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The Power of Three (Episode 189) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: We first see the dreaded Dreggnaut is orbitting Earth. Mung tells Dregg an interesting story of having met Shredder and Krang, who have had a lot of experience fighting the turtles in the past. Shredder told Mung unreliably, that he had destroyed the turtles with a miniaturization ray.

Meanwhile, back at the lair, Donatello fires a his latest ray at Carter which free him of the burden of these mutations. Carter says his farewell to the gang.

Dregg and Mung begin the mechanics of the Vortex Transporter and cause a blackout all the city. This brings Shredder and Krang to them, to become allies that could make an unstoppable team!

The blackout causes great havoc and stress all over the city. This also causes floods, which the turtles and Splinter get caught up in.

Dregg and Mung think they can control and rule over Shredder and Krang, and become like obedient minions. On the contrary, Shredder and Krang want to get rid of the turtles, but doing it THEIR WAY, and want to conquer the planet with them as the supreme leaders.

April is locked in a traffic jam, when Shredder and Krang just happen to climb into her car! However, she manages to contact the turtles on her Turtle Comm. The turtles grab a taxi to get to April's help, but more trouble ahead, as Mung's shuttle craft is tailing April's cab too!

All of a sudden, the turtles are transferred to Dregg's power plant thanks to the Vortex Transporter.

Then the turtles engage in a most important fight with Dregg and his bat-men, failure to dispose of Dregg could mean, with Dregg's vast advanced technology, he can sap and be given their energy and skills, as well as having the same brainpower as them, so it could be nigh-impossible to beat him!

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: I'll give quite a good applause for this episode(clap,clap). An imaginative start when the turtles seem to be in alien world and they are avoiding all these obstacles, and you're wondering what's going on. End up, it's only Michaelangelo having a nightmare. Good editing.

Then we see Dregg and Mung have a little converse at a dinner table. It one of the pair's better moments. Better than any Dregg-Hi-Tech(previous Dregg bootlicker) moment. Finally, SHREDDER AND KRANG ARE BACK! Yes after quite a long unfamilar absence. They fisrt appear in Mung's flashback, which is not very well edited. However, it ends with an original viewpoint of Krang's bauble walker foot about to step on the tiny turtles.

The part where Carter says he is leaving to the turtles is shown quite well. Quite a lovely and warm scene as Splinter and co. are sad to seem him go. However, some fans will say Carter should've never have been in cartoon in the first place. I'll make my mind up at the season overview i will do for this season..whenever that will be!

When Carter deals with the train going out of control, with no mutant powers to help him, is efficiently done to satifaction, giving good shots of the train coming to a stop.

The crisis of the blackout around the city could've been done better. Like when April gets stuck in lift and stays remarkably calm. The first confrontation of Shredder,Krang and Dregg, Mung is well done(no Bebop & Rocksteady) with mostly sharp editing.

One of the worst moments is the lousy editing of when the turtles are in water. The animation is different, as it shows the turtles in almost darkness, with only a torch, and gives this kind of horror effect.

The moment when Shredder and Krang refused to work for Dregg, and tried to run away, and attacking the Bat-men, i'm sure some of you long-term fans were cheering on Shredder and Krang to win and get away!

Next we see a fight like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster, Leonardo and Shredder fighting on top of a moving car. Impressive situation. Fast action with Raphael getting saved by Michaelangelo and Donatello inside the cab. The music is used well.

The action remains strong, at the power plant including the turtles throwing Krang & Shredder both into the cab that's on the Vortex Transporter platform. The last quarter of this episode is the best but the episode is overall weak to me.

Michaelangelo makes a funny when the turtles are sealed in the glass caskets. He compares this to something out of a B-movie and doesn't want to go out this way! Good twist of fortunes when Shredder and Krang seem to be winning, and are going to steal Dregg's energy, knowledge and mindpower, until he actually has the remote for the mini-bots, and this turns the tide. At the very end, there's a reference to the very start from Michaelangelo, that's to do with dreams. I think he wishes this was all a dream. This is one of the few episodes to feature a "To be Continued" text. The title of this episode refers to Dregg, Shredder & Krang. Sorry Mung, you ain't a power!


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