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Electronic Voice Phenomena (E.V.P.)
EVP collected at outdoor locations EVP collected at indoor locations
E.V.P. stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena, and is one of the most intreguing aspects of investigations, E.V.P. is supposedley recorded voices of the dead. These voices often seem to interact with the conversation or questions that the investigators ask or are talking about. I often get asked couldn't these be some kind of psychic inpression you the investigator imprint on the tape? well the answer to that is yes they very well could be what our mind wants to hear projected onto the tapein some kind of PK abilities we all poses, however I have done some control experements, by going to places that are not rumored to be haunted and tried to record E.V.P.'s and thought to myself what I would like to hear as a response to the questions I asked only to review the tape and find nothing. So I do believe that these are actually voices of the dead.

E.V.P. recordings have been studied for quite awhile and it is commonly believed that Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a philosopher and writer from Letland first found this phenomena. But it was actually first started in 1959 when a opera singer from Sweden (Friedrich Jürgenson) was recording the sounds of birds and discovered voices that were not there when he had been recording, he keep his discovery a seceret until 1963 when he unleashed his seceret to the world of Parapsychology. And the rest is history. If you would like to check more out about the E.V.P. phenomena click here

The History Of E.V.P.


1928: Thomas Edison worked on equipment he hoped would permit communication with the dead, using a chemical apparatus with potassium permangansate.

1936: Attilz Von Szalay started to experiment with a Pack-Bell record-cutter and player, trying to capture paranormal voices on phonograph records.

1947: Attilz Von Szalay bought a Sears-Roebuck wire recorder and got better quality voices but had technical problems with the wire.

1956: Raymond Bayless joined Attliz Von Szalay in experiments and wrote an article for the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1959.

1959: Friedrich Juergenson, a swedish artist and film producer, went into the woods to record bird songs. On playback, he discovered paranormal voices. After four years (1963) of experimental recording, he called an International press conference to announce to the world what he had discovered, and his book Roesterna Fraen Rymden (Voices from the Universe) appeared the following year in Stockholm.

1964: Attliz Von Szalay got voices of his deceased relatives on tape for the first time.

1965: Dr. Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian psychologist and philosopher, visited Juergenson, concluded that the phenomenon was genuine, and started his own experiments in Bad Krozingen, Germany.

1967: Thomas Edison spoke through West German clairvoyant Sigrun Seuterman, in trance, about his earlier efforts in 1928 to develop equipment for recording voices from the beyond. Edison also made suggestions as to how to modify TV sets and tune them to 740 megahertz to get paranormal effects. (Session recorded on tape by Paul Affolter, Liestal, Switzerland). Franz Seidi, Vienna, developed the "sychophone". Theodore Rudolph developed a goniometer for Raudive's experiments.

1968: Father Leo Schmid, Oeschgen, Switzerland, was assigned a small parish to give him time to experiment with taping voices. His book, Wen Die Toten Reden (When the Dead Speak) was published in 1976, shortly after his death. Raudive published his book Unhoerbares Wird Hoerbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible), based on 72,000 voices he recorded.

1971: Colin Smythe, Ltd. England, published explained English translations of Raudive's book: Breakthrough, an Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Marcello Bacci and co-workers in Grosseto, Italy, made weekly contact with 'spirit' communicators, which still continued in 1988.

1972: Peter Bander, England, wrote Carry on Talking, published in US as Voices From the Tapes: Recordings from the Other World, 1973.

1973: Josephand Michael Lamoreaux, Washington State, had success with recording paranormal voices after reading Raudive's book.

1975: William Addams Welch, Hollywood script writer and playwright, authored Talks With the Dead.

1971: Paul Jones, G.W. Meek and Hans Heckman, Americans, opened a laboratory. First serious research to create a two-way voice communication system far more sophisticated that the equipment used in EVP approach.

1978: William J. O'Neil, using a modified side-band radio, had brief, but evidential contact with an American medical doctor said to have died five years earlier.

1982: G. W. Meek made a trip around the world to distribute tape recordings of 16 excerpts of communications between William J. O'Neil and an American scientist who died 14 years earlier. He also distributed a 100-page technical report giving wiring diagrams, photos, technical data and guidelines for research by others.

1982-88: Hans Otto Koenig, West Germany, develops sophisticated electronic equipment, using extremely low beat frequency oscillators, ultra-violet and infra-red lights, etc.

1985-88: Jules and Maggie Harsh-Fischbach, Luxembourg, develop and operate two electronic systems superior to any of the EVP equipment up to this time.

1980's: Researchers in several countries have pictures of the "dead" appear sporadically on their TV's. There is no control over the appearances of these images.

1985: Klaus Schreiber, West Germany, with technical assistance from Martin Wenzel, begins to get images of dead persons on TV picture tubes, using opto-electronic feedback systems. There is positive identification in many cases by accompanying audio communications, including audio-video contact with Schreiber's two deceased wives. This work is the subject of a documentary TV film and a book by Rainer Hobbe of Radio Luxembourg.

1987: Jules and Maggie Harsh-Fischbach get TV picture sequences of good quality.

1980-81: Manfred Boden, West Germany, obtains unsolicited computer print-outs from 'spirit' communicators.

1984-85: Kenneth Webster, England, receives (via several different computers) 250 communications from a person who lived in the 16th century. Most print-outs are in English text consistent with speech at that point in history, and personal details fully supported by library research. Communications often concurrent with poltergeist-type phenomena. Webster writes book, The Vertical Plane, with extensive photo documentation, 1989.

1987-88: Jules and Maggie Harsh-Fischbach establish sustained computer contact.

1960 through 1970: Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless, Americans, conduct extensive literature research and publish a book, Phone Calls From the Dead, (1979).

1981-83: Manfred Boden has unsolicited contact with communicators of non-human evolution.

1983-Present: Now it is common place for ghost hunters to carry tape recorders with them on every investigation they do. The amount of EVP that has been recorded is phenomenal, but mainstream science has yet to give it the credit it deserves.