Well...after our nice little hike through the trees we finally come upon an endless field of Navajo Sandstone. Now if you are thinking that sandstone is sandstone you are very wrong. There are many different types of sandstone, the sandstone most people are used to is red sandstone and it is the reddish color that Zion National Park is famouse for. Other kinds of standstone include picture sandstone which forms in ribbons of lighter and darker browns creating a landscape image on the stone when it's cut. And Navajo sandstone which is white in color and considerably harder than other types of sandstone.
In this picture Michelle is thinking about taking a short cut through that little door to her right (which would be your left). No one knows where she actually would have ended up if she had taken it because she chose to follow the rest of us from stile to stile.
A style is a small pile of rocks that have been stacked by previouse hikers to mark the correct path. (See the arrow pointing to a stile beside Michelle?) Stiles are believed to have been started by the American Indians, however their stiles were far more subtle than the stiles that we saw all throughout this hike...thank goodness!
Stiles are an important part of the Subway because out on this sandstone there are times when it really can be diffecult to know which direction you are supposed to be going. It is best, when possible, to stand beside one stile and locate another before moving on and be sure to look for the stiles, not only at the beginning of the hike, but they also play an important role toward the end of the hike when it's time to find your way out of the canyon.
It is also a very good idea to stay close to your group and not stray too far ahead or behind. This is because there is a high chance at getting lost and also at being injured and no one knowing about it, or finding out for some time. In this picture you can see Norm, Eric, Cherri, Heather and Muse but you will notice that Joe and Michelle are missing. Well Joe has ran VERY VERY far ahead and Michelle has stayed behind a moment to take this really cool picture for you. Thanks Michelle. Don't we all look a bit like wandering nomads in the desert or something? And I know it looks like we are walking on soft sand but this stuff is hard as a rock. ~grin~ Ok so it was a dumb joke. :-p