BRIEF STORYLINE: As normal, Dregg sends out his message warning the citizens of Earth about the "evil" Mutant Turtles, and as usual, the turtles are angered by this.
They become so angry that they mistakenly mutate in daylight hours, in front of other humans, as they face off against the TechnoGangsters. This just proves even more so to the humans, that Dregg was right about the turtles, they are a danger to the public.
At the lair, the turtles go back, and chastise their lack of control over mutating and becoming these hulks. Splinter suggests that because they are unable to control this deep anger, they will now have to "sacrifice more than they can possibly imagine", to find a way to defeat Dregg.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in space, on the Dreggnaught, an alien scout sends the Vortex Crystal to Dregg, which has the power to warp space itself. With this, he will be able to reunite his entire armada, and unleash them on Earth. However, another alien called Doomquest also wants the Vortex Crystal!
Dregg tries to think smart...and fast. Before Doomquest arrives, he tries to use the Vortex Crystal as a "gift" to the Mayor, as a source of unlimited clean energy. However, it's too late, the sky darkens, Doomquest arrives! Along with his ally Draconus, to snatch the Crystal.
Fortunately, the Turtles have been spying on whats happening and manage to get to it first.
Doomquest successfully captures Dregg,and Draconus (aboard his Hover-Chariot) scans the city streets for the Crystal. April hurriedly finds a new mini-cam (which was destroyed earlier in the fire fight), and then the Turtles and Carter try to study the Crystal.
Unluckily for the Turtles, in no time Draconus tracks them down and takes control of the Crystal. However, the odd thing they realise is they are unable to mutate when in the presence of the Vortex Crystal.
On Doomquest's Ship, the Crystal is activated and immedietely, "Dimensional Rifts" are opening up all over the City and releasing alien monsters. Doomquest's plan is to release his world called Darkrealm, which has been trapped in another dimension for hundreds of years.
Can the turtles grab that Vortex Crystal and close all the vortexes before Earth reaches a catastrophic conclusion? Can they also control their mutations before they turn on each other?
TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: It has the hallmarks of a finale, with an even more intimidating villain called Doomquest to hunt down Dregg, and Dregg to be finally exposed as a fraud to the people of Earth, but, this is a very average episode.
The entrance of Doomquest isn't very impressive as the editing is dire, in the scene where Dregg "gives" the Vortex Crystal to the Mayor, and Doomquest lowers from his spaceship. However, one bright spot is the turtles battle with Draconus, where he fights with this alien-looking sword. They give the sword cool sound effects as it clashes with Leonardo's blades.
The next major event to happen, Doomquest summoning the warps with the Vortex Crystal, which unleashes the alien monsters from the sky, is not really captilized as a thrilling event.
One good sticky situation scene is when the some the turtles mutate and start wrestling with each other, while Michaelangelo is trapped in a web caused by an alien monster, which looks like a giant scorpion.
There's not much to write home about, when it comes to the turtles dissappointing action scenes with Doomquest. However, the finish of Doomquest blown through a warp back to Dark Realm, and Carter managing to saw off the Vortex Crystal are solid scenes.
The ending is OK, where the Turtle van is severely wrecked, and Raphael wants to hail a cab to get home, well the nearest man-hole to the lair!