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Get Shredder! (Episode 171) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: On the police scanner, the turles pick up on a report of an alledged break-in being done by our fav villains Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady.

In the meantime, Krang informs Shredder that the old site of the 1964 World's Fair would make a great hiding place. He believes that the pavillion building might still have technological equipment which staged the Hall of Science. This might give them more weapons to take over the world.

When the turtles reach the break-in site, they make out Krang's Bubble Walker tracks and a brochure for the 1964 World's Fair. The turtles go to the pavilion to intercept Shredder's plans. However, Berserko tries to get rid of them with his laser gun and the building is his territory.

The turtles seize Krang, but then when Berzerko hears of Krang and orders his cyberdrones to capture him. Shredder realizes Krang has gone AWOL, Bebop and Rocksteady, when asked, say they last saw Krang being snatched by the turtles.

Berserko takes his mask off to reveal he is actually Drakus, the original designer of the Technodrome, who Krang turned on and left him for dead. Now Drakus wants revenge.

Berserko's own invention, the annihilator is experiencing a malfunction. He threatens to put Krang inside a heat ray, which would sizzle him to death. Krang feels he has no other choice but to agree.

Meanwhile, Shredder has planted an explosive device in the basement of the Channel Six building and threatens to the turles to rescue Krang or he will blow it up! But April, Irma and Verne are inside! Can the turtles save Krang in time or Channel Six will be no more, and their best employees gone? Will this be a dark day for all of humanity as Berserko gets his way?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: One of the better episodes and new fresh change of direction for this season. The biggest shock, possibly of the whole cartoon, is the Channel Six building getting blown up, but Irma, April, Verne & Burne survive. It seemed it might've been a very sad ending with the turtles thinking they had perished. Good quote from Shredder before building collapses, says "i never bluff" slowly. Also impressive visuals showing Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady making a barrier between the turtles and the Channel Six building. This shows the makers having a new attitude with this darker feel.

The beginning is quite impressive and serious, and we see good action from the turtles dealing with the thieves at the car plant. In a talk, Splinter blindingly states the obvious about Shreddder, that "he won't do it by legal means". The break-in scene with Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady is slick and effective, and there's a big explosion as they leave. That's strange, in past episodes, the big explosions usually happen at the end.

The entrance of Berserko is well done. It gets straight into some action with good choice of music for the confrontation of the turtles and Shredder outside the pavilion.

Krang used to be sitting smugly in his Technodrome while Shredder went out and did all the running about and hassle. Now Krang is just as vulnerable to danger as Shredder. Even more so, when you have no arms or legs, no martial arts, no powers! Berserko, who really is Drakus captures him and he almost sweats to death in a heat ray. Drakus/Beserko has a really effective voice for him(Jim Cummings) which adds great drama. He also has a head similar to Krang but smaller.

Not much humor in this ep. Bebop and Rocksteady aren't as goofy as they were in the last 5 seasons. What is funny is the man on the police scanner calling Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady "3 weirdos"as they make a break-in yet again. April and Irma listen in, and then find the cretins right behind them! Oh my sides are splitting!

When the turtles get inside the pavilion with some justifiable serious music to go with it. The getaway from the pavilion is one of the better parts. Anyway, the turtles see off Beserko/Drakus in typical TMNT fare in the end.

One of the best moments is Burne at the very end going off his nut, blaming the turtles for his beautiful business to be blown to rubble. After so many years dealing with the TMNT, he's never trusted them, sadly, even though they are do-gooders.


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