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The Irish Jig is Up (Episode 150) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: Krang and Shredder choose the country of Ireland as their new base for the Technodrome. They have a new device called the Rainbow Trans-Charmer, which can turn harmless creatures like sheep and rabbits into the fiercest monsters imaginable.

Meanwhile, the turtles and Splinter just happening to be vacationing in Ireland. They are suddenly attacked by monster sheep but survive, and then track down Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady to Dublin Zoo. The villains see this as a great place to use more of the Rainbow Trans-Charmer. April is in Ireland too, and is cornered by monster animals at the petting zoo, but the turtles get there and save her. Krang then has a new plan, raise the Irish castle the turtles are staying in from the ground, and send it to Dimension X!

Will the turtles put on their usual heroic's as they are about to be left for bait for Krang and Shredder in Dimension X? Maybe they have run out of good luck charms this time? Who knows!?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: Another more-bad-than-good episode, but with it's moments. Obviously it was going to have some stereotypical views of Ireland like the mention of Leprechauns (however, no leprechauns were featured in it). One surprising thing is we don't hear from any Irish people, so no Irish accents are heard, which is a shame as the Irish accent has proved entertaining in a past episode of this cartoon (Go see the Irish cop in the episode "The Big Boldini" from 1989 season).

The turtles and Splinter wear some really odd costumes at the start, well more specifically Splinter's, who just looks silly with a big grey beard and top hat. The turtles wear sunglasses and Hawaii shirts.

The long action scene of the big mutant sheep stampede is surprisingly good and not boring. This brings a funny situation where Bebop and Rocksteady are shrunk to kid's size by the Rainbow Trans-Charmer device (and how does the device "charm"?) and they become the nicest of people with the same childish attitude. They become so nice, they rub shoulders with the turtles and April and are absolutely harmless now, and she takes them to the zoo. So much, that Raphael jokes "i hope it doesn't become one of those warm and fuzzy episodes!".

Its a good storyline but nothing much to it, and patchy actions scenes like the turtles fighting with the giant bunny, however, some good viewpoints of the turtles rolling in between the bunny's legs.

The big finale revolves around a large Dublin castle, which is to get lifted by a monster that we don't see with large tentacles. It's badly edited, and it's the weakest part of the storyline. One major fault is when Michaelangelo is turned giant by the Rainbow Trans-Charger, and the turtles convey how big and heavy he is, but you can't tell if he's got bigger until later on. You can only tell from the deeper voice Michaelangelo has, which is very amusing to listen to. The ending i feel is very weak and too simplistic, as Michaelangelo, still at the same castle scene, just turns back to normal size using the Rainbow Trans-Charmer device and says "I may be lean, but i'm still green!".


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