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Michaelangelo Toys Around (Episode 68) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: Michaelangelo, still caught up in the wonder of the world of kid’s toys, wants to go to a toy show, and disguises himself as a toy to get in. Wilbur Weazell, is a top iventor of the Tyler Toys company, has tampered with it’s newest toy “Tyranno-toy” to maim and annihilate. This would overthrow the owner and allow Weazell himself, to become top-dog at the company.

The “Michaelangelo Toy” catches the eye of Mr. Tyler’s spoiled-brat son, Kevin, and gets purchased, bought and taken to the humble Tyler estate. April is also at the toy show, doing the broadcasting for Channel 6 when she gets bemused at seeing Michaelangelo being taken away, and she contacts the turtles, as something is up.

The other 3 turtles come to the toy show to search for the whereabouts of Michaelangelo, and find the spot where April saw him. They bump into the scheming Wilbur Weazell and it all becomes clear, as his treacherous plan for the toys is unveiled to them. Weazell activates the Tyranno-Toys and they want to harm the turtles. To even more of their dismay, they suddenly become caught in a net.

Meanwhile, at the Tyler estate, Michaelangelo and Kevin are getting stress from Weazell’s assistant and try to escape. Unfortunately, Weazell turns up at the estate and activates more toys to disperse of these two.

Wilbur Weazell seems to be winning the battle of two fronts, with the 3 turtles at the toy show, and with Michaelangelo and Kevin at the Tyler Estate, and may very well get away with it and rule the Tyler Toys company, which is what he wants. Will the turtles manage to evade the attack of the Tyranno-toys and Weazell’s assistants and stop this man hungry for power?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: Reasonable, for an episode without it’s main villains Krang and Shredder. A toy- themed adventure where, like something out of the film “Toys”, Michaelangelo leads an army of toys to attack Weazell’s tyranno toys. However, a rather predictable storyline such as the victimized toy boss’ spoiled brat son Kevin, making friends with Michaelangelo. And the bad guy’s (Weazell) considerably small-time plan to ONLY take over a toy company (most bad guys in this cartoon want to take over the world) leaves him destined for a one episode appearance. Not you’re epic episode, but decent action none the least.

The best snippets to treasure from this episode are April’s news report from the toy convention, giving good outline of what it’s all about using pictures of different toys on show, the “purchased” Michaelangelo (posing as a toy) getting taken to the Tyler estate and placed among the other toys, the other 3 turtles surprising Wilbur Weazell and his assistants, Michaelangelo and Kevin attacking the 2 assistants at the estate and running away to avoid capture, the other turtles chase sequence with Weazell and not much complaints about the final fight, which is satisfactory. There’s also a nice bit of irony when Raphael say’s Weazell’s name sounds like a cartoon character, and the turtles all announcing simultaneously “the scenic sewer route” in how they will get into the toy show.

The episode’s no stranger to bad moments. The idea of Michaelangelo’s depiction of a toy maker and trying to disguise at one is pretty lame but funny as you see him in a big bushy moustache. There’s also the tiresome ranting of Weazell huffing over people calling him “weasel”. This happens too many times. Kevin, when he’s acting snooty to Michaelangelo isn’t well done. The ending is rather too soppy, with Donatello shedding a tear about it being a happy ending, and the false statement he makes “I always cry at happy endings”. Well, the other 192 episodes say you’re wrong Donny.


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