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Enter: Krakus (Episode 176) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: The turtles are studying the military base where the Flux Transformer is guarded. They know that it can shift through time and space, but that still doesn't tell them why Titanus, leader of the H.A.V.O.C organization, wants it for.

Suddenly, they see the device getting positioned into a truck and ready to leave the premises of the base, and the turtles are desperate to know where its going exactly, to prevent Titanus getting his dirty mitts on it. The turtles resort to getting rid of the H.A.V.O.C mutants on the streets, while April follows the army truck. However, a cop from the future appears called Krakus, and thinks the turtles are nothing but criminals as well as H.A.V.O.C, and interrogates them.

Meanwhile, April proceeds to track down the Flux Transformer. After it is unloaded onto a train, and out of nowhere, it's air-lifted by a helicopter.

April contacts the turtle announcing that H.A.V.O.C have stolen the device. To counter this, the turtles decide to break into the Government Computer Center and look for info on the Flux Transmitter to give clues where it might be. Unluckily, the alarms in the Center sound off, and Krakus springs into action, and attempts to arrest them. The turtles overturn Krakus intentions and asks him to confess what he is all about.

Krakus is from the year 2066, and he is after fugitive Titanus, who came from the future too, where he came a hair's length to conquering the world with his mutants. He used the past to evade capture and wants to conquer Earth all over again.

Immediately, April arrives with her mini-cam and records the clash between Krakus and the turtles, until Krakus, is shocked to see her, and confesses that in the future, she save his father's life, and he would never have existed. Krakus soon sees the turtles as the good guys and apologises to them. They go on the hunt for Titanus, and Krakus, humbled by the presence of April, will protect her if anything happens to her

Elsewhere, back at H.A.V.O.C headquarters, Titanus locate the Flux Transformer and sends a posse of mutants to retrieve it, but starts to hesitate over his decision when he hears Krakus is here in the present. So he send one group to take out the time-travelling cop, and gets April kidnapped. Krakus' weapons are destroyed and so is his "time machine".

By the time the turtles and Krakus regroup and invade the H.A.V.O.C headquarters, Titanus has fled the scene. He however, leaves a pre-recorded message, giving an outlay of his plans for both the Flux Transformer and for April.

Can the turtles outsmart H.A.V.O.C without Krakus' armour and advanced technology? Can they rescue April, one of the most important people in Krakus life? What will happen at the end of this TITANIC fued with Titanus?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: Below average episode. It begins in an interesting way, with the turtles spying on the army, moving their latest invention, however the editing is mediocre overall. So is the scene where April tries to follow the train carrying the invention, in her car.

One of the best scenes so far is the entrance of Krakus and the action that unfolds, like Krakus dropping Donatello from high above using his rocket thrusters on his back, and Michaelangelo manages to save the genius turtle. Krakus looks rather much like a rip-off of Robocop.

The turtles using their stealth skills to get into the lab building scene is not very well edited. Nice drama later on, when Krakus almost kills the turtles and his blasts cause parts of building to nearly topple over them. When Krakus finally explains his actions to the turtles, the music has a suitably futuristic feel, as he is a cop from th future, but the editing is bad.

Something has to turn up with great luck to save the turtles skin's from Krakus. It turns up in the form of April, who Krakus says is the person who saved his father's life, and soon Krakus has a change-of-heart on his opinion on the turtles. The episode quality starts to get better, when the mutants break Krakus' suit of armour. We now see Krakus in human form. That doesn't last long though, and the episode takes a surreal turn for the worse, when he mutate into a large hideous mutant to get back at Titanus.

The mutant version of Krakus' fight with the H.A.V.O.C mutants is lacklustre, which takes place in some sort of a welding factory. The finale of the H.A.V.O.C gang is a showdown between the turtles and mutant Krakus versus Titanus the gang leader. The struggle to get rid of Titanus almost reaches panic level nicely, when Krakus' mutant powers wear off and the rotund Titanus falls flat on him. When Titanus is eventually sent back through the portal to prehistoric times, he warns he will come back, but this is the last episode he ever appears in. Also in the ending, we see perhaps an attention-seeking and greedy streak, as she wants to know how famous she becomes in the future by asking Krakus.


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