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Case of the Killer Pizzas (Episode 11) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: After much drama, Krang finally gives Shredder the help he's badly needed, with his advanced technology a big advantage. However, the help seems to be meagre as Shredder is only given these "eggs" from Dimension X. They look like meatballs! On Earth, Shredder finds out about a Pizza Bake-Off and see this a way to get the turtles into contact with the eggs.

Meanwhile, Shredder throws advertising leaflet of this Pizza Bake-Off into the sewers. The turtles comes across them, and are enthusiastic about going to this event. Splinter reminds them that Shredder may be ready to strike again and that they should be careful.

April and Irma attend the Pizza Bake-Off. Irma bumps into an old flame(or boyfriend) and tries to ignore him. April meets up with the turtles and agree to put their names into the upcoming raffle for the 3 prize pizza's to be won.

During this event, Baxter has managed to place the "eggs" onto the 3 prize pizza's on the sly. Unbeknownst to him, the pizza maker has a change of schedule and has to replace 2 of the 3 pizza's for a home delivery, and are replaced by 2 "egg-less" ones. Fortunately for the bad guys, Baxter is picked off to call out the winning names. He lies and announces the turtles have won. April picks up the prize pizza's and sends them to the turtles lair. For her help, she is given 1 of the pizzas. And its the one remaining with an "egg"!!

April takes the pizza to Irma's apartment. Irma shoves it into the microwave excitedly. What happens is the cooking energy cracks the "egg" open which reveal a little red alien-looking creature. The red creature causes a stir, eats the pizza and makes Irma faint when she opens the pizza box. April worriedly contacts the turtles who come to their rescue, but the little red creature escapes. They figure out that there are 2 other pizza's out there with the same nasty surprise!

The turtles fly in their Turtle Blimp and spy on Mario, the pizza delivery boy, to see where he is going with the other 2 tampered pizza's. The delivery is to 2 rich spoiled brat kids in a penthouse suite. The turtles aren't quick enough to stop the pizza's going into the microwave and the eggs being activated. However, when they get there the 2 little red creatures are too zippy and agile for them and they escape and venture into the sewers. The 2 little red creatures joins up with the one seen earlier in the sewers. They dive into the underground stream water and they enlarge in size, mutating themselves into these petrifying-looking, grotesque, yellow monsters.

Will the turtles crime-fighting careers end, all due to their weakness to pizza? Krang's plan would've never worked if the turtles weren't so drawn to pizza. Or will it be another most EGGcellent victory for the TMNT, Splinter & April?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: A generally well done episode. However, it gets off to a rough start when Krang finally helps Shredder and Baxter. They could of showed Krang and Shredder still in verbal conflict with each other, to show how much Shredder has struggled in the recent past without the help of Krang's advanced technology. It feels like if Shredder fails, he won't give him many more throws of the dice at the turtles. On the contrary the number of times Krang gives aid to Shredder's cause seem limitless as loads more episodes were made in this vain.

The intro to the turtles lair is good and has originally thought-up ideas, like the spinning training dummy connected to the washing machine for practice. At the Pizza Bake-Off event, there's some good witty dialogue between April and Irma as they talk about Irma's ex-boyfriend. When Baxter Stockman interferes at the event, and slaps on the eggs, the editing is sluggish, but a satisfactory choice of music that has dark and gloomy ambience to it.

Up next is the "flinging" match, between the turtles and Shredder at the pizza restuarant kitchen. It is very slapstick, which is a vivid change in combat from the previous season. The violence was toned down as early as this, but Michaelangelo's Ninchukas are still used.They fling pizza's and dough at each other. It's one of the better quality parts anyway.

The egg cracking open in Irma's microwave is an important highlight of the episode, and the editing doesn't let it down. The little red creature just looks too similar to the aliens of the Aliens movie franchise. I'm guessing this episode was made during the time the "Aliens" movie was released in cinema's.

The episode quality becomes more consistent and stronger, by the point when the turtles, April and her news team are on the chase for the 3 little red creatures. Irma gets her second aquaintance with the little red creature, and comes out with a funny line, "what is this? Creatures 2 the sequel? A connotation to the second "Aliens" movie i'm not sure. The transformation of the creature into giant things underwater is very well done. Very good humour also props up from Rocksteady when he sees the large hideous creatures on the Technodrome's monitor, who has very little to do with this episode, "Bebop, (it) looks like one of your old girlfriends....only prettier!"

The final fight gives good twists in the story as well as solid action. This involves Baxter and Shredder losing their controls for the creatures and are now on the same side as the turtles, but not for long of course. Also, Michaelangelo gives it a good shot and fires a laser or beam at the creature, which does not have the desired effects. Baxter is the funniest in this scene as he falls over his paper, already struggling to run away from the fearless creatures, and the way his voice lingers as he falls. He's funny a second time when they make their getaway, and he copies Shredder's warning of "yes, there will be others!" (meaning there will be other days to stop the turtles. The ep ends quite charmingly, as the innocent-looking Michaelangelo gets confused on which eggs are the dangerous Dimension X ones. This is one of the more memorable episodes.


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