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Cry H.A.V.O.C (Episode 174) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: In the middle of trying to evade a robbery of a jewelry shop by 3 masked thieves, they discover themselves the ones getting arrested! However, these other mutants emerge and rescue their fellow species. They are called Amok and Overdrive.

Elsewhere, Burne Thompson reports on the alarming record of people going missing in the city. He has a hunch that the turtles are behind these "vanishings".

As the turtles scuttle away from the cops, they come across another breaking of the law taking place at the Historical Museum. They fend off the 2 thieves, but then Michaelangelo slides off the roof, but luckily gets saved by another mutant named Raptor.

In the streets, the turtles are more formally introduced to Raptor, Amok and OverDrive are members of an organization called H.A.V.O.C(Highly Advanced Variety of Creatures) and offer them free invitation to their group.

The turtles go on regardless to the H.A.V.O.C headquarters on the waterfront. As soon as they enter, the H.A.V.O.C leader, Titanus, offers them shelter, away from the humans who discriminate against them.

The turtles reach a serious dilemma, Raphael and Donatello are fed up of being accused as the bad dudes, while Leonardo and Michaelangelo thinks their may be a sinister under-belly to this H.A.V.O.C organization. The turtles split into 2 and go different ways.

Leonardo and Michaelangelo explore the locations of the unknown break-ins happening at science labs in the city. Raphael and Donatello go to H.A.V.O.C headquarters, while Titanus and other followers go to Channel Six to record a pro-mutant rebuttal. Raphael and Donatello soon find out that H.A.V.O.C doesn't protect mutants, it makes mutants!

Meanwhile, Titanus and his gang go to Channel Six with slightly different intentions- they kidnap April and Burne and the building's transmitter. Now Leonardo and Michaelangelo has learned the truth also.

Will this new tirade of various mutants give the turtles hell if they don't agree to join? Will Burne and April be their newest suspects to be experimented on Tintanus' Mutant Generator, becoming one of them? Didn't the turtles realise from the very initials of this organization, H.A.V.O.C, that they were going to be nothing but trouble?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: A decent episode with a new group of villains to pester the turtles, the roly-poly Titanus and his mutant H.A.V.O.C gang. The action at the start is a promising sign for the episode, and turtles talk of more realistic problems of the humans treating them like outcasts and villains. However, after having their first confrontation with 2 of the H.A.V.O.C mutants, they run away from the scene which is edited in scrappy fashion. The 2 H.A.V.O.C mutants are Over-drive, a cheetah-like mutant while Amok looks like...who knows? He dresses like a Viking though.

The execution of our first peek at the H.A.V.O.C Hq scene is not so good. We see that the mutants may be not good guys after all and they are conspicious of this. When the turtle go top-side again and decide on their future, these shots are badly edited. However, it leaves an unlikely, alarming cliffhanger of the chance of the TMNT splitting up as Michaelangelo says it. Leonardo and Michaelangelo don't want anything to with H.A.V.O.C, while Donatello and Raphael are curious and want to go to the Hq. Michaelangelo makes an unfunny potential disadvantage of the turtles splitting up, that the cartoon running time might be "half as long". The episode is in a murky slump here, and it continues as we see Donatello and Raphael doing their nosey at the H.A.V.O.C Hq.

Things reach an up-turn, when Raphael and Donatello reach the mutation chamber, and have a decent tussle with H.A.V.O.C mutants Magma and Seizure. One of the best scenes is when Leonardo and Michaelangelo get trapped in a building fire, thanks to H.A.V.O.C. However, since its a cartoon, Michaelangelo "just happens" to find a potion or chemical that reduces the fire to nothing.

And down we go again in quality. Titanus intro scene where he meets with Raphael and Donatello is clumsy. Now to a funny moment in the episode. Burne is his usual snarling self and calls the H.A.V.O.C mutants "wierdos". On the action front, April makes original use of a crowbar to keep a door open, as she gets in a rut with the H.A.V.O.C mutants.

Over-Drive is one of the most memorable H.A.V.O.C mutants, with his speaking speed being rather fast as he is in movement and that rascal-lish laugh too. Titanus at one point, claims the H.A.V.O.C mutants "are superior to humans in every way". Well maybe not in the looks department! The action involving the turtles, Burne and April is good, Burne being a surprise to the turtles that he is actually helping them. Raphael then makes a funny, saying to one turtle "he already knows the moral of the episode".

The final battle between the turtles and Titanus at the mutation Chamber is well done, and a nice ending to the episode with Burne, for a change being nice to the turtles. However that reality falls through and blames the turtles once again for something. This ending is in part good, but the editing is dodgy to say the least!


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