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The New Mutation (Episode 182) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: Another battle draws on with Dregg's Techno Gangsters and the turtles return to their lair with their friend Carter. Dregg is now allied with the Earth's crime-stopping forces. The turtles scarcely avoid being arrested.

The turtles and Carter are tired of this reality, of Dregg fooling the humans into thinking he is the answer to their problems. They try to face up to Dregg head-on and get rid of the alien, but they find it harder than once thought. The turtles are videotaped when they transform into their new forms, and Dregg makes the world believe these creature are sinister and evil.

Wittnessed by no-one, an alien known as the Slorr broke free from its incubator and has gone missing. Carter is focusing his attention on tweaking his Wrist Ray at the moment, while the turtles reach the mountain site of Dregg's new headquarters: The Citadel. An attack is unleashed onto the turtles swiftly, which leads to them mutating into their Super Turtle forms. Dregg sends the Replicon, who is a robotic soldier. The turtles mutations are highly unstable during the battle. What causes more problems for the turtles, is the Replicon divides itself into duplicates.

April's duty in this episode is to contact Carter after sighting the Slorr which is a giant slug-like creature invading the Northside Mall. Can Carter get his Wrist Ray working in time to vanquish the slippery slug? Are the turtles able to keep concentrating on destroying Dregg's Citadel HQ with the distraction of their unstable mutations?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: Dissappointing episode. The action starts unstartingly well, when the TMNT attack the Techno gangsters, until there's the surprise twist of the police/security arriving, ordered to arrest the turtles, where they had momentarily forgotton about Dregg's alliance with the humans.

When the turtles turn up to their lair, the only interesting piece of storyline is Raphael's wanting of gun blasters which causes a conflict with Leonardo's ideas, as they should never use these weapons, as its against the rules of their martial arts.

Eventually we do see the odd sight of Raphael using a blaster gun against the Techno Gangsters, or "doing things the easy way", you might say. An uninspiring fight prevails, and thats when the dreaded Slorr escapes unnoticed. For those who don't know, it is like a big green slug with a somewhat silly, comical face. It's a larger-than -life pest.

A real dilemma begins when the turtles mutate into their monster forms continuing from the last episode as they fight off a gang. Its one of the better moments, as these unstable mutations are really worrying the turtles, as they could become unpredictable. Meanwhile, the baddies Hi-Tech and Dregg have their usual exchange of evil but humourless words of scheming, at the Citadel. Cue more humour from Raphael, as the TMNT approach the Citadel, describing it as a place where Count Dracula would live in. Later on we see Raphael and Leonardo squabbling over whether to use their muscle to break down the Citadel doors or use their wits. This is much reminiscent of the verbal conflict between the 2 turtles in the comic and the first TMNT movie.

The turtles battle with the robot warrior Replicon is neither impressive or memorable. It's not the first thing you would picture in your mind of a robot warrior, considering it's small size.

What does make for an intriquing deficit for the hulk turtles, is they can't handle the pellets with care, as their hands are so big and clumsy. The Slorr behaves very much like a Gremlin as it eats and it gets bigger, and all this accumulates to the final fight, which is a meagre one. The most impressive part is Dregg's short-lived HQ the Citadel collapsing. The ending is amusing with Raphael and Carter seeing the bright side of things with their unstable mutations, quarelling over who is the coolest looking mutant. Raphael rips Carter in the way he knows he can, with his rude funny remarks, making fun of Carter's mutant's mohawk haircut.


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