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The Lost Queen of Atlantis (Episode 152) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: April, Irma and Vernon visit the city of Athens and April comes across someone who gives her a strange necklace. April begins to act funny, and starts to behave like a stuck-up queen!

Meanwhile, Krang has asked Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady to go find a valuable power source in Greece. They find out the necklace is just what they need!

The turtles, also happen to be in Greece. The bump into a gang of Greek who believe in the ancient lost city of Atlantis. They too, need the necklace to activate the re-birth of their lost-but-not-forgotten Queen of Atlantis.

The turtles save April, and the necklace, which is a medallion, they investigate the origins of this item. However, April is taken under the Atlantis people's control, and is being coronated as the Queen of Atlantis.

What dangers can lie if the hypnotized April lifts the city of Atlantis out of the Aegean Ocean? Can the turtles get there in time, without the annoyance of Shredder?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: A just plain bad episode, with some bad puns and attempts at humor and laughable action scenes. The start is a bit bonkers with the turtles pretending to be statues in front of tourists in Athens.

The first scene involving Shredder and Krang is funny, with Krang's viewpoint on this latest plot, where not only he can find a power source for the Technodrome, but can also destroy the turtles in the same place in Athens, 2 for the price of 1!

The turtles fighting the Atlantis cult members for the first time, is dissapointing and it's slow and hesitant, making it look laughable.

Good humour for once from Raphael. The turtles almost plummet to deaths, but they hang on to the edge and climb over Raphael to get back to the top. "I'm nice to you, and ya walk all over me!".

The next major action scene is also dissappointing. The turtles fight the Atlantis cult in it's underground temple, that involves the flying horses, that were initially statues.

Irma makes a funny when herself and Vernon getting captured by the Atlantis cult, and jokes to Vernon that we're getting sacrificed, not going to the Baseball. The final action scene, although the image of the city of Atlantis rising from the Ocean with a deep sea monster resting on top is a memorable one, but the action is terribly edited.

Rocksteady, beaten and having failed again, along with Shredder and Bebop, comes out with uncharacteristically smart humour, saying "I hate it when we can't think of a clever exit line!". The ending is underwhelming, as April fools the turtles she is hypnotized into thinking she is the Queen of Atlantis again.


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