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Our Centennial

The purpose of this webpage was to make a reliable and, at the same time, bilingual source of information for FC Barcelona fans worldwide. There are a ton of FC Barcelona sites out there and some of them are rather good, but the main thing that they miss is a reliable news section. Even if you were to find a page with a decent news section in any language, it wouldn't be updated that often. My vision is to make BarcaMania a reliable source of information about the past, present, and future of our club in both English and Spanish. Have I done the job? ;-)


Jan Hviid Hemmingsen - Thanks for always having the time to answer my many HTML questions. Also, a HUGE thanks you for creating the awesome graphics for the website! You're my Programming Mentor, Jan! Thanks for everything!

Robert Duncan Laws - A special "shout-out" to you, Duncan! Thanks for letting me use your laptop! Thanks to you, I have worked on my webpage in places computers aren't allowed to be, he he he, just kiddin'!!!

The Fans - Without you, there wouldn't be a FC Barcelona nor a BarcaMania for that matter. A huge THANK YOU for the fans of FC Barcelona and of this website!!


Disclaimer - This website is not affiliated nor connected to FC Barcelona in any official way. Any views expressed in the website do not necessarily reflect those of Fútbol Club Barcelona. The opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of Julio César Laínez. All the material is edited by the Webmaster (Julio César).


ArrowPic coming soon! ;-)

Name: Julio César Laínez.

Nickname: Julio César, JC, Julius Caesar.

D.O.B.: 29 October 1977.

Home: Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.

Yes, this is me ;-). I became interested in FC Barcelona in the early 90s watching matches on TV here in the US. I enjoyed wathing the beautiful style that Cruyff and his Dream Team employed. The success in the early 90s captivated me, the four League titles in a row and our beloved European Cup against Sampdoria in Wembley in 1992. Thanks for the goal Ronald Koeman!!! I'm responsible for everything you see here, good or bad ;-).


The following people help me, from time to time, on the website's content. If you would like to be part of the webstaff, please send us an e-mail. We need people like you!

Alex Yurievich Zaytzev

Nickname: Alex.
D.O.B.: 10 February 1983.
Home: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

"I started liking Barcelona as soon as I started to like footbal in 1993. Later on, I went to Barcelona and the fans got me more interested in the Club."

Bill Bride

Bill is a special collaborator to the website. He provides the match reviews you see here.


Trademark & Copyright © 1998-1999 BarçaMania. All rights reserved.
Any reproduction, duplication or distribution without the expressed written consent of BarçaMania is strictly prohibited.

[Graphics Design by Pulze Communications © 1999]
