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United Oriental Roller Association

Pigeon Club par excellence

President's Message

An Excerpt from U. O. R. A. Bulletin: 2nd Quarter 2008


J. P. Isom

.... About a month or so ago, a friend and I were able to visit with Dale Husband in southern Utah.  It was a nice long visit and it was my opportunity to learn from Dale's years of wisdom regarding his Orientals.  We already knew how he got his start in Oriental Rollers as boy, which were buffs and tuffs.  My question for Dale was how he came into some of the other colors like whites and almonds. 

Dale told me how he started his whites; his best friend Paul Bradford gave him a white Birmingham Roller to cross in, and that was the start f his whites, which he still has today.  In regards to his almonds; Dale has made his almond family three separate times.   First he used an almond Parlor Roller. The second time, Teddy Hull, a long time show Oriental Roller breeding in southern California, gave Dale an Almond Oriental; and the third time, Jim Green (a U. O. R. A. Hall of Famer and long time friend) gave Dale another almond Oriental.  I just thought it was interesting to hear from Dale and how he got started on these colors.  We all have different stories to tell, and I for one would love to hear them.

The Salt Lake Premier Show is coming up on October 31st & November 1st.  So get your birds ready because this is usually the biggest show for our Club.  If you would like to participate but are not able to make it to Salt Lake, you have the option of sending your birds to me and I will make sure that they get to the show.  But better than that, it would be great to meet some of you in person.

I have had some inquiries regarding our club ordering bands next year.  I would like some feedback from members regarding this.  If it's something we all want to do, we need to get some numbers so that we don't order too many.



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