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1996 Season Overview

We take all of the season episodes, into consideration and question about the overall quality, the animation, music, action scenes, humor & storylines. The "out of 5" rating is an AVERAGE RATING of all the episode ratings.

Short Description: The last season of the original toon, and the third of the "red sky" seasons. We get to see Shredder and Krang for the last time in 3 of the episodes, in a season dominated by Dregg as the villain, and his new accomplice Mung. We see new characters like the Globfather and Carter leaves to the delight of some of you fans.

95 Season Quality: Weak start but a strong finish. The quality rises quickly from the start, then it goes down a little as we come to the end of the mini 3-parter, but the finale is a much needed improvement, and cartoon goes out respectfully.

ANIMATION: It hasn't changed much greatly over the last 2 years, but is there any need to? It does not look as clear and sharp as animation is today of course. Some cool animations we see, such as Krang's face appearing on Dregg's giant forehead, as Dregg takes all his powers and experiences. Also Dregg in the last episode "Divide and Conquer", where he transforms into all these different shapes harnessing different aliens skills. The animation for the Globfather when he moves into liquid form is done effectively and a nice feature. There's a large diversity of odd looking aliens to marvel at, especially in "Divide and Conquer". I also like Dregg, when he had the same ninja skills as the turtles and could do anything they could do.

MUSIC: It's just the same old guitar-dominated background music, which can be used well at times. This season has a big space-theme just like last season, where Dregg HQ is the Dreggnaught spaceship in space, so cue the space-age music!

ACTION SCENES: The action scenes do feature some real nice martial arts moves from the turtles, but alot feature sci-fi instruments or the turtles trying to get away, for example, they try to dodge/flee from Dregg in "Divide and Conquer", so the potential isn't totally fulfilled. However, the final, final fight in the last episode is one of the best of the season. Along the with the turtles early battle with Dregg in "The Day the Earth Disappeared". The Michaelangelo nightmare sequence from "The Power of Three" is also well done, and then Raphael fighting his way through to save his dear pal Leonardo in "The Beginning of the End".

FINAL THOUGHTS: It wasn't the best possible finish to the popular cartoon that it could've been, but it's still a decent end. At least Shredder and Krang did feature here unlike last season, but they should 've been in the finale. Maybe the makers thought there was going to be another season, at the time the episode was produced? That would be more understandable, as the cartoon was axed. However, too many episodes here do not produce the goods, with flimsy editing and lacking humour once again.


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