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Jaedan's Profile

Full Name: Jaedan Wyatt Abel

Nicknames: Wookie, Bugaboo (Bug for short), Cute-a-bug, Snug-a-bug

Birthdate: May 15, 2002

Three Words To Describe Me: Small, Smart, Energetic

Special Skills Or Talents: Doing puzzles, playing with blocks, learning to read

Favorite Colors: Orange

Favorite Food/Drink: Fish sticks, Grahm Crackers, Gold Fish Crackers, Raisins, Peaches, Bananas, Mac and Cheese, Hot Dogs, Mom's Homemade Sushi, Smoothies

Least Favorite Food: ?

Parents: Brian and Crystal Abel

Siblings & Their B-Days: Delbin Zachary - September 05, 2000; Tatiana Nai'a - January 05, 2004; and Teela Katarina - April 15, 2008.

Children: none yet

Best Friend(s): Brian (my dad), Crystal (my mom), Delbin (my brother), Tatiana (my sister), Teela (my sister)

People Who I Share The Best Memories: My friends and family!

Most Influential People: My family, God, and my friends.

Words Or Phrases I Know: Knows lots of words

Words Or Phrases I Hate: Any cuss words, swear words, or anything negative!!

The Great Outdoors...

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer: Being outdoors, swimming, my mom reading to me, listening to music, traveling, etc.

Favorite Things To Do In The Spring: Playing in the rain, seeing and smelling all the beautiful flowers, my mom reading to me, etc.

Favorite Things To Do In The Fall: Watching the leaves turn colors, my mom reading to me, listening to music, etc.

Favorite Things To Do In The Winter: Playing in the snow, making baby snow angels, learning about Christ's birth, ect.

Favorite Day: Monday and Tuesday because I get to be with my dad all day!!

Favorite Months: May (my b-day) and December (Christmas)!!

Favorite Holiday: My Birthday

Favorite Book(s): Rainbow Fish Series, and books by Sandra Boynton, Sesame Street, Dr. Suess, and A.A. Milne (you know winnie the pooh books).

Favorite Part Of The Newspaper: Comics

Animals, Insects, etc...

Favorite Animals: I like all kinds of animals

Pets & Their Names: A male domestic medium haired (DMH) kitten named Curry.

Favorite Toys: Stuffed golden retriever dog named Sea Biscuit

Tv, Movies, and Theater...

Favorite Movies: Hook, Zoom, Sky High

Favorite Tv Series: Charlie & Lola, Avatar


My Favorite Music Groups/Vocalists: Laurie Berkner, Raffi

Favorite song: God is Bigger Than the Boogieman by VeggieTales

Musical hobbies: Singing

Involvement (Clubs, organizations, etc.)...

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Places I have Traveled...

Utah...went to Visit Babushka (my Grandma Clark) and family

Pennsylvania...went to Furry Con

Lived in Ohio, Oregon, Florida

Live in Oregon now

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