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United Oriental Roller Association

A pigeon club par excellence

Champions birds from the Salt Lake City National Show January 2010


Champion Black O. C. (1,0) # 1129 bred by J. P. Isom

We don't have a picture of the 1st Reserve Champion, Almond O. H. (0,1) #2650
 because the breeder, J. P. Isom, gave her away to another breeder.
(But then, that's the kind of folks we have in our club and that's what makes this a fun group.

2nd Res. Champion O. C , (1,0)  # 1138, bred by J. P. Isom
He's a full brother to the Champion #1129


Res. Champion Black O. C. (1,0) # 540
He is the father to the other two cocks above.


J.P. Isom won Best Opposite Sex with Almond Hen (0,1) # 943, that he also gave away.

Bob Corbett won Best Young with an Almond Y. C. (1,0) #2931


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