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Hot Rodding Teenagers From Dimension X (Episode 4) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: Inventor Baxter Stockman, the mastermind behing the robot mousers is arrested, and the turtles and April, using their ingenuity, convert Baxter's van to being able to track the wherabouts of the Technodrome. The turtles have turned Baxter's van into their very own "Turtle Van". Back at the Technodrome a gang of Neutrinos in a flying car and 2 stone warriors have came through the portal. The 2 stone warriors are on Shredder's side as he is ally with Krang. However, the 2 stone warrior continue their chase of the Neutrinos.

The turtles and April find out that the Technodrome is underneath the Twin Global Towers. However, they spot the Neutrinos, and curiously follow them in fear they are more of Shredder's henchmen. Krang is embarressed when the 2 stone warriors see him without a body. Krang explains why, and is furious with Shredder letting the Neutrinos through the portal, because they hate war, won't join the army and want people to have fun!

The turtles are glad when the Neutrinos are good guys and have much in common. However, the 2 stone warriors are on their tracks in the "Techno-rover" and smashes the arcade they're hanging about in with missiles, but manages to halt their activity and escape.

The 2 stone warriors have a Plan B, and have fixed a weather satellite, which will create a powerful and damaging storm to the city in 2 hours.

The Neutrinos tell the turtles that a pink brain alien called Krang does exist. Splinter concludes that Krang has been providing Shredder with advanced technology and they must be stopped.

It's now a race of time for the turtles to stop the in-coming acolyptic weather and this time, finish Shredder off for good.

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENT'S: This episode sees the expansion of the TMNT world. More new characters are appearing as we are introduced to the Stone Warriors(Krang’s very own army from his Dimension X), General Traag(head of the Stone Warriors) & the Neutrino’s. Some of those characters appear in later episodes. This is indeed an memorable episode, it’s colourful in the changing of settings of the fights that take place, from the turtles in the streets, in the night sky & Technodrome to Bebop & Rocksteady attacking the Stone Warriors accidentally & the cops shooting out at the 2 Stone Warriors. It’s also colourful literally, with the wacky looking Neutrinos with their loud clothes and 1 sporting a metallic quiff! The Neutrinos look like a 1950s/60s interpretation of what people might dress like in the future. Not that it’s a bad thing.

This can be also seen as another historical episode as the Turtle Van is created by Donatello out of Baxter Stockman’s old van. Bebop & Rocksteady are still at their most serious attitude. Rocksteady issues threatening language to Shredder about not messing up again with the turtles with vigour, and calls him “pal”(this sort of belittles Shredder). This type of mood from Rocksteady is unheard of in the later seasons.

The best moments are some of the funniest moments, perhaps the funniest things you might ever hear and see in the whole cartoon. Krang who is wheeling about on floor is horribly embarrassed when the Stone Warriors see him without his body and hides behind his important paperwork screaming “Don’t look at me!”. Also we see a flash of a mafia don in Krang, when he feels like punching Shredder after the Neutinos escape the Technodrome, “…why I outta..!” There’s also a James Cagney-like impression by Raphael, very funny by TMNT cartoon standards. Other best moments in this episode are the entrance of the Stone Warriors and the TMNT van getting into action. The episode did kind of lose pace nearing the end. A few awkard edits as well. It did have some unique viewpoints such as when we first see the Technodrome, they let you notice just how far down it is by showing a subway train racing past, as the scene drops downwards on the way to Krang’s domain. There’s also some type of close-up scenes which I don’t really see in later seasons. The Turtle Van comes closing in on the picture and then follows through showing the back of the van. This is done again in the episode. However, the episode feels like a filler for the the big showdown with the Turtles and Krang Shredder in the next episode “The Shredder is Splintered”. The Neutrinos and Stone Warriors are like a diversion to the turtles. But it is a very imaginative one.


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