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H.A.V.O.C in the Streets (Episode 175) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: Titanus of the H.A.V.O.C mutant organization is back again, and sends a couple of his mutant followers to strike at the Aerospace Plant and steal important equipment. However, the turtles are lying in wait.

In the aftermath of the fight between them, the mutants flee and the turtles try to figure out together what they were up to. Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello kind of blame Michaelangelo for the bad mutants getting away.

At H.A.V.O.C headquarters, Titanus reveals he has found his absent Flux Transformer at a heavily guarded military base. This he informs will make the group "masters of time and space travel". However, if he is to be successful in the capture of the device, he believes he must build a Sky Platform and, oh yes, distract the turtles from any knowledge of this, so the mutants can obtain the appropiate elements.

Titanus then unleases a convict from prison(in prison because of the the turtles), and turns him into a mutant with his new name of Synapse, a mutant made of pure energy and electricity, and is assigned to personally destroy the turtles.

At the turtles lair, Donatello switches on his computer to search for details on the Aerospace Plant to find what exactly the mutants were after. However, Synapse suddenly jumps out of the computer screen and attacks the turtles.

Can the turtles defeat Synapse quickly to stamp out Titanus building of the Sky Platform to regain the Flux Transformer? Can Michaelangelo stop goofing around?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: Quite a decent episode. The action strikes right away,as the turtles take on Seizure and Raptor. The whole fight is dissappointing, with the exception of the destruction of the missile, by accident. The storyline does get a boaster, from the other turtles blaming Michaelangelo for the missile mess, "goofing off", in the process. Potential TMNT fall-outs are nearly always a good thing.

Our first scene back at H.A.V.O.C headquarters, and its a thumbs up here. Titanus is telling off the beaten H.A.V.O.C. mutants for failing him, and calls himself the"master of disaster". Yes with his massive weight, he could create a man-made earthquake. Nice editing of the creation of Synapse, the electric mutant, in the mutation chamber. The action and havoc Synapse causes against the turtles is decent overall, and evens adds some humor when he takes control of a TV camera saying "ready for your close-up" to Burne, who is worrying that the mutant will break it.

The scene in the factory where the turtles face being on the losing side, as they get trapped in boxes, is OK. The turtles fight with Synapse goes on for too long though. One of the worser scenes includes finding out Michaleangelo can actually pilot a plane. As we reach the end of another adventure, H.A.V.O.C. are trashed by our heroes in enjoyable fashion, with the end being Hi-Beam accidentally wrecking the machinery around him using his laser-like giant eyes, making a lucky escape for the turtles. It leaves a reasonable ending with Michealangelo learning his lesson of not goofing off.


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