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Shredder Is Splintered (Episode 5) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: People are telling the news of sightings of the turtles, and April is upset that the turtles are her story. The turtles reassure her that she will get their full story.

Meanwhile, with the danger of the Shredder and his technodrome, Splinter wants him to be finished for good. Shredder surprises the turles by getting on TV, and shows off an advanced gun called a "Retro-mutagen Ray Generator" which could turn Splinter back to a human. Shredder encourages the turtles to come and get it. Splinter decides to go by himself in search of the gun, as it could have disastrous consequences for the turtles.

The turtles Nutrino speeder has car problems, and Donatello is going to whip up another form of transport using it's weapons. Suddenly, Bebop and Rocksteady attack Splinter and the turtles but are beaten.

Back at the technodrome, Shredder finally builds Krang's new body to his delight, and brings the body to life using electrical gizmos. The turtles reach the outside of the Technodrome, but are attacked by Shredder's Foot Clan. Splnter gets into the technodrome but gets caught in trap by Shredder and a battle commences. Krang is about to open a portal to Dimension X to let in General Traag and his Rock soldiers to conquer Earth. Krang then uses his Molecular Amplification Unit to enlarge his body to Godzilla-like proportions, and smash up into the surface and causes carnage in New York.

How are the turtles going to get out of this mess?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENT'S: The season comes to a real climax, and it doesn't fail, with some of the best fights of the season featured here.

Bebop & Rocksteady takes a lunge at the turtles in the New York streets in possibly one of their best fights with the turtles. There's memorable and indeed original sayings from Shredder's henchmen like Rocksteady's "eat electric death, turtles", while firing a laser gun. They really made advantage of their larger strength against the turtles. They were also portrayed as a real match for the turtles. A brilliant ending to the fight when Bebop & Rocksteady become trapped and pop their eyes at the on-coming cement mixture going all over them.

One of the best scenes is definetely when Krang finally gets his new body, and the music works so well when he awakes in his android body like Frankenstein.

This episode was very good most times with editing between major scenes. It's the closeness of the turtles and Splinter thats highlighted, showing how much Splinter cares for the turtles. He sacrifices the chance of using the Retro-mutagen gun to turn him back to a human, by blowing it to pieces with his walking stick, just about the time, Shredder is going to turn the turtles back to ordinary, helpless ones.

That is another one of the best scenes, where Shredder says with vengeance "tonight, i dine on turtle soup!", which is one of the most famous quotes from the whole cartoon. There was also some entertaining dialogue between April and her boss Burne Thompson, which was edited very well.

There was also 1 or 2 interesting close-ups of Burne, which i haven't really seen in the cartoon before, such as a close-up of Burne's mouth at one point. This episode had a bit of emphasis on face close-ups, like most of the rest of the season, and was a little more innovative for it.

The episode and the 87 Season did seem to be a little more adventurous with it's viewpoints. But lets save that for the 87 Season Overview.


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