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The Big Blow Out (Episode 65) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: The Technodrome comes back to the surface out of nowhere very quickly after they seemed finished to the great surprise of the turtles and April. The Technodrome then tries to blast April’s news van to smithereens but they luckily escape.

Splinter and the turtles track the destructive and vicious path of the Technodrome to a power plant where Krang steals a giant dish antenna which gives him even more power added to the fact that the Technodrome is on full power! Using the antenna Krang wants to drain the Earth’s energy and send it to Dimension X, meaning the Earth will become extinct, no more! The Turtles try to electrocute the awesome fortress, but doesn’t work. Splinter smuggles himself into the Technodrome to face his long-time foe Shredder. Shredder knows this could be the decisive end of Splinter’s life and world domination.

The turtles are facing their darkest hour as the Technodrome is freely roaming New York and causing serious decimation. After a long struggle, straggling seemingly forever at Earth’s core, Krang and Shredder are facing their finest hour. How will the turtles stop the Earth getting pulled into Dimension X, where General Traag and his Rock Soldiers are lying in wait to destroy it?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENT’S: One of the most impressive turtle episodes with a high quality sustained throughout. It goes at a hectic pace as it’s so alarming that the Technodrome is causing misery on Earth. Most of the episode quality is very strong but it does droop over halfway, but reaches it’s peak at the end. It has a compelling cliff-hanger where you think, is it all over for Shredder & Krang after their Technodrome is destroyed accidentely by General Traag’s Rock soldiers? You do know that they are still alive though. Will there be another season? (what you may be thinking at the time of 89/90).

There are plenty of really good scenes and the best include, Shredder, Krang’s, Bebop & Rocksteady’s dialogue inside the Technodrome near the start, Vernon’s news report and April getting annoyed about it, The Technodrome successfully getting the satellite antenna, the turtles giving the Rockmore mountain their own touch, the Technodrome using the twin towers to build a portal to Dimension X, the turtles fight with Bebop & Rocksteady giving the a “walk down memory lane” which is quite funny and the Technodrome getting missiled into Dimension X then absolutely wrecked and the reaction of Shredder, Krang, Bebop & Rocksteady. Another great moment is where Shredder, after fighting Splinter and losing his rag with the Technodrome controls and swearing he must destroy the turtles and Splinter for humiliating him.

The physical conflict between Shredder and Splinter could’ve been better. The scene where Shredder falls to what looks like at first, to his death, does remind you of “Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back” eerily. Also the entrance of the army isn’t too well done.

The last episode of Season 89 doesn’t disappoint and could be the best of the season It seems the makers have really turned on the style when it matters most. It’s nothing like the particularly goofy episodes in some of the 89 season and the bad guys are more serious than usual, especially Shredder. Very well done!


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