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Sailor Mercury
Japanese name:
Mizuno Ami
beauty of water
N.A. name:
Amy Anderson
I Mizuno Ami, Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury
Favorite food:
Least fav. food:
Yellow Tail Tuna
Blood Type:
September 10
Astrological sign:
Birth stone:
Juuban Junior High
Favorite subject:
Reading, playing chess, and swimming
to become a doctor
Strong points:
calculating, strategy, smart
Has trouble with:
love letters, practical jokes


Mercury Power Make-UP, Mercury Star Power.. Make-UP, Mercury Crystal Power.. Make-UP!


Shabon Spray, Shabon Spray Freezing, Shine Aqua Illusion, Mercury Aqua Mirage (used solely in "Ami-chan no hatsu koi" (Ami-chan’s first love),

Who Knows Her Identity?

(This is based on the original Japanese version) Tsukino Usagi (episode 8)Hino Rei (episode 10)Jadeite (episode 13)Kino Makoto (episode 25)Urawa Ryo (episode 27)Aino Minako (episode 34)Chiba Mamoru (episode 70)Beruche (episode 71) Eudial (episode 109)Ten'ou Haruka, Kaiou Michiru (episode 109) Viluy (episode 122) professor Tomo(episode 122)Seiya Kou (episode 188),Taiki Kou (episode 188)Yaten Kou (episode 188)Sailor Galaxia, Princess Kakuyu, Queen Nepherania

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Amy is the brains of this whole outfit. Her role as Sailor Mercury is mainly to plan rather than fight. Her powers revolve around the elements of ice and water which aren't really that powerful. They are mainly used for defense rather than offense. Although her attacks and powers are quite weak, her intellect and reasoning makes up for it.Amy loves computers and mathematics at school. She is also the school genius being very studious and hard working. She hopes to become a doctor one day, a pediatrician like her mother. In fact, she was ready to give up her life as Sailor Mercury to study abroad in Germany. However, she discovers that her friends need her more and appears again as Sailor Mercury, stronger than ever

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As the smartest in the group Amy is a valuable asset to the Senshi. She gets along well with everyone and keeps the Scouts cool in heated situations. She can generally solve almost any puzzle that the Sailor Soldiers find themselves in. She is also the most aware of Usagi being an emotional teenager, and not just a super heroine who isn't sensitive to the needs of a young girl. As Sailor Mercury, she also fits the description of the idiom, "Brain power over firepower."

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Email: Nikki