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1994 Season Chart Page

This is where, after all episodes of a season has been reviewed, we highlight the best and worst episodes of that season, but more specifically a rankings table or league table. The best at the top, worst at the bottom. Yes, i do know that there may be a lot of of episodes with the same out of 5 rating, and i have kept records of more ACCURATE RATINGS given to these episodes like 3.3/5 etc. So, it should become oh so clearer to you, of our opinions.

BEST EPISODE: Get Shredder!

WORST EPISODE: Enter: Krakus


1. Get Shredder!

2. Wrath of the Rat King

3. State of Shock

4. Cry H.A.V.O.C!

5. Cyber Turtles

6. Turtle Trek

7. H.A.V.O.C on the Streets

8. Enter: Krakus

The first episode of the season is also the first in quality. Quite unusual, that the top four are in the exact same order as their episode numbers. There's a decent-size gap in quality between the top 3 and the rest. "State of Shock" being a surprise 3rd, despite no Shredder/Krang involved. "Get Shredder!" is definetely the episode with the most impact. It does look like the quality roughly goes downhill as the season carries on, with notable exeptions like "Cyber Turtles"and "Turtle Trek" bucking the trend.

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