Character: Takatsuki Shiori, Black Rose Duellist Uniform
Origin: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, ep. 17
Appearances: Katsucon 8

Comments: Here it is! The final version I have to do of Shiori! Go me! I'm a nut! Shiori is my ho! OK...if I may be serious for a, I have to give most of the credit for the jacket to the person I bought it from off ebay ^_^ Yes, you heard me! I was browsing ebay one day and saw that, lo and behold, someone had *actually* made a Shiori jacket and was auctioning it off! I had to buy it purely on PRINCIPLE! And so I did ^_^ Admitedly, it was quite a few sizes too big for me in the body, and the pants that were shipped with the ensemble were about 6 sizes too big for my pathetic little frame ~_~;; And, yet, I now had something to work with! (forget the fact that I've actually had the patterns for the jacket waiting for about TWO YEARS for me to actually make the friggin' thing). So I basically brought in the jacket to fit me snugly in the body and made some other modifications. I noticed that the jacket had been made with a zipper down the front, though most of the duellists actually have double-breasted jackets (they wrap over) I removed the gold buttons, added a faux red stripe down the front to make a pretend lining for the non-existent double-breasted thing, and then replaced the buttons. I also brought in the collar to fit right against my neck and choke me to death, because everything about the jacket was supposed to be form-fitting. I then went out and purchased myself a nice expensive pair of white pants that are ass-tight. I wouldn't have it any other way ^_^ And I actually got to use my Rose Signet! YAY!

Picture Credits: Me, myself, and I. It was like a party in my basement and I was the only one invited!
