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1995 Season Overview

We take all of the season episodes, into consideration and question about the overall quality, the animation, music, action scenes, humor & storylines. The "out of 5" rating is an AVERAGE RATING of all the episode ratings.

Short Description: The second of the 3 "red sky" seasons. The first and only season never to feature Shredder and Krang. We see the entrance of the new main villain, the alien Dregg, along with his assistant Hi-Tech and army of Techno Gangsters who try to make peace with the humans, but really wants to conquer it. The turtles are given a human male assistant/helper in the form of teenager Carter, who has a similar role to April.

95 Season Quality: The strongest part of the season is the first three episodes, then the quality goes on a serious dip in the middle. The last 2 episodes are an improvement, but pale in comparison to the beginning. Too many mediocre/average episodes in this one.

ANIMATION: The animation is maintained from the 94 season. There's no serious problems with the animation. I like the way they have designed Dregg, an odd looking alien, yes, but he does look quite cool with them red glowing eyes. While the body armour suit you see Hi-Tech wearing, is pretty cool also. The animation is much more consistant now, you don't see a voice coming from the wrong character anymore.

MUSIC: As in the 94 season, plenty of guitar-style music. Dregg usually has this dark, deep theme most times, and i think it's a brand new tune for this season.

ACTION SCENES: The action scenes as a whole are OK in this season. We see such original battles like Carter vs. the evil, robot Carter, the turtles fighting in an intergalactic tournament, and against Medusa, with giant pigtails and green skin. Some of the best ones is the turtles trashing the robotic Carter, the turtles dueling with Draconus in "Doomquest", the "mystery biker" interfering with turtles crime-stopping in "The Unknown Ninja", the final battle in "Dregg of the Earth" and Dreggs previous HQ the Citadel collapsing in "The New Mutation". However, i can't really say there are some really cracking action scenes.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The first season without Shredder and Krang definetely has trouble standing on it's own two feet. As a result, we have much less humour with only Raphael and Michaelangelo to provide the laughs or titters. Dregg is stone cold sober and serious, and he does come across as threatening to a degree, but something is missing in his scenes with Hi-Tech. I enjoyed the idea of Dregg fooling the humans he is really just a nice alien, and how he tricks them, and was one of the best things/happenings about this season. They could've pulled it off with Dregg being even more frightening and sharper editing. Also some humour as well! We see more flaws in the turtles, like in Season 94, and this time they doubt whether they should help the humans who see them as the bad guys now, particularly Raphael. Carter doesn't add a great deal of dimension the good guy team, but they use him well in "Carter, the Enforcer". You'll be glad this was also the last season to not feature Krang and Shredder!!


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