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United Oriental Roller Association

U. O. R. A.

A pigeon club par excellence!

Master Breeder Award

This award will be given by the U.O.R.A. You can count all wins for this award from the date the U.O.R.A. was founded (Jan. 22, 1981). The rules that we are proposing to qualify a show for master breeder points are:

1. You must be a member of the U.O.R.A.

2. There must be at least 5 exhibitors, but they have to be members of the U.O.R.A.

3. There must be at least four birds and two exhibitors in a color class in order to receive points. The two exhibitors can not be of the same household.

4. There must be at least 40 birds entered in the show in order to receive master breeder points.

5. All birds must be owned and bred by the exhibitor.

6. All shows must be open to both adults and juniors.

7. You must win any combination of, either Champion, Reserve Champion, or Best Young at least three times.

8. In order to receive the Master Breeder award you must receive a total of 200 points and have bred and shown Oriental Rollers for a minimum of 10 years.

9. You must judge at least one U.O.R.A. sanctioned club show of 40 birds or more.

10. An award must be offered in order to receive points for any of the below categories.


Champion 6 points

Best of Show 5 points

1st Reserve 5 points

Best Young 5 points

2nd Reserve 4 points

Best Old 4 points

Best Old Cock, Hen, Best YC, YH 3 points

Best Opposite Sex 3 points

Best Junior Breeder 1 point

Best of Color Class & Best Sporting 1 point

Judging Points

40 – 75 birds 3 points

76-125 birds 5 points

126 & up 6 points

For a Total of 15 Judging Points Maximum

Rare Breeds Competition

1. Show must have at least 40 Rare Breeds entered

2. Must have at least 3 exhibitors, not being in the same family.


Champion of All Rare Breeds 5 points

1st Reserve of All Rare Breeds 4 points

2nd Reserve of All Rare Breeds 3 points

Best Young 3 points

Best Sporting 3 points

HS or E rating 1 point

3. Plus they still have to meet all other qualifications.



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