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State of Shock (Episode 173) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: The turtles lay the smackdown on an unknown bunch of ninjas at the Emeryville Power Station, and they decode a map that they unhanded from the theives who were obviously up to no good. Untriumphiantly, they can only make out the words "EMERYVILLE" and "GREEN POWER" on the map.

On the other side of town, Vernon at Channel Six News repeatedly report that it is those "wretched" turtles who are to blame for the ninja-themed crimes happening all over the city.

The turtles are beginning to look down on their luck when a Colonel Wesley Knight of the US armed forces, along with his elite guards hunt them down, precisely what they've been told to do. The turtles manage to escape, and on the way out of the sewers, they see a company called "Dark Water" branded on Colonel Knight's hi-tech equipment.

April finds out about this company "Dark Water" for the turtles. She discovers that it's a top secret organisation, that trains top military professionals and designing hi-tech machinery. The turtles want more answers about this company from April's help, while they go and seek for these ninja thieves causing all the recent crime in the city.

The turtles track down the ninjas to an abandoned aircraft hangar and observe their strange leader, who calls himself Megavolt. The turtles hope to crash the party and finish this whole crime gang off, but they realize Megavolt is too powerful, and so try to allign themselves with him become a member of their gang. He accepts!

So the turtles and Megavolt's ninjas work together to break into the D W Furniture store. They find out the back room there is an unsecured technological lab that is holding a highly concentrated form of energy.

Of course, the turtles hate what they are doing, but they know that this is the way to figure out what Megavolt is up to.

However, they get caught in the act for playing the bad guys by Colonel Knight and his troops. A case of really bad timing! Is this the end for the turtles, who are to be interrogated by Wesley Knight, their best friend April thinks they the crooks now and Megavolt is destroying the city in his new form of an robotic giant insect? Could the turtles now be thrown in the slammer and their reputation and lives in ruins?!

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: A very consistent episode. Action takes hold right away here, between the Turtles and these mystery ninjas at the Emeryville Power Station, and it's tasteful to watch.

When Colonel Wesley Knight found the turtles in the sewers with his elite guards, it's unknown how he managed to find them. However, gone are the days it seems, when the turtles felt safe in the sewers, especially in their lair. They get into an even more sticky end with these guys when being forced to do bad for the Megavolt's ninja's and they get interrogated by Knight.

So it's a solid episode from beginning to end. However, it isn't the most interesting of episodes. Megavolt, looks like a Transformer reject, and his opening sequence isn't too impressive either. However, it's cool and original that his electric rays can turn into axes and spears. It's a good storyline to see the turtles having to play bad but the editing of that isn't too sweet.

This is one of the most surreal episodes, mainly because Megavolt, who is human but deformed, wants to transform in something bigger and gives him armour. For no explaination, the transformation form turns turns him into a walking bug, like a mantis or a cricket and a giant too, terrorizes the city which looks something like a horror B-movie flick.

The ending ends up being rather unspectacular despite a more enhanced threat to the turtles from the humans.

At the end, Wesley Knight of the US armed forces, has a feeling he will meet the turtles again. He doesn't...he never appeared in another episode.


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