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1987 Season Chart Page

This is where, after all episodes of a season has been reviewed, we highlight the best and worst episodes of that season, but more specifically a rankings table or league table. The best at the top, worst at the bottom. Yes, i do know that there may be a lot of of episodes with the same out of 5 rating, and i have kept records of more ACCURATE RATINGS given to these episodes like 3.3/5 etc. So, it should become oh so clearer to you, of our opinions.

BEST EPISODE: Turtle Tracks

WORST EPISODE: Hot Rodding Teenagers From Dimension X


1.Turtle Tracks

2.The Shredder Is Splintered

3.Enter The Shredder

4.A Thing About Rats

5.Hot Rodding Teenagers From Dimension X

“Turtle Tracks” was tops by a narrow margin above “The Shredder Is Splintered”. “Hot Rodding Teenagers From Dimension” is far behind at rock bottom. I thought before the reviews, that it would fare rather well considering it sticks out for the number of brand new characters involved. So the first and last episodes reign supreme.

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