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Mobsters From Dimension X (Episode 192) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: The episode begins when a Dr. Alvin Huxley is showing off his brand new invention called the Protein Computer. The computer is so advanced it can think as fast as the human mind, but it can also be controlled by the human brain impressively. He demonstrates this by connecting his brain to the computer and is able to control the whole city's traffic signals and underground transport system.

Meanwhile, the turtles are watching the very same demonstration from the roof above. Frighteningly, a group of gangsters run into the lecture hall and try to seize the professor. Luckily, the turtles chase the gangsters away who don't steal anything.

The gangsters return to their hideout, and they have a boss called the Globfather. He doesn't look human at all, infact, he is a large slimy, disgusting looking amoeba who wears a smart suit and Fedora hat. In his temper, the Globfather slimes the ringleader for not getting the Protein Computer. The ringleader then disturbingly turns into a puddle of slime on the floor!

The Globfather is from another planet and wants the Protein Computer as someone, somewhere he knows, wants to pay alot of money for it.

The gangsters attempt to steal it again, and go to the Professor's lab. He has a son named Ronnie, and he is currently playing around with his radio controlled car. The gangsters disguise themselves as guards, and fool the Professor that they are escorting him to a safe place from kidnap. However, we're dealing with a genius here, and he finds out that this is not right and they are liars. Hurriedly, the Professor stashes his Protein Computer's central brain inside Ronnie's toy car, which goes in the kid's backpack.

The turtles turn up again and fight the gangsters. They believe they have the Globfather surrounded, but he transforms into liquid form as slime, and escapes down the drain. Ronnie is distressed by the kidnapping of his father and runs away with his backpack in fear of his own life.

The Globfather and his mobsters discover Ronnie really is the one who has the central brain of the Protein Computer, can the turtles stop this criminal gang using SLIMY underhand tactics? Can Professor Huxley be saved in the nick of time? Also, who is the person who wants to buy the Protein Computer from the Globfather? Surely someone evil, yes?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: A half-decent episode. It gets off to a bad start, but gets better when the turtles are in the lair wondering who is behind the failed robbery of the Protein Computer. Also our first viewing of the Globfather is also a well done scene.

Humour is abound from Raphael's mouth when they come across a strange moving, talking puddle of slime, comparing it to something the busboy forgot to mop up.

A good variety of action in this episode featuring, army soldiers shooting their blasters at the Professor's labs to the hand combat of the turtles and the Globfather's unique style of making someone immobile, when covered in ooze. However, these scenes are dissappointingly edited.

The Globfather comes across well with his tough-guy voice and menacing nature to the kidnapped Professor Huxley. The car chase scene is patchy but the cool part is when the Globfather can simply sink through the car's air vent in slime form, and merging as a hand from the inside of a building's drainpipe, grabbing Ronnie.

There is really no surprise when we find out Dregg is behind all this mayhem, and is the one who wants to pay the Globfather for his services of getting the Protein Computer for him. Dregg was mentioned earlier by the turtles in the lair as they guessed who was behind these latest crimes.

A good addition to the storyline that the Computer can control any weapons, including the turtles very own weapons in the Turtle Van. However, this could've been further exaggerated, for example, controlling a nation's nuclear weapons.

When Dregg finally appears, he does make for a threatening presence indeed, with his glowing red eyes, and proclaiming to world leaders, of their in-coming downfall. The final fight makes not a great impact, with rough editing, and the Globfather is simply sucked into a hoover. This was the Globfather's only episode appearance in the cartoon. It's a lousy weak ending, as Michaelangelo trips on Ronnie's toy car, that saved the day, and the rest of gang's laughter predictably follows.


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