Platform/Action
Peripherals: VMU and Jump Pack
System: Dreamcast

2: Sonic Shuffle

The Sonic Party Game has arrived. It similar to Nintendo's Mario Party but its got Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, & Amy Rose. Plus its got four hidden characters. Basically the plot is The Evil Void has come and attack Maginary World and our heros have to save it by collecting pieces of the precious stone. There are many levels with different themes like Nature Zone. This game may be fun, but it kinda gets boring fast. The mini-games are fun, but the games when you have to get 7 stones last like 2 hours each!

Players: 1-4
Cost: $49.99
Style: Party Game
Peripherals: VMU
System: Dreamcast

3: Sonic Pocket Adventure

The latest in the portable and pocketable Sonic. (besides the upcoming Sonic Advance) The game is basically the Sonic 2 levels with only Sonic not Tails. But there are extras like in the levels there are hidden puzzle pieces that you can put together. Also there is time and andvanced trials where you can race for best time. If you have a link cable you can do two player. The only problem is Neo Geo Pocket Color was cancelled in the U.S. so unless you already have it you won't get it from stores.

Players: 1
Cost: $39.99
Style: Action/Platform
Peripherals: Link Cable (for 2 Player)
System: Neo Geo Pocket Color

4: Sonic Adventure 2

Here it is the most anticipated Sonic Game ever. Maybe because the first was so good or maybe because it was the 10th Anniversery. The setup was different but it was still just as good as before. Instead of choosing which character you wanted, you choose either Hero or Dark Story. In each you play as different characters level by level. The stories fit together but which side your on wins... Except for the ending story which I'll let you find out. The only thing with level to level is there is no adventure mode. The game heavily relies on the Good vs. Evil Rivalry, Sonic vs. Shadow in action speed stages. Knuckles vs. Rouge in hunting stages and Tails vs. Eggman in shooting style (like E-102). Also some new moves are grinding with Sonic and Shadow which is a big part of Sonic's final level and swinging from poles and grabbing on to ledges which comes in real handy. The newest thing is the 2 player mode which again is Good vs. Evil. Sonic and Shadow race, Knuckles and Rouge race to find two pieces of the master emerald, and Tails and Eggman kill each other. This maybe the last Sonic game on Dreamcast but if it is it definately went out with a BANG!
If having trouble see the Walkthroughs Page!

Player: 1-2
Cost: $39.99
Style: Action/Platform
Peripherals: VMU/Jump Pack
System: Dreamcast

5: Sonic the Hedgehog

Well, here is the game that started it all. The graphics are good for its time and the speed was incredible. You could find yourself going to fast for your own good. Anyway the story is basically Dr. Ivo Robotnik has captured all the animals of Mobius and has turned them into robots. Sonic has to stop him. He runs through the levels with lava and loop-de-loops galore. At the end of each Act if you have 50 rings or more there will be a giant ring you have to jump into. This takes you to a 360 dgree spinning special stage in which you have to get the 6 chaos emeralds. This way you get to see the "good ending", which I never have. After each Zone you face the boss which is Robotnik in one of his Egg Machines. Get through all 6 Zones and beat the final boss and you win. What puzzles me is... How come at the end of every 2D Genesis game you have to chase Robotnik and he always manages to outrun you? Oh well, there you have it.

Players: 1
Cost: ???
Style: Side Scrolling Action/Adventure
Peripherals: none
System: Genesis

6: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

The sequel for the best video game at the time. This time you had only 2 Acts per Zone with a boss at the end of Act 2. Also the Special Stages are different and you have to get 7 emeralds in order to become Super Sonic. After you go through a Check Point with more than 50 rings stars spin around the top. Jump through the stars to be teleported to the stage. The stage is a half pipe with rings in it. Get enough rings before you get through the check. There are 3 checks per stage. Beware there are also bombs to slow you down and make you lose rings. The most puzzling thing is a fox that follows you around and if you get to fast for him he'll fly back up to to about 5 seconds later. This is of course Tails. Another edition to the game is the 2 player option. There are 3 Zones to choose from and the Special Stage. Player 1 is Sonic and 2 is Tails. Fairly simple. Anyways the story goes along these lines. Robotnik is at it again turning animals into robots. Also he uses the emeralds to power his Death Egg which is a giant space ship. Sonic goes through the levels and gets to the Death Egg. There he faces a Robot version of himself (Zonic). Then a giant Robotnik Robot. Then the Death Egg crashes and Sonic and Tails fly away and land on a island. This is where Sonic 3 takes place.

Players: 1-2
Cost: ???
Style: Side Scrolling Action/Adventure
Peripherals: none
System: Genesis