Character: Dr. Beverly Crusher
Origin: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Appearances: Novacon '94 (I think)

Comments: This was a store bought blue Trek uniform and a coat that belonged to my mother. My old friend Lauren and I were tearing around in my mom's room looking for something else, but stumbled upon the PERFECT Dr. Crusher jacket instead. So...yup. I had weird ladies walking up to me and asking me where I got it the whooooooooole con ^_~ There is only one picture in existence of me dressed as Dr. Crusher, and this is it. And, in case you couldn't do the math, I was only 13 >_<

Picture Credits: The guy with the Polaroid camera. The first pic also features Lauren as Tasha Yar (that's what we told people, anyway...), Melissa as Jadzia Dax, and me as Bev.
